Rules And Regulations Of Role-Anon:

1.  We are putting no limit on the number of characters you may create.  But I am giving a warning that is you are not playing your characters, Brynn or I (I being Trace) will take over your character/s and do with them what we please.

Now, I (I being Brynn) am a realist and I realize that people have stuff to do and places to go, school to attend, kids to take care of... I know there will be times when you can't post much. Just be sure to tell us in an E-mail or a post on the forum.

2.  You must post in third person.  It makes the storyline flow easier.  If we have some in third person and some in first the story wont fit together. 

"spoken words"

3.  You must ask to be invited into someone's story line.  Recently on another role playing game,  we had some confusion because people were putting their characters into others story line.  We want to make this game fun and enjoyable and it isnt if you join their plot uninvited.

4.  We are shooting for a minimum of one post a day because we would like to keep this game moving along.   If you cannot post everyday and would still like to play, I must stress that you post at least four days out of seven. 

5.  You can not, repeat can not, kill off someone's character without permission from that player.  You also cannot play a persons character or npc's without their permission.  I will be upset if I get email's saying someone was playing anothers character. 

6. MSN Messenger is a great client to use for co-posting. Go to
We use MSN fpr three big reasons. It is easier to edit, MSN tells you when someone is typing and it is really easy to co-post with more than one person.

7.  Characters must be original.

8.  Above all else.  HAVE FUN!

Email all complaints to