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 Anthropology, time, space, science, bipedalism and being human.

Anthropology is in a word, the study of people (humankind). That is the basis of this essay, a study of some facets of human beings; more precisely, what it means to be human. It is written from a humanistic point of view with the intention of providing a grounding; a definitive benchmark of a human being. All scientific evidence and assumptions are taken into consideration. None of the known current scientific data is intended to exclusively endorse the analysis that is being presented. All the connotations that are attached to the entity of a human-being is what is being used to support and endorse the stand that is being taken.

 The intention is to relate to the reader some worldly aspects that are often overlooked and to explore in light detail some of the more abstract theologies associated with the existence of humankind. While it may not be the intention of the populace to discard philosophical notions, it does occur as we (the people) busy ourselves around the world and so sometimes some things are left unattended. Take the sheep in the top paddock for example, without their Sheppard it would not be long before they would be bleating at the farm gate wanting to be shorn and shown to a new pasture. We as humans need the assistance of a shepherd too; or a carpenter or a politician or at least someone. We as people need people. We are needed for comfort (both emotionally and physically) needed for conversation, for rest and for recuperation.

The opportunity to rest gives the person the time to reflect; to think of possibilities. Science provides us with possibilities, and with the rapid evolution of science we have flourishing possibilities, alternatives, options and philosophies .Yet to this day there has never been a recorded incident of a Primate bounding out of the trees to come and share dinner with us then stay the night. (This shows us, or at least gives us the opportunity to investigate the possibility that evolution may not be correct). Never has any monkey then become so domesticated that our esteemed evolutionists have proclaimed that the monkey is really evolving. Evolution is a protracted theory and theory alone that lives in the realm of  “possibility”, purely because in life; possibility has a tangible existence. A quote from Richard Dawkins (in Samuel.p.158) acknowledges that even now science has not firmly established the evolutionary theory:-



…”the relative frequency of discrete hereditary particles, or genes each of which was either there or not there in any particular body. Darwinism post-Fisher is called neo- Darwinism. Its digital nature is not an incidental fact that happens to be true of genetic information technology. Digital ness is probably a necessary precondition for Darwinism to work”. (Dawkins.1988) (his italics)



DESIGN (DNA Structure)



The creation or the evolution of mankind is not substantially proven either way so that the establishments associated with the study of the matter can show the interested public the hard evidence as proof. On page 258(Jones), a chart listing of genes is shown which is derived from humans as well as primates. This chart acknowledges and qualifies the fact that humans are a unique in construction right down to the genetic level and beyond. Consider this reasoning. If diversification at the genetic level did occur, how could this possibly have happened due to a need to come down out of the trees and start building houses?. That theory just does not fit the pattern of genetic engineering. A genetic mutation\evolution in (any subject that is sensitive to genetic alteration), in any given place creates a different and now altered subject. If this subject is flesh and blood the alteration creates either disease or dis-formation. Either of these two outcomes have serious repercussions that will not allow the recessive gene or mutation to travel too far along the genetic line.

Therefore the supposed genetic mutation that was said to have changed primates at the specified times could not have occurred. Not only this, but there is no further alterations occurring in man or primate that exists in recorded history to substantiate the claim of evolutionary proceedings. Nor does the theory of survival requirements fit into the scenario, because the act of walking (or any other known human activity) would never be able to exert enough of any type of influencing force; magnetic or electrical or any other; upon base level conceptive genetic activity to create the necessary disruptive force in order to create the required evolutionary divergence. Genetics influence us not the other way around. As an opening line in Friday in Jones states…”All DNA comes from pre-existing DNA”…and further to this; Friday, in Jones.…”In addition, many biologists feel that there is good evidence that DNA sequences do not evolve at what even the optimistic would call a constant rate.

Biological engineers, atomic physicists and micro-observers are all agreeable that their seems to be design in everything, not just random function that exists at the atomic level and beyond. This gives rise to the fact that we (people) are unique; a one off, superior in design, never to be rivaled creation. Expanding on that point opens up a whole galaxy of possibilities on what it means to be human.


TRANSPORT (the Bipedal Hominid)


Martin lists seven major skeletal differences which ensures that we (the Human) are bipedal; these seven are what differentiate us from any other species on earth, these are the ones that create the morphological differences that also distinguish us. The size of the brain and the ability to communicate an infinite amount of knowledge and understanding between each other over a short distance or even a huge distance, are two more exclusive features that display what it means to be human.

This is what it means to be human; we are not bound by instinct to a territory, we are not restricted by diet to eating grass, the beaches are not our surface boundaries. We are freely able to chose which climate we live in. We can travel by more than one means in any direction without internal homing devices controlling our passage. We posses technological communication. The capacity to emote and be emoted. As a being we are barely restricted in any way apart from some rudimentary obligations such as sleeping, eating and reproducing. Apart from that we go freely anywhere and do anything. We are unique within the design, constraints and activities of the universe. We are a unique construction of the universe.


EVOLUTION (Eclipsed Time Frames)


According to evolutionary theory if a family car was driven down the highway long enough and fast enough the car would evolve into an aircraft or some other speeding or weightless thing. This would be statiscally more possible if the doctrine of panpsychism were applied to the beast. Or to put it another way, according to evolution, the evolving human species must have been on earth for two thousand million years slowly “evolving” to become the most advanced ecospecies on earth. This reasoning fits neatly with evolutionary theory because the rocks and the trees and other creatures have not caught up to us, so therefore according to evolutional theory we are the oldest living thing. The dinosaurs have been and gone without evolving into anything. Various other creatures have gone extinct, effectively evolving into ashes and dust. The earth itself is said to be evolving, albeit slowly. And yet here we are; the human being, supposed kin of the primate, the most advanced sophisticate known to ourselves, and with only one other comparative creature or organism in sight that might be used to dispute our reign. We are so far ahead on the evolutionary time scale it is impossible to give or find a sound scientific explanation of how all this has came about.


SOUL (the Brain)


 Another factor that makes us human and sets us apart from our primate comparatives is our brains and all of the capacity of the brain. We have love and compassion. Discernment and reasoning. There are highly intelligent people and there are simple people. These factors (plus a myriad of others) illustrate the immense capacity of the human brain, which is totally unmatched to this day. Contained within this brain is an entity known as the ‘soul’. It is the identifying agent of the mind, body and persona. This ‘soul’ has an immense capacity of its own, none the least of which is rationalism. This is used to discriminate fact from fiction. It is one of many factors of enablement that the human entity uses for clarity of thought and advancement of same. Denying this would be akin to denying the existence of oneself. Plato was one of many that went to great effort to describe and display the presence of the soul. In his writings he spoke of the ‘Form of the Good’; he was able to convey the message of the essence of soul in many ways. One of which was his notion of a divine constructor; and another of the struggle of life, being in constant exertion trying to create divine achievement but never yet, and never quite, attaining it.

Although the presence of this character defining soul is difficult to scientifically locate it must be acknowledged that it is present and worthy of recognition as an intrinsic piece of the human psychological construction. It is a driving force (among other things) that motivates the being to achieve the extraordinary and the phenomenal. It may be possible to say that this soul and its intrinsic components are a guiding force (of a digital nature) derived perhaps from the very paradigms of the universe. Or it may be a receptor for as yet undetermined communications. The array of our psychological makeup; the plethora of mental functions is a defining element of what it means to be human; guaranteeing our survival; perhaps containing a capacity to harbour a divining force that consists of the very fabric of the universe. We are not just in existence as an organism that is on the earth; but the earth is an organism that is there for us. Edward Pols supports the idea of there being a governing force in the universe, he gives a quote and statement:-… there is an ordering power intrinsic to nature that cannot adequately be explained in scientific terms…




The conclusion of this analysis is that our existence is no accident; for being human means that we can direct our energies to do just about anything. We have a soul that is immeasurable, the capacity to do things that no other creature can do or even conceive of, and we “feel” the existence of our exploits. Our exploits range from basic to profound. What it means is that our limitations are equal to the science and scientific boundaries of the universe. This is what it means to be Human.


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Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution.





Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution.



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Mind, Body and Culture