Welcome to the website of one of the newest rock n roll bands to hit the bars in Guelph. Kick Plate is striving to become the premier band in the area and with that goal in mind they give nothing but full attention to the music that they play. Its one thing to play music it's another thing to play it well.

Kick Plate enjoy playing good ole rock n roll and have no problems incorporating new music into the mix. Every other band out there is playing the same old songs over and over again. Kick Plate would like to give a little more of a variety of music for the people to enjoy. So if you see Kick Plate is playing at a bar near you, stop in, we are pretty sure you will enjoy what you hear.

On the left hand side you will find links to pages that will tell every thing you want to know about Kick Plate and maybe a little more.

July 16 2005: We are still looking for a guitar player,so if you can play guitar and can handle some of the lead work as well as back up vocals then feel free to get in touch with us at: werock@rogers.com