Wesley Paik

Development of an Internal Web Site for Project Tracking, Hardware Validation, Circuit Corporation

Unit 8: 2/20/2006 - 2/26/2006


1) Publish site requirements. [Completed]


Major accomplishments: 

After meeting with the stakeholder I have published a document based on our discussions outlining the site requirements, which lists the information that we will provide on the web site.


2) Publish site layout plans. [Completed]


Major accomplishments: 

After meeting with the stakeholder I have publish the site layout plans which provides the general layout of the web site.


3) Gather initial raw data to be used for the site. [Completed]


Major accomplishments:

After meeting with the stakeholder, I have gathered relevant data which can be used for the initial data required to start the web site.



Color choices for background, text.    



The stakeholder provided input for color and style choices to be used.



Navigation bar styles.



After reviewing several different types of navigation bar styles the stakeholder has accepted a simple and functional navigation bar.


1) What helpful feedback did you get in the class (instructor, classmates) and outside the class (user, stakeholder, beneficiary, mentor, expert advisor, others)? What did you learn from this feedback?


I was able to get some feedback from individuals who are not related to the project and was able to fine tune the appearance of the web site and improve the navigation.


2) What resources did you use this week (e.g., people, money, equipment, systems, or software)? Did you add new resources? What was your learning?


This week I utilized people, the Internet, and the Microsoft Front Page software as resources in the continual construction of my project.  I have learned to avoid the desire to build an extravagant web site and to focus on a clear, simple and informative website instead.


3) What research did you perform this week that was assisting and/or literature based? What is your findings/learning?


My research question for this week was focused on finding the right style to be used for web site presentation.


Research Question:

What makes a great web site?








Great web sites have the power to keep and retain visitors.  A great web site doesn't rely on flashy graphics, but instead relies on fundamental traits.


Web Sites should include credible, original content which is valuable and timely.  The information should be targeted to your web site viewers.


A web site should be well thought out and show consistency.  A web site should have the same look and feel throughout the entire site.  Navigation should be clear and consistent from page to page and typically should reside in the top or left areas of the layout.


A web designer should stick with standard HTML and avoid developing pages that are proprietary page layouts specific to Netscape or Explorer. 


Common pitfalls can be broken links, spelling and grammar, and the mistake of not having titles on the web pages.


Poor web design can result in a site that is difficult to use. 


4) What did you learn this week in general in producing your project?


I learned that more time should be spent in designing the layout and functionality of the web site than relying on flashy graphics or pictures. I was concerned that I may need to invest some time into learning how to create flash programs, but I now understand that there are more important aspects to worry about prior to graphics.



1) What went well this week? What didn’t?


- This week I was able to accomplish all scheduled tasks successfully.


2) How well did you stick to your project schedule?


- I performed all scheduled tasks.


3) How prepared are you to conclude your project in Unit 10 as required in this course?


- I am fully prepared at this time to conclude the project according to plan.


4) How likely is it that you will need to resort to your contingency plan?


- Everything is going according to plan.



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