Wesley Paik

Development of an Internal Web Site for Project Tracking, Hardware Validation, Circuit Corporation

Unit 9: 02/27/2006 - 03/05/2006


1) Provide the prototype site [Completed]


Major accomplishments: 

Distributed the URL to the shareholder and other team members.


2) Get feedback on look and feel. [Completed]


Major accomplishments:

Collected feedback from shareholder and team members.


3) Compare and check requirements. [Completed]


Major accomplishments:

Reviewed requirements to ensure that my project was on track.


4) Revise and finalize design based on feedback. [Completed]


Major accomplishments:

Updated web site based on feedback received.  Colors have been changed a few times.  Some sections have been modified to enable the reader to have a clearer view of the information, based on user feedback. 




On my desktop system some of the colors appeared to be good choices, but on some of the users monitors have trouble distinguishing different colors.  Since I use color to display indicators it was vital that the users can distinguish between colored indicators.



I had to rethink my color scheme and choose a different and more contrasting set of colors for the graphical indicators.



I have a web page devoted to the tracking of infrastructure issues and a user suggested that it was difficult for them to understand what the issues were and what was being done about it.



I revised the issue tracking page to have more fields to communicate more information.  The new fields added are, impact, owner, submission date, current status, and a field for closure date.



1) What helpful feedback did you get in the class (instructor, classmates) and outside the class (user, stakeholder, beneficiary, mentor, expert advisor, others)? What did you learn from this feedback?


I've learned that I cannot rely solely on my own opinions and views.  I was certain that my color scheme for indicators was very good and spent a good amount of time on it only to find that I needed to change it and start over.  I also felt that the issue tracking page was very self explanatory, but after getting feedback it is pretty clear that there was more to be desired.


Overall, I have learned to never underestimate feedback as it can be a very valuable tool in improving a project.


2) What resources did you use this week (e.g., people, money, equipment, systems, or software)? Did you add new resources? What was your learning?


This week I utilized people, the Internet, and the Microsoft Front Page software as resources in the continual construction of my project.  I have learned the value of receiving early feedback and have been able to use it constructively.


3) What research did you perform this week that was assisting and/or literature based? What is your findings/learning?


Research Question:

What is the purpose of asking for feedback?






The purpose of feedback is to get information on a specific area in order to improve upon it.  Feedback is an instrumental part to learning.  In most cases those who receive regular feedback about their performance perform significantly better and develop better judgment compared to those who do not. 


Consider feedback as an opportunity to grow.  Ask for specific examples when necessary.  Seek feedback on things that you are doing well in addition to areas that need improvement.


4) What did you learn this week in general in producing your project?


I have learned that there is always room for improvement.  One can always go back to previous work and find different perspectives and ideas of presenting data differently.



1) What went well this week? What didn’t?


- This week I got feedback that enabled me to solve some problems.


2) How well did you stick to your project schedule?


- I performed all scheduled tasks.


3) How prepared are you to conclude your project in Unit 10 as required in this course?


- I am fully prepared at this time to conclude the project according to plan.


4) How likely is it that you will need to resort to your contingency plan?


- Everything is going according to plan.



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