Westbrook Pegler Links

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library: The Hoover Library is the repository of Pegler's papers.

Pegler Papers at the Hoover Library: A listing of the Pegler papers at the Hoover Library. Also includes a good short biography of Pegler.

A picture of Pegler's grave.

A brief profile of Pegler from CBS Sportsline

An Interview with Murray Kempton: Kempton was a newsman from the same era as Pegler. He discusses Pegler, among other things.

Daddy's Boy: An attack profile in The New Republic of pundit and presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan, which compares Buchanan to Pegler.

Dr. Francis Townsend's Autobiography: Scroll down to Chapter 24 to see some discussion of Pegler and excerpts from a Pegler column.

Other Links

Other sites created by this site's webmaster:

Pile of Shirts.com: High school sports in Massachusetts..

O'Pinions & O'Bservations O' O'Bscure O'Briania: Discussions of the short stories and some of the other obscure writings of novelist Patrick O'Brian

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