A Patriot's Legacy Tour
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Spiderman roams the South Eastern Hotel
The South Eastern Grand March
Charles and his angels (SE)
the duck
Tamara and Michael on the South Central dance floor
Blair and Stuart durring the skits (SE)
Sarah W and Cjay in the Grand March (SC)
Tamara, Jillian, and Anna Michelle at the banquet (SC)
Blair and Cjay on the way to see Jefferson Davis's home (SC)
Peter Pan posing with Sacajawea and Tiger Lily (SC)
Nate trying to keep sanity durring the awards Melissa H and Adam (MS)
Charles, Sarah W, Jill, Danie D, Anna Michelle, Blair, Tamara, and Bobby at the SC banquet
AJ, John, Adam, Marianne, Martha, Margie, and Addison at the banquet (MS)
members at the Kentucky Horse Park on the MidSouthern tour
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