Blue Stone
Creativity Center
Creativity Checklist
How does creativity work in your life?
Check all that apply.
I want to be more creative in my work or personal life.
About Christina
I want to be involved in a creative field, but I can't seem to start.
I used to create. I want to start again.
I am involved in a creative discipline. I seem to have hit a wall. 
I am creating, but slowly. I want to be more productive.
I have a big project. I think I am procrastinating. I need to move.
I need help with marketing my creative products.
I want to create deeper, more meaningful art.
I would create more art, but I'm afraid I'll be lonely.
I am so busy creating art that I don't have time for a relationship.
I want to make money on my art and quit my day job.
Email Me
If any statement fits you, creativity coaching may empower you to accomplish your dreams.
Click submit below or contact me at for a free session.