I'm a legal professional, who is *gulp* 31 years young, married to a techno nut and currently raising two wonderfully rewarding tabby cats.  Abbott and Costello, pictured below were adopted three years ago from a no kill shelter in our city.  They were both abandonned and abused and in need of a loving home where they could feel safe.  Abbot is the orange guy with the green eyes and Costello is the buff colored one with the yellow eyes, both are incredibly affectionate and absolutely PURRfect.
In the winter we play parents to our own marital mallards who have decided that our backyard swimming pool is their winter nesting ground.  It was fluke the first year...three years later we consider them ours.
When I'm not curled up with my boys and a good book or my laptop busily writing fanfic, I'm hanging out with my buddy B.  He and I love to take in good rock concerts, like Butch Walker, pictured below with B.  B is the one on the right...and Oh yes ladies he's single, so if you can handle a man who's best friend is a chic, I'll introduce you!!
And when I'm not at home...I'm at my home away from home...CHICAGO Illinois, where I've made some of the best friends I've ever had.
Me and Hubby in front of Lake
Michigan right off Lackshore Dr.
An octopus from Shedd's Aquarium who was trying to get fresh.
I love you guys and miss you all so much!