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Bob Keith '36 and Jane Jackson, wife of Chuck Jackson '39, look over some of the WMA artifacts at the Alton Museum of History and Art. Photo taken by Robert Gaul of the Alton Telegraph on May23.


Late in January when the cadets were still recuperating from the past vacation blues Joe E. Brown brought his smile to Western. What a day! The Corps put on a snappy review, a special assembly, and a real welcome for its famous guest. Joe said he had no speech to make and then proceeded to give the most profound talk of the year. Commenting on his experiences in the late war, he reminded the cadets:

"there is nothing wrong with the world. It's the people in it who cause our troubles for failing to accept their responsibilities."

Joe saw his duty and performed it with a smile. Come back to W.M.A, Joe E. Brown, we need your spirit.


These photos are of the cadet corps from 1971. Photos submitted by Q. Brian Sickels, Class 1971