If all the beautiful places in the world were industrialized, where could we go to relax and enjoy nature, fresh air, peace and quiet?


Welcome to Westernport Action Group Inc. Internet site. Our group is determined to stop any port expansions in Westernport Bay and the associated Land Use and Transport Strategy that are being proposed to state government by the Port of Hastings Corporation. It is our belief that :-

1. These expansions are not required in Victoria state and threaten the beauty and nature of the whole region.
2. The transport and land use strategies are un-fair to those whose property is placed under the shadows of Public Acquisition Overlays.
3. The amount of freight expected is excessive and un-sustainable with our states economy.
4. The whole project from port to the city is environmentally irresponsible, indicative of disregard to our bays, land, people and all other life forms affected.
5. The port expansions and infrastructure development will encourage the pressures from the nuclear power sponsors and supporters to lobby state and federal governments to implement nuclear power near Westernport Bay and transport uranium and nuclear wastes.

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