<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/westfeldon/summertime.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
...The Present
The year 2000 opened on a very despondent note. Despite the multiple Millenium celebrations, I was a bit concerned that my dogs were not up to scratch. The dog show season in India starts in October and is over by March, because of the rains and the monsoon. The rules for making up a champion had been changed, and reserves were now counted towards the dog's championship. 2 RCCs were considered the equivalent of 1 CC, however it was mandatory  to get 1 CC and the balance could be any combination. The only other qualification was that they had to be all different judges. Zoe had clawed her way to becoming a champion, but the others were only placing in their classes.
Click on picture to see Pedigree
Chloe, my cropped grand daughter of Finneas Fogg had a slow start in the ring. Carrie, another grand daughter, was a plain, uncropped, red/fawn and was what I would term as an honest bitch. I had my doubts about her chances against all the flashily marked competition. And then it happened. I always claim that Dame Fortune favours the brave. Suddenly, the two bitches started winning! In 2001, Chloe finished very easily in 4 shows, and Carrie was almost there. The seemingly impossible had happened! I had my first homebred champion! After 40 years of being in the game I had done it!

In the National All Breeds Championship Show held in Bangalore in October 2002, Chloe took the Bitch CC under Judge Ramon Podesta of Chile. In November 2002 at Poona, Carrie finished under Judge Percy Green of South Africa to become my second homebred champion.  I  now
had Champions Westfeldon Pluma and Purty Girl at home! A few months before, while visiting England, I saw this flashy brindle son of Finneas Fogg. Through the kindness of Martin and Rita Wyles, Rimarti Fair Play, Thomas, came to India in March 2002. He became a champion in three shows in quick succession. I now  have a young bitch with me which is the repeat breeding of Chloe. Westfeldon Adriadne carrys the
legacy of Cooper. I am hoping that Ziggy will be able to repeat the successes of her elder sister Chloe.

I have retired both Chloe and Carrie from the show ring as they have more than not belied the hopes that I had for them. Chloe bowed out with a Best in Show All Breeds at the Bombay Presidency Kennel Club Show in February 2003 at Bombay, under Judge Miles Gunther of Australia. This was her crowning glory and a dream fulfilled for me-to win in front of your home crowd. After Sherry's win, eons ago, it did not look likely that I would repeat that feat. The Working Group in India is very strong.
Click on picture to see Pedigree
Zoe(3rd from left) winning a ticket in Poona-1997
Click on picture to see Pedigree
Click on picture to see Pedigree
Thomas-Winning 3rd Best in Show-All Breeds at the BPKC 100th All Breeds Show (Centenary Show) February 200, being handled by his breeder Martin Wyles (Rimarti Boxers-UK). This was also his crowning third CC under Judge Phillip John-India
Chloe-Winning the Bitch CC at The All Breeds National Show, Bangalore 2002
Click on picture to see Pedigree
Over the years, a great many people have helped me. I cannot forget that whatever little success that I have achieved has been to the sage advice given to me by a number of the stalwarts of the breed, both in India and abroad. The world of dogs has opened up new avenues of friendship for me and I will always be indebted to my dogs for this.

When I reflect on my experiences in the Dogworld, I always remember the wide-eyed child who looked at all the dogs in the shows, partly out of wonderment and mostly out of envy. I often remember that when I saw  beautiful dogs the thought that always crossed my mind was "when will I be so lucky?".

Undoubtedly, luck has a big part to play in this game, but I have now come to realize that it is hard work and patience than get get you any modicum of success, and that applies to any sphere of life. Besides having the "eye" for the dog, I feel that we have to develop a "feel" for our breed, and that only comes by studying books and articles written by the doyens of our breed. Unless there is a proper understanding of the history of the breed, I fear most people will just breed on instinct and we will end up with dogs who could be categorized as "the flavour of the day"!
Carrie winning her final and crowning ticket in Poona-2002 under Judge Percy Green-South Africa.

Click on picture to see Best in Show Certificate
Chloe, handled by Martin Wyles, going Best in Show All Breeds at The BPKC 99th Show in February 2003 under Judge W. Miles Gunther-Australia of the Guntop Boxers fame.
Most of my attempts at breeding in the past have been quite unsatisfactory, and at times I would say tragic! Winning in these past few years has given me a new impetus to breed, but I am a bit hesitant and I often ask myself what I would like to achieve by breeding Boxers. The prime goal for me is to breed healthy and temperamentally sound dogs. Winning in the ring is a big thrill, but as I often say, my dogs are my pets first, and show dogs next, and therefore, I have to be able to make sure they are not social misfits. I have chosen to breed a particular "style" which is very strongly embodied in the Faerdorn lines, and I hope to continue doing so. Thomas, carries the Faerdorn lines and I hope to be successful at my attempts at breeding in the future. I know very well that this hobby I have chosen is fraught with many heartbreaks as well as thrills, and I hope that I will eventually be successful in contributing a little bit to the Boxer breed in India. An inescapable fact is that I love Boxers, and I hope that my future efforts will mirror the great affection I have for this noble breed.

I thank you for your visit and letting me share my thoughts with you. I also thank all those who who have helped me over the years. You know who you are!