Westfield Property Owners Association, Inc.  (WPOA)
The Westfield Property Owners Association, Inc. has continued to function as a civic organization, primarily to promote community and social activities and to afford political representation when necessary.  The WPOA and the Park Board tend to complement each other in many areas; for example, The Grapevine newsletter and the Westfield Directory are published by WPOA.

WPOA receives its funds from voluntary donations (annual homeowner dues of $25), which are normally solicited through the Grapevine.  All residents are encouraged to make a donation to support the activities of the Association.  Typical of these yearly activities are a community picnic, a horse show, a pet show, horse clinics, a Halloween Carnival and special trash pickups.  WPOA meetings normally are held on the third Tuesday of each month.  The time and place of meetings are announced in the Grapevine.

WPOA has a five-member board with members serving two-year terms. Two new board members are elected in even years and three in odd.  The elections are held informally by mail-in ballots in April.

Current WPOA Board members are:

         President     Casey Olsen

Vice-President     Joe Camarata

         Treasurer     Merrily Boardman

         Secretary      Joy Arai

           Member      Renee Milch

The Westfield Directory is our community phone book.  It is available to all Westfield residents.  It is maintained by the WPOA and a new copy is printed every two years. 
Click here to add or update your information for the 2005 printing of The Westfield Directory.  The WPOA encourages all residents to be listed in the Directory to make it easier for your neighbors to get to know you.  For a copy of the Westfield Directory contact Mary Melton.

The Grapevine is our monthly community newsletter.  It is mailed to all Westfield residents.  Residents are encouraged to contribute articles about or of interest to the community.  Contact Ann Olsen to submit an article for inclusion in the next issue of The Grapevine.