Leigh Bowery Links

i am a huge fan of a legend. leigh was before my time, and in another country, but i still somehow felt linked. now i can return the favor. below is a corral of all links i could find. please send more that you know of....Moon trent

Leigh Bowery interview clip from THE SHOW, a UK t.v. show with hosts - Banarama

Here's 9 minutes of highlights (music videos edited out) from THE SHOW with Bananarama and a delightfully well-mannered Leigh Bowery! I am not sure of the year... Worth a peek!

  • Harlot's Quickie Tribute
  • LEA Gallery
  • 1995 article on Leigh Bowery by Karl-Peter Gottschalk
  • 1997 article by Stuart Hardy
  • Minty
  • Plastic Bag a Minty Website
  • Offset
  • Leigh Bowery in HotWired
  • Leigh Bowery was a Whore
  • I am Curious Orange
  • Discography
  • Life and Times of an Icon
  • Amazon.com the most fabulous Leigh Bowery picture book now available
  • Review

  • NEW SINGLE "LOST WINEGUM MINE" OUT NOW ON SWEET RECORDS Here's what the papers have to say: Record Collector July 1998 Single of the Month Bizarre beyond belief. Ming is an underground impressario, Steady the glue behind the unstable music of Minty's Leigh Bowery. Together they create cross-dressing madness accurately described as "Lee Marvin meets Eurovision". Or how about a theme to some warped daytime kids' TV programme? Taken from last year's "Rogue Male" LP. Sweet SWEE 009

    Leigh Bowery. I saw him at Bohemia [club] once. He came on, hugely fat, and did an entire show before falling to the floor and screaming as if he were going to die. And then he opened his legs, and gave birth to his wife Nicola, who he’d been carrying strapped to his body for over and hour. She was covered in jelly - she had on a baldy wig, and sausages wrapped around her waist. I think there was blood too.” Brian pauses again, and then says, delicately : “and then he was like a mummy bird, and she was the baby bird - he puked in her mouth and she drank it.” “And people thing we’re extreme!” Steve yelps. “Do you see the difference, there? We would never vomit in each other’s mouths. We draw some lines.” So here he is, Brian Molko. The Kylie-sized ladyboy who claims to have left a “trail of blood and spunk across Britain” on his last tour. The Born Again Christian who swapped Jesus for sex. 1998’s androgyne of choice. When Nancy Boy’ tickled the Top Ten’s balls in January 1997, you wouldn’t have put you money on Brian Molko being anything more than a six-week-long Marc Almond flashback. But two years later he’s still here, with one of 1998’s biggest singles - ‘Pure Morning’ - under his belt, and a “difficult” second album which turns ruination and self loathing into the best way to spend this autumn. So what cultural petri dish bred this quirky perv-midget? The answer is the equally tiny but perverse Luxembourg. Molko - it’s Jewish for ‘queen’ - is the product of European wealth.

    This first Sex Maniac's Ball in 1986 in the London Dungeon was filmed, with Leigh Bowery interviewing Genesis P Orridge and Paula, the confessional box (a real one) being demolished by passionate revellers, people crouching in a cage, kept by Mistress Constance Marie from New York, and Jayne County singing her classic vulgar ditties on stage.

    I stole this from a U2 chat with Willie, who's been working on their stage shows for years... "U2isABLE wonders: Willie---who is that dancing queen during the Lemon Remix? It looks like Gavin having fun. Host Willie says: The dance set during Lemon is a performance artist called Leigh Bowery who is sadly no longer with us. He was a great character in the London club scene for many years and would frequently go out in public like he appears onscreen. Frankly he makes Boy George look like an accountant."

    photo by:Imunoz From the audience during the U2 ZOOTV tour.

    The demimonde deity played dress-up every day. "All Freaks Are Not Created Equal. In the nocturnal carnival of exaggerated marginality that was the early '80s underground club scene, all freaks were not created equal. Amidst the flurry of drama queens and fashion fiends, Leigh Bowery stood out as a prima-diva divine, whose nightly display of garish and grotesque costumes were nothing short of brilliant experiential performance art." HotFlash 2.30 August 1995.

    LEIGH BOWERY PERFORMANCE From the beginning of his public reputation, Bowery made personal statements which were only articulate through the medium of the body (Bowery's) was (an) art beyond the gallery, made possible by punk but unconnected to any single fashion or trend. Certainly, in fine art terms, there was nothing to compare with it; the nearest comparison would be Warhol's superstars, but Bowery exchanged the traditions of simple drag for personal surrealism.- Michael Bracewell - frieze magazine issue 19
    Leigh Bowery on the cover of frieze Magazine
  • Filmed by ZAPP Magazine in Fort Aspen, Acquoy, Netherlands on 4th June 1994, this is a typically outrageous performance by the late, homosexual maniac Leigh Bowery. Amongst other things, this live outdoor gig is particularly memorable for guitarist Richard Tory's strategically placed balloons, Nicola Bowery's use of air-freshener and Leigh Bowery's clothes-pegs. An exceptional proto-Minty performance.

    "I'll make shoes for anyone, I can do anything, as long as it goes on the foot. I love doing theatrical stuff, I made shoes for the late Leigh Bowery. He was doing a ballet dressed as a giant yellow teapot and he wanted to fly in from the side of the stage on a wire and land on these patent yellow high heels. I had to make them specially re-inforced because he weighs about 90 million stone." -Ian Reid, obvious shoe whore

    Actor/musician/painter/art collector David Bowie has added another 'slash' to his resume: publisher. Bowie started his own art publishing company called 21 in England last year, which he plans to use to release material in North America. Bowie...expects to...(publish) books on Jackson Pollack, Leigh Bowery and an American edition of Modern Painters magazine. -Daily Music News March 26, 1998

  • Leigh Bowery (26 Mar 1961 - 31 Dec 1994)

    this page was created 07 March 1999 & was last updated on 04 September 2006
  • webmaster: Moon trent Photospread by P-P Hartnett. From CODE magazine, 1996