Speech Recognition Linguistic Laboratory

1. Introducing LEXICUS. One of the main hardships the learner of a foreign language is facing, is that of learning vocabulary by rote. This is the crucial point where one's success or failure lies, namely: finding the best sutable learning technique. In our course, we have decided to put to your disposal a digital Speech- Recognition program developed by Motorola. The program is called LEXICUS, or "Lexicus-Eobust Speech Recognition API". This free demo you can download at: www.mot.com/lexicus and its size is 1.2 Mb. 2. Using LEXICUS. How do use LEXICUS as an automated vocabulary tutor? Before we start, list down the vocabularies you wish to train in English as well as the way they are pronounced in Hebrew. Example: "House = "Ba-yit" Unfortunately LEXICUS comes without a help file. For our purposes we preceed followingly. I. After you have downloaded and installed LEXICUS, start the program while clicking on its icon. II.Click on the "EXTRA" button. III. Click on "Dictionary". You'll find here files with the ending " *.dic" . These are the files this demo program comes with. IV.In order to create your first LEXICUS speech training file, watch the path leading to the files you see listed in the window. Now: a. Note down the name of one of the files with the ending " *.dic". b. Open this file with your "Editor", which you'll find in Windows' accessories. c. Erase the contents of the file and replace it with your own vocabulary list. d. save the file. 3. Adapting LEXICUS as an automated vocabulary trainer. V. Open the file you've just created by clicking on LEXICUS' "Dictionary" file. VI. Set the button "Mode" on train. VII. While training LEXICUS to recognize each Hebrew word, you have to press on the button "Push while speaking". Each word is repeated twice. VIII. Save the result as a model file ( having the ending *.mdl ). Attention! The name of the file must be identical with that of the initial file you have adjusted at the beginning. IX. Switch "Mode" to "recognize". X. Press on "Reset" and give in the name of the "*.mdl" file you have just created. XI. You can start training. The procedure I have described right now might have costed you lot's of effort and concentration. The reward, however, will be an almost immediate one. In a very short time you'll be able to use the vocabularies you've aquired while using LEXICUS effectively. HOME