Lloyd's Hockey Links

Hugo Belanger of The Phoenix Mustangs
He Shoots! He Scores!

This page is dedicated to my favorite sport Ice Hockey!

I first became interested in hockey several years ago when my roommate took me to my first Phoenix Roadrunners game. I immediatly fell in love with the sport, and have been a season ticket holder for the Roadrunners for the past two seasons. The Roadrunners were a team in the International Hockey League, but last season they packed it up here in Phoenix. Be on the lookout for them in a couple of years in Toronto.

My interest in hockey is primarily in the area of Minor League. Arizona is lucky to have two great minor league hockey teams, The Phoenix Mustangs, and The Tucson Gila Monsters. Both of these teams play in the West Coast Hockey League.

Arizona is also proud to have the Phoenix Coyotes as a member of the NHL.

Arizona also boasts two great college hockey teams as well. The ASU Ice Devils, and the U of A Ice Cats.

The Phoenix Roadrunners

My thanks go out to the Phoenix Roadrunners who have given us so much enjoyment over the past 30 years. I wish the team and players lots of luck in the future.

Love Hockey?
Love the WCHL?
Want to join our mailing list?

The West Coast Hockey League now has an Unofficial mailing list. This list was created by hockey fans, for hockey fans. We will be discussing everything from the teams, the league, the players, and the booster clubs of the WCHL.

Want to join?
Follow these instructions:

Send an E-Mail to majordomo@nlife.com
In the body of the message, write: subscribe wchl

The mailing list will send you a verify message with a subscription code to verify that you want to join the mailing list. This is done to prevent someone else from adding you to a mailing list that you are not interested in. Follow the instructions of the verify message, and you're in the list!

Send all messages to the list to wchl@nlife.com

To unsubscribe from the mailing list:

Send an E-Mail to majordomo@nlife.com
In the body of the message, write: unsubscribe wchl

An easier way to join is to click on the link below!

Join the WCHL Mailing List

The List Mom(s) for the WCHL mailing list are Lloyd Lewis (me) and Brion Neeley
Please feel free to E-Mail either of us if you need additional information on the mailing list.

Hockey 101

Hockey's Three Main Rules

A team is offside when any member of the attacking team precedes the puck carrier over the defending team's blueline. The position of the player's skates and not that of his stick is the determining factor. If both skates are over the blue line before the puck, the player is offside. If he has only one skate over the blue line and one on it, he is onside.
When a player passes the puck from his defending zone to a teammate beyond the center red line (thus crossing the blue line and the red line) it is an offside pass. The position of the puck (not the player's skates in this case) is the determining factor in deciding from which zone the pass was made.
Icing the puck is not permitted when the teams are at equal numerical strength. Thus it is an infraction when a player on his team's side of the red center line shoots the puck al the way down the ice, it crosses the red goal line at any point other than the goal itself and is first touched by a defending player. When this occurs, play is stopped and the puck is returned to the other end of the ice for a face-off in the offending team's zone.

Icing the puck is not called:

  1. If the goalie plays the puck by leaving his net.
  2. If the puck cuts across the goal crease.
  3. When a defending opponent, in the judgement of the linesman, could have played the puck before it crossed the red goal line.
  4. When an attacking player who was onside (in the same zone) when the puck was shot down the ice manages to touch it first.
  5. When a team is playing shorthanded because of a penalty or penalties.

My favorite Player

Nicholas Vachon

Currnet Info on Nicholas Vachon

Nicholas was under contract through the Los Angeles Kings and was assigned to the Phoenix Roadrunners. Last season however, he got traded to the New York Islanders (and managed to play in one game with them) who immediatly assigned him to their IHL affiliate the Utah Grizzlies. He was later traded in the season again to the Long Beach Ice Dogs. He is now under contract with Long Beach. Check out his stats in the above link to learn more about him.

I could tell that Nick has a true love for the sport of hockey by just watching him play. He made going to every game an adventure. I was greatly saddened when I learned about him being traded. But, at least he got to play in one NHL game in his hockey career. I wish him the best of luck in this current season, and all those that are ahead of him.

Visit my Nicholas Vachon Gallery

Referee Signals 101

Referee Signals

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