Chapter 17

     It was still dark when Joe woke up.  He could feel an arm
across his chest.  He wondered what time it was, and looked over at
the glowing display of the clock radio on the nightstand.  It said
five a.m.  Joe wondered if it was accurate.  He decided it must be

     Joe Bates lay deep in thought.  What was it now... Tuesday? 
He had been this way only five days, and already, here he was, in
bed with a man.  Not just any guy either, but his best friend, Jay
Logan.  He thought about last night.  Neither of them had planned
what had happened, but what did come about was beyond his wildest

     Only yesterday, Joe had signed papers changing his legal
gender to match his new anatomy.  That alone would have been enough
for most guys.  Then, that same evening, he ended the day by
sleeping in the same bed, and actually having intimate relations
with, his long time best friend.  What was next?  What was
happening to him?  Here he was, in bed with Jay, and he realized,
he was actually enjoying it.  Was he now homosexual?  He considered
the possibility.  Of course, he still thought of himself as male,
at least in his head.  But, there was no denying that his body, and
now, even his body image, was becoming quite feminized.  He
couldn't deny it any more than he could change it.  Joe hadn't
asked to be this way.  He had no control over the new
feelings...the new urges that the change had given his body.

     Joe peered over at Jay.  In the semi-darkness, he could see
the faint outline of his friend's face.  He watched Jay breathing,
and wondered what they might say to each other in the morning.  The
whole thing was a strange combination of familiarity and curiosity,
a mixture of old, and, at least for Joe, very new sensations.  He
was surprised at how natural everything had seemed.  He never
thought he would have the nerve to get this near to a man, but now
it had happened, and it didn't seem so unusual at all.  As he gazed
at his pal, he felt a strange contentment begin to overtake him. 
For some reason, he was glad that he had been able to share this
new experience with Jay.

     Suddenly, Jay stirred slightly.  He coughed, and moved his
arm.  His hand was now directly on Joe's right breast, and although
he was obviously still asleep, he instinctively stroked it once,
and cupped his hand over it.  This sensation felt strange to Joe. 
When he wasn't walking or moving around, he usually couldn't really
sense the new tissue on his chest.  Even when he did, it sort of
felt like a lump of soft fat, bouncing and jiggling with any
movements that he made.  But it didn't feel particularly sexy, or
erotic.  It was now just another part of his body, if anything, a
source of embarrassment, at least for someone who still considered
himself a man inside.  That was most of the time.  As Joe became
more familiar with his changed body, he had begun to accept the
presence of the soft mounds on his now quite hairless chest.  He
was even starting to like the way he looked, enjoying the feel of
soft, feminine clothing which defined his new curves.  At those
times, those little fleshy bulges became more... a mark of his new
femininity, a source of pride, and sometimes... pleasure.  Usually,
when Joe touched his own chest, the sensation was nothing special. 
But, when anyone else touched him there... well, that was differ-
ent.  As Joe lay there, contemplating the touch of Jay's hand, he
felt his crotch muscles tighten involuntarily.  Strange the way it
does that, he thought.  He tensed the muscles himself.  He couldn't
feel any difference there from yesterday, even though he knew he
had changed ... perhaps more psychologically than physically ...
with what had happened just a few hours ago.

     Joe ran his hand over the soft hair on his now somewhat
prominent pubic mound.  Lower down, between his legs, it was still
damp and matted.  Touching there felt good, so he kept his hand
there, gently rubbing the still somewhat unfamiliar, silky soft,
folds of tissue which replaced his male parts. Even when it was
your own, a female body felt so different than a male, he consid-
ered.  Now, everything about it was soft and pliable.  His male
body had been so much harder and rougher.  Even his pubic hair,
which was now closely trimmed, felt much softer, finer than before.
I guess I can get used to this, Joe thought.  Seems I'll have to,
in any case.  Then, he fell asleep again, the contented smile still
on his face.


     The sun was shining around the edges of the drawn curtain when
Joe woke again.  When he opened his eyes, he saw that Jay was
awake, watching him.  He returned the look, and smiled.

     "Who'd have thought this, huh?" Jay said, returning the smile.

     "Yeah, who," Joe repeated.  He yawned, and raised his arms
over his head to stretch.  It was only then he realized that he was
still wearing the hairpiece.

     "I don't know about you, but it was quite an experience for me
last night," Jay said.  "You were fantastic."

     "Well, I guess we both just did what comes naturally," Joe
replied.  "I suppose it helps that I know how it feels like from
your side."  He grinned with embarrassment.

     Jay kept looking at Joe.  He reached over, and gently ran a
finger along Joe's soft breast, watching its pink tip change from
a soft, full cone to a firm point as he did so.  Joe found that
Jay's light touch tickled the sensitive skin, and he involuntarily
shook his chest slightly, which made his breasts jiggle.

"That tickles," Joe said, feeling an embarrassed blush warm his

     "Joe, I still have trouble accepting what has happened to
you," Jay said.  "You're so beautiful, it's hard to believe that
what happened was caused by an accident."

     "But it's still me, Jay, don't forget that," Joe reminded him.
"And if that's a problem for you to should spend a day
in my shoes."

     "What do you have planned for today?" Jay asked.

     "Well, we all have to go to the clinic at about nine.  We have
some kind of class, or briefing.  I think its about hygiene ...
stuff like that. We might even talk about contraception too, I
think," Joe explained.

     "So the doctors think you can actually get pregnant?" Jay
asked with curiosity.  "How do they know that?"

     "I don't know," Joe answered.  "I suspect they are making an
assumption, based on what they found during the physical examina-

     "What did they find?" Jay continued.

     "Nothing, I guess, just that we all seemed to have undergone
a more or less complete transition to a female appearance. 
Apparently, even my chromosomes are now XX, rather than the male
pattern XY.  That means that even my body's cell structure has
become feminized."

     "I suppose it's hard for you to live with, but it sure
improved your appearance," Jay said, a big grin on his face.

     "You're just horny," Joe said, punching Jay's hairy chest
lightly with his fist.  "Seriously, it is hard to adjust to the
differences, but...I will admit, it's not all bad though.  And I
can still feel changes happening...  physical, as well as... I
guess... mental.  I think it's actually affecting the way I think."

     "Well, we both have said, on more than one occasion, that
women process information differently from men.  Maybe it's really
true," Jay said, becoming serious again.

     "Yeah, I suspect it is," Joe reasoned.  "But I still have the
same kind of thoughts... sort of anyway... but I'm certain I'm more
emotional now.  I still like the same things... maybe feelings
about sex excepted... but I know I'm looking at things... reacting
to them differently.  It's quite a strange thing to experience

     "Do guys really turn you on now?" Jay asked seriously.  "Did
you really want to have sex with me, or did you just want to know
what it would feel like?"

     "I don't know," Joe said.  "Last night, I could feel myself
being taken over by something... I don't know what... I just had to
do it... I don't know if that's the way it is for all females, or
if my male head was having a strange reaction to the new hormones
that must be getting to it... I don't know.  I can tell you it felt
great.  It really did.  Thanks for being there when I needed you."
He grinned.

     "My pleasure," Jay said.  "If you find you need to do it
again, just let me know.  I'm always willing to help you with a
problem like that," Jay's face displayed a wicked grin.

     "We'll see," Joe said, making an attempt at an innocent smile.
"We'll see."

     "Do you think we should get up?" Jay questioned.  "It's almost

     Joe modestly pulled the sheet over his chest.

     "Yeah, I guess I should."  He said.  "I have to shower, and
it's taking me longer to get ready now.  Actually, I haven't even
done it all by myself before."

     "You can go in first," Jay said.  "Can I use your razor to

     "Sure." If you don't mind that I'm using it on my legs," Joe
said, grinning.  "You can put a new cartridge in, though."

     "Ok.  I'll do that."  Jay returned the grin.

     Joe got up, and began to look for his terrycloth outfit.  He
found it embarrassing for him to be around Jay while nude.  Jay
reached down to the floor on his side of the bed and retrieved the
little light blue cover up.

     "Cute," He said, as he handed it to Joe, who quickly stepped
into it, and pulled it over the soft mounds of his chest.

     "I know, I know.  It's hard for me to get used to this stuff
too," Joe said.  "But I'm a little smaller and shorter now.  My old
clothes just didn't fit at all, and I've got to wear something. 
This is what fits."

     "You really look great," Jay said again.  "If you have to be
a woman, at least be glad you're so attractive.  It would be a
bitch to be changed into an ugly girl."

     "You know, that's an unusual thing about it," Joe related.
"When I first see myself in the mirror, I don't always immediately
recognize that it's me.  I guess I'm not used to what I look like
yet.  But when I see myself as I dress... put makeup on, or
whatever, I don't really feel all that attractive... I just feel
like me.  Sometimes, when I put this stuff on, I feel like I'm just
dressing in drag."

     "Well, trust me, old buddy, you're a looker," Jay said.

     "I'll try to remember that" Joe said, and turned and walked
into the bathroom, pulling the door closed.

     In the bathroom, Joe looked at the items on the counter. 
There were little complimentary bottles of shampoo and conditioner. 
Also, there was a packet of bubble bath, and soap.  Joe remembered
the pleasant feeling when he soaked in the tub with Linda, and
decided he would try a bath rather than a shower. He put the
stopper in the tub, and started the hot water running.  Pouring the
packet of bath beads into the flow, he watched the bubbles begin to
form.  While the tub filled, he decided to use the toilet.  He
removed the little terrycloth coverup and dropped it to the floor. 
He sat on the stool to relieve himself.  He was curious if the
changes to his body caused by losing his new virginity would change
the way the flow left his body, but decided that he really couldn't
tell any difference.  The procedure required to urinate was already
much different than when he had a penis.  He didn't... he couldn't
aim... but just sat there, and sort of let it happen.  But the
result was the same.

     He quickly finished, and saw that the tub was almost filled
with warm water thick with bubbles.  He looked at the tub, and
thought about what he was doing.  This time last week, he wouldn't
even have considered doing anything like taking a bubble bath.  But
then, last week he didn't have this soft, sensitive body to deal
with.  He stuck a toe into the water to feel the temperature.  It
felt hot, but tolerable, so he went to the counter, took a wash
cloth and the bar of Caress bath soap, settled into the bubbles,
and let the warmth engulf his body.

       Joe took the soap and begun rubbing it over himself, making
his soft skin soapy slick.  He soaped his chest, enjoying how his
breasts felt when they were covered with the sudsy water. 
Suddenly, he realized he was still wearing the wig, and carefully
removed it with wet hands.  As carefully as he could, he tossed it
over onto the counter top.  With the wig off, his scalp felt cool,
since it was now covered only by his relatively short, male,
hairstyle.  He scratched his head. The shorter hair now felt
unfamiliar.  He went back to soaping himself, and carefully washed
his genitalia.  When his soapy fingers found his clitoris, he spent
perhaps a little more time than necessary making sure that the
little nub of flesh, which now seemed to contain all the sensitive
nerves that had been in the head of his penis, was spotlessly

     When Joe felt he was finished, and the bubbles were waning, he
got up, and hopped out of the tub.  His slick, wet, hairless body
was still covered with soapy suds.  Joe wondered how he could get
the stuff off.  He remembered why he liked showers better, and
reached for one of the large, thick bath towels on the rack.  The
absorbent towels quickly took the water off, and the soapy residue
actually seemed to make his skin softer.  As he dried his legs,
stubble, which had formed since the last time he had shaved, could
be felt.  What would he do about that?

     He decided to let the water out of the tub, and when it was
gone, he took his razor, and shave cream from his kit, and stepped
back into the tub.  He put some cream on his legs, and then a
little under his arms, Then he started the shower and began
shaving.  From longtime habit, he felt his face, and the softness
he felt there reminded him that he no longer had to worry about
shaving that part of his body.  The hair on his legs didn't seem to
go as high up as the first time he had shaved there, either.  He
had some sharp stubble on his calves, but only light down was
forming on his upper thighs, in sharp contrast to the hairy legs he
had as a man.  Then, of course, he had also had a dark thicket of
hair on his chest too.  That had been replaced by firm breasts,
with only a few hairs around much larger areola.  Joe had plucked
those out when he first saw them, and they had yet to return.

     When Joe finished shaving his legs and underarms, he rinsed
the shave cream off under the shower and turned the water off.  He
got out of the tub and again dried off with the thick towel.  When
he finished, he looked at himself in the mirror over the sink.

       What he saw was now familiar to him.  Only the short hair
was left as a reminder of his former appearance.  To be sure, his
face still had some resemblance to his male look, but now his
reflection was more like that of his sister, if he had a sister. 
His trim, shapely body looked much younger than its thirty years. 
He wondered why, and decided that since he had just developed
feminine secondary sexual characteristics, time and gravity hadn't
done their work on his new shape yet.  Everything...his skin, his
hands...everything about him seemed to have shed ten years.  He
even felt younger, much more flexible.  But, he could tell that he
had lost significant strength.  His body was still well toned, but
the large chest and shoulder muscles he once had were replaced with
the thinner, trim, upper torso of a young female.  Examining
himself in the mirror, Joe was again amazed at what he had become. 
He bent his left arm like a muscle man, and looked at his small
bicep muscle.  He reached over with his other hand, and felt it. 
It was not big, but it was still firm.  He had no flab on his body

     Joe took the cosmetics out of the bag, and carefully tried to
fix his face.  He intentionally made sure not to use much makeup,
preferring a well scrubbed, healthy look.

     When he was more or less satisfied, he was ready to dress.  He
looked at the underwear that had dried overnight.  Should he put
the same stuff back on, he wondered?  What would he be wearing
today?  He couldn't remember what Linda had packed for him, so he
put the terry romper back on, and, taking his clean underwear, he
went back out into the main room.

     Jay was still lying on the bed.  He had turned on the TV, and
was watching CNN.  Joe went to the closet, and looked over what he
had to wear today.

     "Are you finished in the bathroom?" Jay asked.

     "Yeah, you can go in if you want.  I'm trying to figure out
what to wear today.  Linda picked my clothes, and I guess she
expects me to wear this dress.  I don't have anything else here but
a suit, this, and some shorts," Joe said, holding up the red-orange

     "That looks like it would look good," Jay said, getting up,
and walking naked into the bathroom.

     Jay went in, but didn't close the door behind him.  Through
the open door, Joe watched his friend stand in front of the stool
and urinate.  It reminded him that he wasn't like that...he wasn't
a man anymore, and he felt a slight twinge of envy.

     Well, if I'm going to wear this, I'll have to find the right
stuff to wear underneath, Joe thought, trying to take his mind off
things he couldn't change.  He went to his B-4 bag, and located the
bra with the wide set straps, which wouldn't show from under the
straps of the sundress.  He then found a matching panty, and took
the things over to the bed. He didn't remove the cover up, but
pulled it down to his waist as he put the almost transparent bra
on.  Wearing it felt strangely sexy, just as when he had tried it
on in the store.  Joe found that wearing women's clothing, even
underwear, sometimes seemed so frivolous.  But, for some reason, it
made him feel good about himself again.

     Next, Joe stepped out of the romper, and quickly pulled on the
nylon, nude colored, panties.  He found a half slip, and pulled it
over his hips.  He decided he would see how he looked without nylon
hose, since that would be much cooler.

     Slipping into the red dress, Joe struggled to fasten the
buttons at the back.  When he finally got them closed, he checked
his reflection in the mirror.  The dress fit his shapely contours,
and was quite feminine looking.  Without the wig, his face seemed
somewhat out of place above his attractive figure.  He needed the
hairpiece to give him the look he wanted.  Joe carefully moved his
own hair around, trying to find some way to comb it that might make
the length seem even a little feminine.  He decided that, at least
for a while, he would need the wig.

     Joe walked over to the open bathroom door.  Jay was in the
shower, and the curtain was drawn.  Joe went into the bathroom,
grabbed his wig, and quickly left the steamy room.

     He placed the hairpiece on his head, and found that it needed
a little brushing to get it back into the shape it was in yester-
day.  The steam had caused the wig to get slightly curly, and it
was difficult to get into place.  Joe needed his hairbrush, which
was in his shaving kit.

     With the disheveled wig on his head, Joe went back into the
bathroom and began looking for his brush in the little cosmetic bag
Linda had prepared for him.  As he was doing that, Jay turned off
the shower, and slid the curtain open.  He looked at Joe, who felt
a bit embarrassed, standing next to his wet, naked pal. Jay looked
at him, and grinned widely.

     "Hey, you look good in that, Joe," Jay said, as he stepped
from the tub.  "The hair makes you look even more beautiful.  I
even like that unruly look."

     "I'm trying to get rid of the 'unruly' look," Joe said.  "I
left the wig in here, and the steam hasn't helped it any.  I hope
I can get it back into shape."

     "Don't worry, I know you'll look fantastic either way," Jay

     Joe quickly left the bathroom.  He stood in front of the
mirror, and brushed the hairpiece until it was as close as he could
make it to how it had been.

     As he examined himself critically, he remembered the little
ear rings.  He found them, and snapped them on his ears.  He didn't
like the way they felt, but they did set off his face.  The little
golden disks contrasted well with his tanned skin.  He smoothed the
dress down his hips, and adjusted the way it fit around his bosom. 
He was doing that when Jay came out of the bathroom.

     "I know I'm impressed," Jay said.  He had seen Joe feel and
squeeze his boob while adjusting his bra.

     Joe didn't say anything.  He was too embarrassed.

     "The dress looks good on you," Jay said.  He came over to
where Joe was standing.  Coming up behind Joe, he reached up
touched one of the small earrings Joe had carefully snapped on,
which were just visible below his hairpiece.

     "These are nice too," Jay said.  "Where did you get them?"

     "Linda sent them with me," Joe said.  "I wore them yesterday,
too.  They're hers.  I don't have any of my own, so far."

     "Are these your clothes?" Jay asked.

     "Yeah.  I bought this the other evening, before we came out
here.  Karen helped pick it out," Joe said.  He spun around, so Jay
could look at him.

     "She has good taste," Jay said. "Is Honeybone paying for all
this new stuff?"

     "Well, no, not so far.  I haven't given it much thought.  I've
just been getting what I need...whatever I need.  I haven't thought
much about who should be paying for it," Joe answered.

     "I think, if you keep the receipts, and keep a record of all
the expenses you incur, you'll probably find them more than willing
to cover them.  I'm sure they're worried stiff about the legal
ramifications of what has happened to you guys... er, girls... ah
women."  The attorney in Jay was again struggling to come out.

     "I guess I've still got most of my sales slips," Joe said. 
"I'll ask Jim about it when we get back."

     "I really think you should," Jay said.  "Especially if you're
going to stay this way."

     "What does that mean?" Joe asked curiously.  "If I'm going to
stay this way."

     "You know... if you're going to remain a woman... you might
find that a lot of things about your life are going to change...
and you might be needing all the financial help you can get."

     "Jim said that he thought Honeybone would let us keep our
jobs," Joe said.  "Whatever I look like now, I still have the same
skills... the same education, as I always had.  I may not be quite
as strong as before, but I can still do everything I have to do."
Irritated, Joe heard his voice rise as he spoke.

     Jay quickly dressed wearing the same clothes as he came with. 
When he was ready, he turned to Joe.

     "Are you going to check out this morning?" Jay asked.

     "I guess we should," Joe answered.  "I'll see what Karen
thinks."  He went to the phone, and dialed the room next door.

     "Karen, Joe here.  Are we going to leave from the clinic?" Joe

     "Yeah.  I think so," Karen said.  "I don't know what they will
want to do with Tim, but he can probably leave with us, too."

     "How's he doing?" Joe asked.  He wondered how the newest
victim of the change was adjusting.

     "Well, I think ok," Karen answered.  "He took a shower, and
now he's trying on some clothes.  I think he's facing the same
problem adjusting as you are.  I think he likes some things, but is
having a problem accepting it, especially if it might be perma-

     "Yeah, I know exactly how he feels," Joe said knowingly. 
Everything was much easier to take, if you could think of it all as

     "I think we should bag up," Karen said.  "If we do have to
stay tonight, we can check in again."

     "I'll call Dave and Mike," Joe said.  "I'll see you in about
a half hour, for breakfast."  He hung up the phone.

     Joe called the others, and told them to get ready to check
out.  He hung up the phone again, and got his things together.  He
picked up the B-4 bag, and was starting to carry it out, when Jay
took it away from him.

     "I'll carry that for you," Jay said.

     With a bit of irritation in his voice, Joe started to object. 
When he looked at his friend's face, he saw a strange expression
... one he had never seen before.

     "I... I can carry this.  Joe said faintly.

     "But, you know I can do it easier," Jay said, the look still
in his eyes.  "And anyway, I want to."

     Suddenly, Joe realized that the relationship with his best
friend was now very different.  They may still have the same
interests, and hobbies, but now... there was at least one big
difference... they had slept in the same bed.  They had made
love... as a man... and a woman.  They had been close friends, but
now, they were also lovers.  It was very obvious that Jay could not
ignore the fact that his best friend was now an attractive woman.

     Joe and Jay found seats in the lobby.  Before long, Dave
joined them, and he was soon followed by Mike.  Dave was wearing
another jumpsuit, this one in a yellow color, which fit his new
shape quite well.  Although Joe was becoming familiar with what had
happened to his own body, it was still always a little shock when
he saw what had happened to his friends.

     Mike was still wearing his male clothing, but his braless
chest was now quite evident, his prominent nipples poking at his
shirt, bobbing as he walked toward them.  Joe wondered if Mike was
still changing and developing, or if it just seemed so, now that he
knew what his friend looked like.  Mike seemed oblivious to his

     Mike greeted them, and found a seat on the couch, next to Joe.
"I don't know," Mike said quietly to Joe.  "I was watching ESPN,
and I found myself feeling strange... I was actually watching the
guys... they... I had trouble concentrating on the game... what the
hell is happening?  Am I turning queer?  I don't know what's going
on with me."  He looked at Joe, as if he had the answer to the

     "Yeah.  I know what you're saying," Joe agreed.  "I guess
we're all finding new things about ourselves every day."  It was
hard to put into words, what was going through his mind.

     They had sat there only a minute or two, when Karen walked
into the lobby, followed closely behind by a very self conscious
looking Tim, who was wearing a feminine looking top, and pants
which were almost too snug around his now larger hips.  The clothes
were probably Karen's, and it was apparent that Tim was a bit more
well endowed than she was.  He had never worn a bra before, and he
self consciously tried to conceal his bulging breasts, which now
seemed even larger, supported by the bra, by awkwardly holding an
arm across his chest.

     Tim stood next to Karen and greeted the others, who remained

     "You look real good, Tim," Joe said, trying to build the young
guy's ego, but not really knowing how to go about it.

     "Yeah.  Real good.  I feel like Dolly Parton," Tim said,
cupping a breast with his hand for emphasis.

     "It isn't that bad," Joe countered.  "It just feels that way
because you're not used to having them yet.  Before long, you'll
forget they're there."

     "Do you?" Tim asked simply.

     ", I guess I don't," Joe answered truthfully.  "But
I think I have adjusted to them being there."

     "Then maybe I will too, sometime," Tim continued.  "But right
now, it's embarrassing as hell."  He took a seat on the couch.

     "Let's get something to eat," Joe suggested.  "We can discuss
what we want to do as far as checkout."

     "Good idea," Jay said. "I know I've got to get to the airport,
and see that the plane is fixed.  I have to be in Phoenix by this

     They went into the hotel coffee shop, and ordered breakfast. 
As they waited, they decided on the plan of action.

     "Ok then, as soon as we're done here, we all check out, and
then we drive Jay to the airport.  I'll call Dr. Krell, tell him
what we have planned, and confirm the best times," Karen said.

     "What will they do with me?" Tim asked.  He had no idea what
was in store for him.

     "I think you'll find out what it's really like to be a woman
today."  Dave said, breaking his now customary silence.

     "They'll probably give want to take some blood samples, and
give you a physical."  Karen explained to the young man.

     "Yeah, and I'm sure you've never had one like they're gonna
give you," Mike said.  " They'll be poking things into openings you
probably don't realize you have."

     "Don't worry, Tim," Joe said.  "We've all survived it. It's
not that bad."  He was trying to quell the look of concern that was
on Tim's quite attractive features.

     "Will I have to get undressed around people?" Tim asked.

     "Well, yeah, but don't worry, you'll find that Dr. Krell won't
think you're strange, or do anything to embarrass you.  He'll only
try to help you to cope with what's happened," Joe explained.

     "I hope he can do more than help me cope," Tim said.  "I don't
want to have to get used to the way wearing a bra feels, I want him
to make me not have to wear it."  He pulled at the straps, which
apparently were digging into his shoulders.

     "If he can, he will," Karen said.  "And if he can't, nobody

     "Well, let's get going," Joe said.  "We have a lot to do
today.  Go up and get your things and check out.  I'll meet
everyone at the desk in fifteen minutes."

     They all went back to their rooms.  Joe and Jay, since they
had already brought Joe's bag down, went out into the waiting area.

     In a few minutes, they all met and checked out.  Then they
took their things to the car and drove Jay to the airport.


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