Chapter  54

Pale early light streamed in the partially drawn curtain. The shaft
of light hit Joe Bates in his closed eyes. It was enough to wake the
sleeper. The time was only slightly earlier than he normally roused

Joe rolled over and realized he was not alone. There was a woman
in his bed. A very young woman.

Finally, he realized were he was and who he was with. The almost
childlike person was his friend Tim. They were in Joe's hotel room,
in Minneapolis.

Tim continued to sleep soundly.

They had played intimately long into the night. Each allowing the
other to satisfy his curiosity and lust the best he could. It was not

The urges and desires that each experienced were primarily those of
the young men they had been until only recently. Those instincts
were in stark contrast with physical reality.

Joe moved the bedsheet down, pulling it away from himself and at
the same time exposing Tim's upper body.

Joe gazed at his young friend. It was difficult to think of the person
lying next to him as a twenty-one-year-old male. The innocent
looking young girl could be no more than fourteen, maybe even
younger. As he breathed, Tim's chest, and his well-formed, firm
breasts, rhythmically expanded and contracted.

Tim's face in sleep also had a young girl's innocent attractiveness.

It was impossible to believe there was a virile young man trapped
in there.

Unless you spent the night in bed with him, that is.

Joe was very much aroused by his friends appearance, but felt
nothing like the passion this sleeping innocent exhibited last night.

While it was physically impossible for either of them to truly
assume the male role, having a completely feminized body did
present one significant advantage. It was now easy to appreciate
the roll of foreplay in the female sexual experience. Neither of them
possessed the constant reminder of masculine arousal, and the lack
of an erect penis was both an advantage and a handicap.

Unlike Joe, Tim had not yet experienced sex with a normal man, so
there was not the urge for penetration that quickly beset Joe.

Indeed, at first, all Tim could think about was how he could enter
Joe. While he didn't physically have a penis anymore, that organ's
nerves and sensations were still very much evident. Smaller, more
protected perhaps, but still there.

As they became more familiar with each other, natural inhibitions
began to fade, and Tim slowly attempted to assume the male role
in the affair. It looked and sometimes felt strange to have a young
teen-age girl go through the motions of intercourse, rubbing her
smooth pubic area against his own. It was erotic enough, that was
certain, but there was obviously something missing. Pretending to
be male was unsatisfying for both participants. It just wasn't
physically possible to do it right.

There were other things to do that were (almost) as enjoyable.

Joe pulled the sheet down further. He looked at the bikini
underpants he wore. He touched his crotch and ran two fingers
between his legs.

Almost as soon as they crawled into bed together, Joe was
reminded of his little problem. His yeast infection was no longer an
irritant. It didn't burn or itch anymore. But he still had two days
of medication to insert before bedtime. Dr. Krell was adamant that
he use all of it, not stopping until it was all used up, even if the
problem seemed cured.

Joe had reluctantly left the bed and went to the bathroom. Tim
asked what the problem was and Joe just looked back and grinned.

"I just remembered something." Joe said. "I'll be right back out."

When he returned to the bedroom, Joe stopped at his hang-up bag
and found a pair of cotton panties. He slipped them on and cupped
his hand over the tiny bulge of his sex.

"What's that for?" Tim asked. "I'd rather see all of you."

"You can look all you want." Joe teased. "But I'm afraid you'll
want to touch too."

"So?" Tim retorted. "You can touch me too... As much as you

"You really don't want to touch me right now." Joe reminded him.
"Remember my yeast infection."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot." Tim said, smiling. "How's that doing,

"Just great." Joe reported. "I think it's cured, but Dr. Krell said
to keep up the medication till it's all used up."

"What is it anyway?" Tim asked. "Some kind of salve, or

"No, not a salve." Joe explained. "It's more like a cream... Very
low viscosity. You put it inside with a little applicator like a fat
hypodermic needle."

"Does it hurt to do that?" Tim asked. He placed his hand over his
own crotch as he spoke.

"No, not at all." Joe said. "The applicator is pretty thin. It
wouldn't even hurt a little virgin like you." He grinned.

"Can you feel stuff running out?" Tim asked. "Is it messy?""

"Not really. Not if you put it in all the way." Joe explained. "If you
put it in at bedtime, its gone by morning. I don't know where it

"Ok. Ok." Tim decided. "Keep your underpants on. I don't want
to learn about that kind of problem just yet."

"Trust me, it really hurts." Joe said. "You don't want the

With that, they returned to the bed.

Tim fondled and was fondled. He touched Joe all over, even
running his hands between Joe's legs, but never once attempted to
put fingers inside Joe's panties.

Joe was under no such inhibition. He stroked Tim everywhere.
They kissed, and Joe returned the kisses, all over Tim's young
body, everywhere. He didn't have a penis, but Joe knew first hand
the wonderful sensation a tongue could provide feminine genitalia.
He introduced Tim to the experience, creating wave after wave of
orgasmic pleasure in Tim's young body.

Tim reciprocated the best he could under the circumstances. But
mostly, it was Joe's greater experience that set the tone. Joe
wanted to satisfy Tim's curiosity and lust. But he also wanted Tim
to appreciate the way his body was now. The young man might
still think like a lusty male, but even a twenty-one-year-old guy
couldn't experience orgasm and recover like a horny young woman.

It had been a long night of passion. Tim was probably dreaming
dreams that incorporated his new experiences, and his new outlook
at the world.

It was weird just to lie next to such an attractive girl-woman.

Tim was right when he voiced his concern that he's never get to
sleep with a real guy as long as he looked so young.

He might be twenty-one, but laying there, he looked like jail-bait.

Any mature guy might lust after that attractive, young body, but
no amount of explanation could get the man to believe he was old
enough. Oh, he might hang-out at a junior high somewhere and
experience the lusty pawing of a horny fourteen-year-old kid. But
that wasn't exactly what Tim had in mind.

Last night, as Joe touched him, stroking his breasts and inner
thighs, Tim closed his eyes, savoring the new sensations. His brain
was male, with at least most of the male urges still intact. But that
brain was wired to an almost completely mature, female body.
Females were sexual creatures too, and their bodies were obviously
capable of sensations and pleasures not available to the male.

The little girl sleeping next to him now had some idea of what sex
could be like as a female. And she (he) liked it.

Joe looked down at the floor. The exercise wear they both wore
yesterday was strewn about. He located his own panty, next to the
curled up jogbra. The tiny lycra garment was his. Not Linda's, not
some other woman's... His.

Like the young creature next to him, he was a woman now.
Physically at least. He had breasts. He had a vagina. They were
quite real.

When he was sleeping, Joe often forgot he had become female. He
could still dream. He was always male in his dreams. Always.

In the morning, right after waking, reality usually took a moment
to re-establish itself.

Joe placed a hand on his left breast. He gently stroked it, feeling its
texture. Just like a real breast. It was real. It was a woman's
breast, and it was attached to him. He grew it. He could feel it.
Joe ran his finger along the aerola, causing the silky soft nipple to
firm up. He was always intrigued when he did that to a girls breast.
Now he could do it to himself. He was a real woman.

Joe looked over at the still sleeping Tim.

Tim's nipples were full, though not erect. They were actually
slightly larger than Joe's and a lighter pink, like a young girls. It
must be difficult to have to live inside such a body when you felt
like a mature male.

There was more to life than staring at yourself in the mirror all day.

Feelings of lust began to stir as Joe watched Tim sleep. It
manifested first in his clitoris, that organ not always remembering
that it wasn't a penis anymore. The urge to touch himself was
quite strong. In moments he would begin to feel the sensations of
moisture as his sex began to lubricate. He could also sense, rather
than feel, his labia begin to swell.

Getting a boner was a wet experience now, but it still felt pretty

Joe placed his hand on his sex with one finger on each side of his
clitoris. Through his underpants, Joe used his fingers to "jack-off"
the little nub of flesh as if it were still a penis. He moved his hand
very slowly, his eyes closed as he savored the sensation.

Soon Joe involuntarily lifted his hips. His legs stiffened as the
climax took over his body. He pressed his palm flat against his

Sexual release was no longer accompanied by ejaculation of course,
but the crotch of Joe's underwear was wet with vaginal lubrication.

It still felt pretty good, Joe thought. Like this, sexual tension took
much longer to build, and just as long to subside. As a guy,
everything ended soon after climax. Now, While the peaks took
longer to climb, they were just as high, and the resulting pleasure
lasted much longer.

Joe placed his hand into the waistband of his underwear. Moving
down past his pubic hair, he found his clitoris, then slipped his
finger into the opening below it.

God, how he yearned for something to be inside. He probed deep,
adding another finger, then contracting his spincter muscles against
the wet digits. The sensation was quite enjoyable.

Joe pulled his hand away, putting both behind his head. He looked
down at his breasts, satisfied.

He was almost back to sleep when the phone began to ring.

The wake-up call. It was six AM. Time to get up already.

As Joe picked up the phone, Tim began to stir.

There was no one there, of course, but the call had served its
purpose. They were awake, moaning and groaning, wondering
where the night had gone. They lay there a few moments, then Joe
sat at the side of the bed, scratching his breasts.

"That was some night." Tim announced. "I kinda like being like

Joe looked over at the young woman. He smiled.

"Just as well." Joe considered. "Since you're gonna be a girl
whether you like it or not."

"Thanks, Joe." Tim said. "I mean, You didn't have to sleep with
me last night."

"Don't thank me." Joe corrected. "I wanted to be with you just as
much as you wanted to be with me."

Tim snickered.

"I guess we must really be queers now, huh?" Tim exclaimed.

"Maybe." Joe considered. "Maybe not. I kinda think of myself as
just a guy trapped in this woman's body. If that makes me queer,
OK, I accept it."

"Whatever we are, it was fun, wasn't it?" Tim asked.

"I enjoyed it." Joe agreed. "You've become a beautiful woman."

"A little girl." Tim corrected. "Look at me, I think I've become
even younger looking."

"You look pretty good to me." Joe announced, looking at Tim as
he stood up.

"I am still changing." Tim decided. "Just look at my hands.
They're smaller than yesterday."

Joe stood and examined himself. He knew the changes were not
just occurring in Tim. He went to the light at the window and
looked at his own arm. It was even softer and maybe even a little
smaller than yesterday.

When would it stop?

"We're both changing." Joe added. "I guess whatever it is, it's
happening to all of us."

"I'm scared Joe." Tim declared. "I don't want to die like this!"

"You ain't dead yet, Tim." Joe insisted. "We'll find a way to keep
you around a while yet. Go get some clothes on, or I'm going to
throw you on the bed again."

Tim walked around the bed, retrieving his underwear and clothes
as he walked. When Joe spoke to him, he wiggled his body
provocatively, a big sexy grin on his face.

"Get ready." Joe ordered. "We'll get some breakfast down stairs,
and be at the plane in an hour and a half.

"Yes sir!" Tim teased, offering a mock salute as he retreated to his
own room to get ready.

Joe went to the bathroom and relieved himself as he warmed the
shower water. When it was ready, Joe stepped in and let the water
warm his body. He rinsed off quickly, checked his legs for stubble,
decided that they were OK, and then stepped out of the shower. As
usual he watched his reflection as he dried off, looking for signs that
he was still changing.

If he was, it was far less than Tim. The young man was indeed still
becoming younger looking each day.

Joe brushed his hair, then gathered up his things and took them to
the bedroom. He placed them on the bed, then decided what
underwear to put on.

He selected a light gray cotton panty, and a matching Victoria's
Secret cotton bra. He deftly slipped them on and examined his
shape in the mirror. He turned his profile to the glass, lifting his
chest to emphasize the curve.

Joe liked what he saw. Being female had its drawbacks, but he was
proud of his new body.

Time to cover everything up, Joe considered.

He went to the hang-up bag, withdrawing a hanger holding fitted
wool slacks. Removing the dark gray slacks from the hanger, Joe
stepped into them. Pulling them over his hips, Joe struggled with
the side zipper. It was still weird wearing women's clothes. He was
now accustomed to the underwear... The bra's, panties... But the
different cut of things like women's pants...

These had no zipper in front. Joe ran his hand down the smooth
front, feeling only the slight bulge of his pubic bone, which
certainly seemed to be more pronounced since the change. No need
for a zipper here, he mused.

Joe went to the hanger to retrieve the silk blouse he bought to go
with the slacks. The smooth silk top felt sexy to his touch. If there
was anything about being a woman that he enjoyed, it was wearing
clothes like this. The blouse was so fine and fit so well. He tucked it
into the slacks, then found the black belt to tie it all together. He
looked at the feminine belt before he slipped it on. As a guy, he
had a thirty-four inch waist. Now it had shrunk to about
twenty-nine. His hips were probably as large as before, but his
waist seemed much smaller.

He took one last look, then turned to gather up his things and pack
for the trip home.

When he was ready, he went to the open door to check on Tim.

Tim was almost ready too. He also wore a pants and a blouse. The
attractive young girl was brushing her hair as Joe looked on.

"You look very nice." Joe said.

"So do you." Tim returned. "You look beautiful."

"It's genetic, I guess." Joe quipped.

"I'm ready." Tim announced, picking up his bag and struggling
with it to the door. His new small size made it difficult to handle
things that were no problem before the change. He looked at Joe,
who flashed a knowing smile.

"It'll all work out." Joe insisted.

"I hope so." Tim said. "This little girl stuff really sucks."

They took their bags down to the desk, then went to the coffee
shop. They found an empty booth and sat down. The waitress
came over and they ordered coffee. The woman looked at Tim
when he ordered coffee, as if she felt the young woman was too
young for such a thing.

The food came and they quickly ate. They made small talk as they
downed the hearty breakfast of fruit, hotcakes, and scrambled eggs.

"Did you check the weather?" Tim asked.

"Not yet." Joe answered. "But I doubt there'll be a problem."

"What if there is?" Tim asked.

"Then we stay another day." Joe said simply. "We get another
night here. There could be worse things, right?"

Tim grinned. He knew what Joe meant.

When they finished, they paid the bill, then went to check out of
their rooms.

Soon they were waiting for the courtesy van to carry them to the

On the ride to the airport, Tim asked about the passenger they
were to take to Arizona.

"Where do you think the guy's from?" Tim asked.

"Beats me." Joe considered. "He's probably somebody from the
FBI or something. They just have to get their fingers into
something as hot as this."

"The FBI?" Tim exclaimed. "You really think so?"

"I have no idea." Joe admitted. It could be almost anything. We'll
soon find out, I guess."

The Cessna was out on the ramp when they arrived. It was being
prepared for the trip as they walked out to it. The line-boy helped
them place the bags on-board.

They walked back to the FBO office to check weather and file.
They were a little early and their passenger had not yet arrived.

Joe filed for an 0800 takeoff and found a comfortable couch to await
his passenger.

Tim picked up a Glamour magazine and started to read.

"It takes on a whole new meaning now, don't it." Joe commented
as he watched the young woman read.

Tim looked embarrassed.

"How else are we going to learn about this stuff?" He asked.

"Right." Joe agreed. "It's just that I never noticed all the
underwear and tampon ads before this happened."

They both had a chuckle about that when they looked up and were
suppressed to see the young man they worked out with last night.

The man was staring at Joe, obviously as surprised as he was.

"The lady at the desk says you're Joe Bates." The man said,
offering his hand.

"That's right." Joe said, holding his hand out.

"Phillip Berg." The man said. "Call me Phil. I'm to go to Phoenix
with you."

"Really." Joe exclaimed. "I didn't know..."

"Neither did I." The man said, grinning. "And this is you're
sister?" He looked at Tim.

"Oh... Last night... No... Tim's not really my sister." Joe
admitted. "Phil, this is Tim Werner."

"Glad to meet you Tim." Phil said politely, offering his hand to the
young woman, who stood for the introduction.

"I must say, I had no idea that you two were who I was going to
meet." Phil continued.

"Does it bother you that we're women?" Joe asked.

"No... No, not at all." Phil insisted. "I've been informed of what
happened to"

"Then you know about us then?" Joe asked.

"A little." Phil answered. "I must say, I had no idea you would
look like this."

"Nether did we, Phil." Tim offered. "It wasn't in any of my
long-term plans."

"Are we ready to depart?" Phil asked, suddenly turning serious.

"We've been waiting for you, I guess." Joe returned. "The plane is
ready to go."

"I suggest we go then." Phil said.

"I want to stop at the restroom." Joe said. "Then I'm ready."

Tim followed Joe to the ladies room. As they peed, Tim spoke.

"My God. The hunk!" Tim exclaimed. "That's the guy from the

"Yeah, and he's coming with us." Joe said. "I wonder if he can talk
about it."

"We can ask, can't we?" Joe offered as he carefully used the tissue.

"This is going to be some trip." Tim continued. "He knows we're
really guys."

"WERE guys." Joe reminded him. "Take another look between
your legs."

They flushed almost in unison and left the stall. They primped one
last time in the mirror. Joe winked at Tim.

"Lookin hot!" He teased, putting his palms under his boobs. "Time
to aviate!"

The went back out. The passenger was out at the plane, looking it
over carefully. Joe wondered if he was a pilot.

Joe did a quick walk around and was finished before Phil stopped
examining the plane.

"Don't be concerned." Joe advised. "It'll get us there."

"Never hurts to check everything." Phil said seriously.

"I'll agree with that." Joe conceded.

They climbed aboard, with Phil riding in the seat behind the pilots.
Joe buckled in, suddenly very aware of the way the shoulder
harness pressed against his breasts. The silk blouse kept him
constantly aware of them.

"Do you fly, Phil?" Joe asked as he straightened the blouse.

"Not recently." Phil returned. "I did in the service, but I'm not

"What did you fly in the... Air Force?" Tim asked.

"Nope. Navy." Tim said. "Carrier pilot. A-7's mostly."

"Cool." Tim crooned. "That's really flying."

"It was fun all right." Phil agreed. "And dangerous too, if you
weren't careful."

"I'm afraid we won't be doing Mach .8 today." Joe said. "WE have
a little headwind most of the way too."

"That's OK." Phil said. "That'll give us some time to talk."

Great, Joe thought. Now we'll have to tell the whole story all over

The master switch came on and the gyros started to whine. Joe hit
the right engine starter and the engine snapped to life instantly. A
few moments to let the battery stabilize and he started the left
engine. When the engines stabilized, Joe flicked in the avionics
master switch.

The radio came to life immediately.

"...when ready to Taxi. Inform ground you have information

They listened for a repeat of the ATIS, then called for clearance.
When it came across, Joe read it back. He changed frequencies to
ground control to get a taxi clearance. Soon the plane began to roll
to the run-up area.

With the run-up complete, Joe called tower for permission to take
the active runway. When they started the take off roll, Joe offered
the wheel to Tim. Tim willingly accomplished the take-off, his
small stature making it difficult for him to see straight ahead. Joe
almost had to laugh as he watched the young woman fly the craft.

In about fifteen minutes, the plane was at its initial cruising

Joe decided to break the ice.

"Are you still with the Navy, Phil?" Joe asked.

"Nope." Phil answered curtly. "I left the Navy four years ago."

"Department of Defense?" Joe continued.

"The Government." Phil said. "The CIA actually."

"The CIA!" Tim said. "Are you a spy, or something like that?"

"Something like that, maybe." Phil conceded. "Not a spy actually.
An operative, we call it."

"You're an operative?" Joe asked. "What's that got to do with us?"

"Nothing really." Phil answered. "Nothing to do with you,

"The CIA want's to use the Cage?" Tim offered.

"The Cage?"

"That's what we call the lab at Honeybone. Joe explained. "The
transmitters have been set up inside a Faraday Cage. It works. But
you know that, don't you."

"I've been briefed on it, a little." Phil admitted.

"So what does the CIA have in mind for the Cage?" Joe asked.

"Hmmm... Did it hurt when it happened to you?" Phil asked,
ignoring Joe's question.

"I don't know." Joe answered truthfully. "I slept through the whole

"I didn't." Tim offered. "I didn't know what was going on. It
didn't hurt exactly, but it did feel weird. Kinda itchy, I guess. Hard
to explain. I didn't have any idea I would end up like this.

"You both look very female." Phil noted. "Are you... is
everything... female?

Joe looked back at Phil. He grinned.

"Everything." He said simply.

"What's it like? Phil continued. "Do you like it? Do you feel like a

"I don't know. Joe countered. "What does a woman feel like?"

"I guess you're right." Phil considered. "You wouldn't know any
more than I do about that."

"I think I have a pretty good idea." Joe offered. "You can try it, if
you want."

"I know." Phil said. "That's why I'm here.

That answer suppressed Joe. He looked at Phil again.

"There's no way back, you know." Joe said. So far, its been a
one-way trip."

"That's what makes it so scary." Phil said. "But the alternative is
not very attractive either."

"Alternative?" Tim asked.

"Yeah." Phil explained. "The work I've been doing for the last year
has become kinda hot. Some of the bad guys have exposed me. I'm
marked. Unless I can go underground, they won't give up till they
get me."

"Who is it?" Joe asked.

"Can't tell you that." Phil said. "But I advise that you to keep
your eyes open for anything or anyone unusual."

"What's going on, Phil?" Joe asked. "You plan to use the Cage to
disguise yourself?"

"It's been offered to me." Phil said. "Think it would work?"

"I don't know." Joe considered. "You'll definitely not be a male
anymore. But I don't know how much your appearance would

"I feel they wouldn't think of looking for a woman." Phil

"You want to give up your manhood?" Joe asked. "This is no
disguise, you realize."

"I don't want to wind up with a bullet in the back of my head."
Phil said somberly. "I could get used to wearing a dress."

Joe turned around. He offered his hand to Phil.

"Take it. Feel it." He said. "See how soft its become? I used to be
a guy. I weighed almost 200 pounds. I think I'm down to around
120 or so."

"You feel like a woman." Phil agreed.

Joe took Phil's hand and placed it on his breast. Phil gently
squeezed it, which suppressed Joe a little.

"Feels real, don't it?" Joe asked. "Trust me, it is."

"I could get used to that." Phil said, kneading Joe's hardening

Joe moved the hand away from his chest.

"I hope you can." Joe declared.


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