Death Mask:
Family reunions have not gone smoothly for Xena, whose mother greeted her with an outstretched sword in "Sins Of The Past", and whose supposed father turned out to be Ares in "Ties That Bind". Now Xena's older brother Toris shows up and does little to bolster family values. Toris blames Xena for the death of their younger brother, who was killed while helping her repel thw warlord Cortese from their home village. Despite his accusations, Toris himself feels guilt-ridden at having deserted Amphipolis while Xena stood her ground, and he now seeks to re-deem himself by murdering Cortese. Xena helps Toris bring Cortese to justice but dissuades him from killing the warlord, whose armies had devastated their family but whose defeat now helps reunite them.

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