A Fistful Of Dinars:
Shades of Indiana Jones, as Xena joins a quest for the lost treasure of the Sumerians,
in order to keep an even greater prize from the wrong hands: ambrosia, the food that can turn a mortal into a god. Her traveling companions include an assassin, Thersites, and a warlordnamed Petracles, whom Gabrielle finds charming but Xena bitterly calls more dangerous than Thersites. She speaks from experience, for Petracles had seduced her as a youth with the promise of marriage, then left her. But when Thersites threatens to kill Gabrielle in a bid to seize the ambrosia and become a god, Petracles dies trying to save her. Xena kills Thersites and then rushes to Petracles, whom she finds holding a locket that Xena had given him for their engagement.

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