Xena sets out to save Prometheus, the Titan whose gifts to mankind of fire and healing are lost when he is chained to a mountain by Hera. She meets her cherished friend Hercules but refuses to turn over the sword of Hephaestus that alone can break the chains, for she knows that whoever wields it to free Prometheus will be turned to ashes. The two heroes, accompanied by Gabrielle and Hercules friend Iolaus, journey together untill Iolaus is wounded fighting Hera's soldiers and Gabrielle stays behind to tend him. Rather than let Hercules die breaking the chains, Xena knocks him unconscious with her sword hilt. But when a giant bird carries her away, she hurls the sword down hundreds of feet to the son of Zeus in a last bid to save Prometheus.Hercules deflects it safely to break the chains and then catches Xena to complete thier day's labors, as Prometheus greatfully waves, fire is restored to humans, and Iolaus regains his ability to heal himself.
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