Chapter 13
It was summer and Danielle had a two-week vacation from work. She was sitting in the airplane, which was taking her to London. She was going to visit her father who was living there now.
After Marie died her parents started having fights, blaming one another for her death. They were both hurting inside and the only way they could face it was to lash out at each other. After six months or so her parents separated and her father flew to London. The papers for the divorce arrived two months later and Danielle remembered her mother crying, not really wanting it, but knew it was for the best.
Danielle was going to London to spend some time with her father, because it had been almost six months since she last saw him and thought it a nice opportunity to spend her holiday in London.
The plane landed in Heathrow Airport and Danielle was looking forward to her vacation. Danielle’s father wasn’t waiting for her at the airport, and she was a little disappointed. She called for a taxi to take her to her father’s office. She didn’t have the key to his home so she had no choice but to stop by there.
She knocked on the door.
”Come in.” Came a rough voice from the other side of the door. Danielle opened the door and faced her father. As he saw her his face lit up and he smiled broadly. “Daniella!” He cried rising from behind the desk. She hated it when he called her that but Danielle was happy to see her father, so she let it go this time.
”Hi Dad.” She smiled and they embraced.
”It’s good to see you, darling. How was the flight?”
”It was ok.” She said and drew back.
”I’m sorry I wasn’t there to pick you up. I was busy and didn’t even get the chance to phone Jane to pick you up.”
”Who’s Jane?”
”Oh, she’s my secretary.”
”Don’t worry about it dad, I can understand that you must be busy.”
”Er… Yes. I am. So busy that I won’t get to be with you much during the week.” He smiled feeling guilty.
”That’s ok I’ll just wait till the weekend and then I’m sure we’ll be able to spend more time together.”
”Sure, darling. That’s what I’m planning on.” He winked. “Meanwhile you can go tour London and enjoy the scenes. And I’ll make sure Jane contacts you and perhaps she might even be available to take you on a private tour of London. Just you and her.” He hugged her.
”Sure dad.” Danielle smiled. “But before I go can I please have the key to your home?” She grinned.
”Of course. Silly me.” He said and handed her a set of keys. “The one with the green plastic around it is the key to the front door.”
”Thanks dad.” She said and left the office. Danielle hailed a taxi and asked the driver to take her to her new home for the next two weeks.

The phone rang. Danielle got up from the sofa after a good rest and answered.
”Hello, you must be Daniella.” The voice on the other side said. It sounded familiar, but Danielle couldn’t place it at the moment.
”It’s Danielle. My dad teases me when he calls me Daniella.”
”Right, Danielle.” She laughed over the phone. “I’m Jane, your father’s secretary. He instructed me, though I’m quite happy do it anyway, to take you on a tour of London. Would you like that?”
”Sure that’d be great.” Danielle smiled.
”I’ll pick you up in an hour.” She said and hang up.
”Great. Finally something to do.” Danielle was talking out loud, though she knew no one was here to hear her. Danielle had been in London a day and she really didn’t like the idea of roaming around on her own so instead she stayed home and watched TV.

“You’ll love London, Danielle.” Jane commented as they were walking through Leicester Square. Danielle couldn’t help but hear the Irish accent in Jane’s voice and she liked it.
”I know. I could hardly wait till I got here and now I’ve got you to show me around.” Danielle grinned at Jane and she winked back.
”Apart from a tour, do you fancy doing some shopping too?” Jane asked even though she knew what the answer would be.
”Of course. That’s why I came!” They both burst out laughing.

Danielle enjoyed herself so much that week. Every day Jane would pick her up and take her out to see London. It was either just touring, or shopping or going to lovely restaurants and a couple of nights Jane took her out clubbing. Danielle couldn’t remember a lovelier vacation. She only wished she could share a bit of it with her dad.
It seemed like he worked twenty-four hours a day. He would leave home at six in the morning and come back at midnight. And on the nights she went clubbing it seemed he came home earlier and was asleep by the time she came back.
On Thursday evening Danielle’s dad phoned her. “Hi sweetie.”
”Hey dad. What’s up?” She heard the tone of his voice and thought she was going to hear bad news.
”I’m sorry darling…” She was right. “…But I’m going to have to postpone our weekend together for next week. I’ve suddenly received a whole pile of paper work that can’t be postponed.”
”Oh.” Was all Danielle could say.
”I’m really sorry darling. I wish there was something I could do to change things around. I know you came here to have a vacation and spend it with me, but things don’t always come out the way we want it to.” Danielle was crying on the other side but didn’t let her father hear her sniffing the tears away.
”That’s just fine dad. You go ahead and work.” She said angrily. “I’ll just phone Jane up and I’ll go out with her.”
”Yes. I think that’s the best thing. I’m really sorry Daniella.”
”Don’t call me that, dad!” She said. “Have a good weekend.” Danielle hang the phone up. She sat there for a while crying, annoyed at herself for taking it so badly.
She befriended Jane during the week, Danielle was sure at least that her new friend won’t let her down. She picked up the receiver and dialed Jane’s mobile.
”Hi, Jane. It’s me Danielle.”
”Oh hey there. What’s up?”
”Nothing much. It seems as if I’m free for the weekend, as I’m sure you know.”
”Yeah. I know. Sorry about that kiddo.”
“Well, anyway I was kinda hoping we could hang out together.”
”Aw… Honey. I’m sorry. But I’m going out.” Jane heard Danielle sigh. “It’s just that I don’t get to see my boyfriend very often throughout the week, ‘cause he’s always so busy and this weekend is a special one ‘cause he has the whole weekend off.” Danielle sighed again.
”I’m sorry Jane. I didn’t mean to spoil your weekend. I’m sure I’ll find something to do.”
”Ok, honey. I’ll talk to you Monday.”
”Sure.” Danielle hang up the phone the second time in anger today. That’s just great she thought. What am I going to do? Danielle sat there for quite sometime feeling sorry for herself when the phone rang.
”Danielle? Honey?”
”Yeah?” She asked.
”I spoke to my boyfriend and he agreed that we should take you along with us. What do you say?" Danielle liked the sound of that. Not being alone for the weekend. But she realized it wouldn’t do.
”But, but what about you wanting to have a special date this weekend? Coming along will just ruin it for you both. I don’t want to do that.”
”Sure, don’t worry about it. Anyway, I promised your father I’ll do anything I can to make you feel welcome here.” Danielle smiled.
”Thanks Jane.
”Oh, just one thing. If we do something a little naughty, just don’t mind us. We got a little catching up to do.” They both giggled.

Chapter 14
“Oh wow! What a classy restaurant.” Danielle exclaimed as they took their seats at the reserved table. It was secluded from the rest of the restaurant, quiet and pleasant. Jane and Danielle sat there waiting for Jane’s boyfriend to arrive.
”Yeah, I know. I love coming here with him. It’s out of the way and no one disturbs us.” Jane smiled. Danielle still felt uncomfortable joining a date that was meant for two. And after what Jane said, Danielle was prepared to leave.
It didn’t take long and Jane’s boyfriend arrived wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. Jane rose to greet him, kissing him on the lips.
”Hiya, Handsome.”
”Hey Siobhan.” He hugged her.
”I’d like you to meet our date for tonight, Shane.” Jane giggled and introduced them. “Shane, Danielle. Danielle this is my boyfriend, Shane.” Shane smiled at Danielle and reached his hand over to shake her hand.
”A pleasure Dani-“ He stopped when he recognized who it was. Danielle jumped in her seat as she recognized Shane. “No. It can’t be.” They both said at the same time. Siobhan looked at Shane, looked at Danielle, looked back at Shane but she couldn’t comprehend what was going on.
”Could one of you tell me what’s going on?” At first she thought it was because Shane was a famous person but their reaction to one another had nothing to do with it. Shane turned to Siobhan.
”Siobhan, this is Danielle. The girl from Switzerland.” Jane pulled a face. Looked at Danielle closely, then broke into a grin. Of course it was. She was exactly how Shane described her it amazed her how she didn’t see it before.
”That’s great, Shane. Now you can ask her.”
”Ask me what?” Danielle asked.

Chapter 15
Shane explained to Danielle how he felt after he had to leave her for the second time without really knowing what he had done to deserve the teddy bear and he really wanted her to tell him.
”Oh.” Danielle said sadly, remembering the tragic event of her sister’s death and tears clouded her vision. Siobhan laid her hand on Shane’s arm and he turned to her. She shook her head.
”Don’t push her, Shane.” He nodded and looked back at Danielle.
”I’m sorry Danielle. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He said stroking her cheek. The tears came running down, even if she didn’t want them to. Shane felt a pang of guilt for causing her pain and he leaned over to her and hugged her. “It’s ok sweetie. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Danielle nodded and drew away, wiping the tears with a napkin.
”I’m sorry. I guess I’m not really such good company at the moment. I better go.” She said.
”No. Don’t go.” Jane said standing up preventing her from going. ”Please…” Jane smiled at Danielle and then Danielle sat down again.
”Ok.” She smiled weakly.

No one talked of it again. They all had a wonderful evening talking, laughing, teasing each other and Danielle was glad that she stayed. Both Shane and Siobhan made her feel welcome and not once did they shut her out of any conversation.
”One thing confuses me.” Danielle stated.
”What’s that honey?” Jane asked.
”Well… I don’t know what your name is.”
Jane pulled a face then she looked at Shane and they both burst out laughing.
”Her real name is Siobhan.” Shane said. “It’s Irish.” He added.
”And your father couldn’t bother trying to pronounce my Irish name properly so instead he calls me by my English name, Jane.” Siobhan smiled at Danielle. “I never thought of telling you what my Irish name was. It would have just confused your father.” The two girls giggled at Siobhan’s last comment.
”Well I sure do prefer Siobhan that Jane.” Danielle smiled.
”So do I.” Shane chipped in and they all started another round of giggles.
”Do you mind if I call you Siobhan too?” Danielle asked.
”Of course I don’t mind kiddo.” She winked.

Their threesome date went by too quickly and they were all a bit upset that it was over. Danielle said she would take a taxi home and Siobhan wouldn’t hear of it.
”Sorry honey. I promised your dad to take care of you and that’s what I’m going to do.” Danielle smiled, she wouldn’t be able to win this argument.
Siobhan drove Danielle home and Shane came along for the ride. Danielle suspected that their night was only just beginning. She smiled to herself and stifled a laugh as she thought about it.
”Thanks so much for a lovely date.” Danielle said as the car pulled outside her father’s home.
”Our pleasure.” Siobhan and Shane said at the same time and they all laughed.
”G’night Shane. G’night Siobhan.”
”Good night kiddo.” Siobhan smiled. Danielle opened the car door.
”Yes?” She asked looking back at Shane. He seemed kind of nervous and a bit uncertain.
”I’m sorry to bring it up again sweetie, but I really would like you to tell me…” Danielle said nothing. Shane took that as a good sign and continued.
”How about next weekend?”
”No. I can’t. I’m busy next weekend. Sorry.” Danielle said abruptly and got out of the car before Shane could say another word.
Siobhan waited till Danielle got inside and faced Shane.
”Why did you bring that up?” She said upset.
”I don’t know… I guess I…”
”It was wrong of you Shane. I told you that when she went to the bathroom. Wait until she offers.”
”But I thought I’ll never get the chance to see her again.” Shane said defensively. Siobhan looked at him annoyed. He should’ve known better than to bring the issue up again. Shane looked at her with those puppy-dog-eyes and his pouting lips. She knew what he wanted.
”Awwww… I know sweetie. I’m sorry. I know how much this all means to you.” She said and leaned over and gave him what he wanted, kissing him softly on the lips. Shane slipped his hands round her waist and pulled her to him, kissing her back.

Chapter 16
Siobhan was laughing her head off as she lay in bed, Shane’s arm draped around her shoulders. “Don’t laugh.” Shane said trying to defend his actions.
”I can’t help it.” Siobhan cried starting to giggle. Shane loved hearing her laugh, but now he felt she was exaggerating slightly.
”So I brought the bear with me. Big deal.” He said pouting and turned away, taking his arm away from her shoulder. Siobhan was holding the teddy in her hand tears in her eyes from laughter. Siobhan sobered up after a while and touched Shane’s cheek. He turned to her and she smiled.
”This bear really means that much to you doesn’t it?” She asked seriously. Shane nodded and smiled happy that Siobhan understood. Siobhan smiled too, longing to kiss those inviting lips of his. But she held back just a little bit longer. “In that case we have to name the teddy.” She announced merrily. Shane saw the look in her eyes. He knew she wanted to kiss him so he pouted, hoping that would convince her to get on with it. He wanted that kiss as much as she did if not more. Still Siobhan held back. Shane pouted out of disappointment, not getting his way.
”You give it a name then.” He said, hoping to quicken the process, leaning forward wanting that kiss.
”Ok then.” Siobhan grinned leaning away from Shane, teasing him. Siobhan scrambled forward on the bed then turned around to face Shane. She put the teddy down before Shane and grinned. She lifted her arm and slowly lowered it onto the teddy’s shoulders. “I dub thee Sir… Er… No she’s a lady.” She giggled. “I’ll start again.”
”Get on with it.” Shane said impatiently. He wanted that kiss, and now seeing Siobhan sitting like that in front of him, her beautiful hair resting on her shoulders looking as bright as ever and the XL t-shirt she was wearing kept slipping off her shoulder, he wanted a bit more than just a kiss. Siobhan smiled cheekily.
”I dub thee Lady teddy bear. And from now on you shall be known as Shanie bear.”
”Shanie bear??” Shane pulled a face.
”Yeah. Got a problem with that Mr. Filan?” Siobhan laughed.
”Can I have my kiss now?” He asked.
”Yes.” She said.
”Then Shanie bear is fine for me.” They both giggled and he leaned forward taking her in his arms and kissing her passionately as Siobhan fell backwards onto the bed.

Chapter 17
The week passed by quickly. Shane was all busy throughout the week doing TV appearances and the likes. Westlife were promoting a new single and they were very busy. Danielle spent most of her time with Siobhan apart from a few times when her father begged Jane to be at the office to do a couple of errands. Siobhan talked to Danielle about Shane’s insistence of wanting to know what happened and how much it would mean to him if she could finish telling him. Danielle understood Shane’s point of view but there was no way she was going to miss her weekend with her dad. She had been waiting for it too long.

Danielle was looking forward for the weekend she was going to spend with her father in the Lake District. She planned it all, had all the maps ready and packed her suitcase and his.
Mr. Ryner came home later than excepted on Thursday and he looked exhausted. Danielle was home to greet him.
”Is everything ok, dad?” She asked seeing the state he was in. He shook his head and went to sit down on the sofa. “What’s wrong?” She asked worriedly.
”Daniella,” He sighed. “I can’t go to the Lake District with you.” Danielle frowned.
”Why not?” She asked angrily. “You know what? Don’t bother telling me. I don’t want to know! Thanks for a lovely vacation dad! I really enjoyed spending so much time with you!" Danielle said and left the room and stomped up the stairs to her room and slammed the door behind her. She had a lump in her throat and the tears came streaming down her face. It wasn’t fair, she thought. It wasn’t fair. All her plans kept get ruined. She was so mad at her father for doing this to her. Couldn’t he understand that she wanted to spend some time with him and that his job isn’t that important? She suddenly realized what had happened between her parents. After Marie had died her father put all his soul into his work and couldn’t be bothered to face his family with his sorrow. That’s how her parents drifted apart and had so many arguments. She didn’t want this to cause a separation between her and her dad. How she missed Marie…

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