all of the fear and all of the lies

chapter three

In all the confusion of all the screaming the loud blonde girl (who's name seemed to be Starcy) had misheard Angela. "Hey! Move out lasses! This girl's come over from Dublin to see the lads let her to the front to see Nicky, he's her fave inne?" As if the heavens had open and god had spoken the rabble of fans calmed and Angela was shoved to the front about two metres from Shelley. As Nicky came closer the screams got louder, Shelley smiled excitedly as she asked him to sign a picture she'd took last month and even got to give him a kiss on the cheek. Angela grinned, Much as she complained it was worth coming up to see Shelley this happy. As she looked around all the fans wiggled around with the same glow as Shelley and even Starcy looked humbled! Angela looked calmer, she thought about how cute Bryan's voice was on "Season in the sun" and how Nicky didn't really look like Ronan Keating up close. "Hello! You're new! What can I do you for? I mean do for you?" Bryan said with a cheeky grin. "She's come over from Dublin to see yuz, ant'ya?" Starcy shouted from over the top of their heads. "Oh, so you're a girl from the home land? I suppose you know the Dublin lasses are my faves don't ya? How long are you over for? Will I be seeing you again? "Erm... I live in England now" "So, we could be seeing a far bit of you? I'll look forward to it." "Bryan, you gotta come back in" Nicky interrupted "Nix, This girls one of our own, a Dub!" "Ah! Why didn't ya call me over, we could have compared shamrocks" Nicky said giggling. "Nah, Nickster! I didn't want to share." Angela stood back and watched each member of Westlife talk to Shelley; she'd never noticed such a strange look on her face. Angela resigned to the back of the crowd and waited for Shelley and Westlife were beckoned back to the interview. Starcy was wittering on in her ear and Shelley was still recovering from kissing Nicky. "WOW! Shelley! Nice one mate! Kissing Nicky! WOW! Lucky lass! Are ya happy? Worth the trip up was it? Heehee! You met them all in one day! Got all ya pix signed! So, are you going off to the hotel now? Where's the tube station?" For once Angela wasn't sulking about stalking Westlife round London in the cold. She would be excited, wouldn't you? Meeting anyone famous would excite anyone! Shelley looked right at Angela. "No, I'm going home" Angela searched Shelley's face for a smile or a laugh, but the didn't find one. "What's up wid ya Shells? U met all of Westlife and they all stood and talked to you properly, I thought that's what you wanted?" "Ang! All they wanted to talk to me about was you. For god sake you're not even a Westlife fan and they can't resist you. They were like giggling schoolboys! God! You always get all the lads, all the grades and everyone likes you. One thing I had that was mine was Westlife, My obsession! One thing I had which you didn't. And you even beat me at that. That's not a true friend" And with that Shelley disappeared between the depleted crowd of people. And once again Angela was alone.

chapter four