all of the fear and all of the lies

chapter five

"Wha? Jesus! Bloody hell Kian, erm, Hi, Sorry, Yeah, How are you? Ain't you flying out?" Shelley said in a stumbling confusion. "Ok, Hi, I'm great and obviously not. So, you two outsmarted the others then. Do ya want that signing?" Kian asked pointing to the album in Shelley's hand. "Hello again girls! Got back here quick didn't yuz? Its Michelle isn't it? And ah! Miss Dublin! Angela?" "Erm... Yeah, thanx, its Shelley. How are you Nicky?" Shelley was still in complete shock that he'd remembered them. "Hi again" Angela interrupted "Were thinking of booking in this hotel tonight, its not like were stalking you. Haahaa are ya gonna tell us if its any good. or are ya gonna show us?" Angela always had this power with men to flutter her eyelashes and wrap them round her little finger. Shelley envied her sometimes but right now she was too worried about that fact her best mate had just told the five most perfect men on the planet a lie that would no way come off. She stood there and nodded unconvincingly. "Erm. Well, I'm sure they'd no problem with you coming in for a drink, oh I mean to look around" Mark said feeling obliged to react considering Angela had practically invited herself in already. "Haahaa! Who know how to cheer up there best matie?" Angela smirked. She was on top formed and was determined to lift Shelley's spirits. "Ang, what the hell are you doing? We can't stay here. Its £200 a night. Want are we gonna do? I can't talk to them like normal people! What about there girlfriends, they'll be in there. Shane's seeing that girl Melody, Kian with that one called Heather, Nicky's been with Georgina FOREVER and Bryan's seeing. who isn't Bryan seeing??..." "He isn't seeing you, but that could change." Angela was taking Shelley's panic as a joke. "And Mark's. Well Mark's." "Following in Steve Gately footsteps?" Angela continued giggling "Firstly Steve Gately's a dude and secondly no way is Mark gay, even if he was." "Shell, CHILL OUT! We're being waited for" Angela was already walking towards where Shane, Nicky and Kian were stood at the entrance. "Angela, Bryan wants a word, Shelley isn't it? Hi, we didn't talk much this morning did we?" Mark appeared from nowhere and now was walking Shelley in the direction of the others as Angela disappeared towards were Bryan's voice lingered." Shelley was dying to know what he wanted but she trusted Angela didn't she? And besides she was in a surreal situation. Seeing them like this was it Bryan she really wanted?

chapter six