falls apart

chapter six

I wondered why he didn’t want to fight it. I wouldn’t want to spend anymore time here than I had to. Kian got up and walked off when the report was over and I followed. We went back upstairs and started to talk some more.
"How many times do I have to say I don’t wanna leave you?" I asked. "It just doesn’t seem fair."
"It’ll work out. Trust me."
No sooner had he said that, a guy who I’d never seen before came into the room. "Kian, Kian Egan, there’s a phone call for you," he said and turned to leave.
"Wonder what that’s about?" Kian asked himself and went in the same direction.
That was awful strange. He said no one knew where he was. Maybe he meant no one, as in the guys and the fans, not his family. I’d find out minutes later anyway. I was left alone with my thoughts.

Kian came back grinning from ear to ear. I could tell he was waiting for me to ask what was going on.
"Guess what?" he asked.
"I’m leavin’ tomorrow too. I gotta testify in this lawsuit and I may be back in the group. That is if we win it. I’ve been waitin’ for this call for so long."
"Ki, that’s great!"
We shared a quick kiss.
I was so happy. That meant I wouldn’t have to leave him behind. But then again this made it even more unlikely for us to see each other again. But whatever was best for him was best for me. It was getting pretty late. I was kind of tired. I went over and laid down on my bed. Kian came with me.
"Aren’t you happy?"
"Yeah, but I think it’ll be a bit strange at first. I’ll have to get used to everything again."
"Me too. All my friends are gone. My boyfriend’s gone."
"You can make new friends and I’m always here for you whenever you need me. If you just want to talk. About anything. Anything at all."
I wouldn’t say he was my boyfriend. He was more than that to me. Just the few moments we’d shared while we were here. They’d last forever. Time could never conquer them.
We just laid there in each other’s company. It was like we had this mutual understanding that this might be it. The mood was filled with occasional kisses and one time I felt like it was an eternity while we laid there and made out. Not that that was a bad thing. Actually it was a very good thing. We stayed like that until the morning. I woke up like I had several days before with him holding me tight. His eyes opened as soon as I moved. He gazed me for several seconds. I kept wondering what was wrong.

"Well for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sun rise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place
It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it’s like flying without wings
‘Cause you’re my special thing
I’m flying without wings."

He sang softly to me. I went to say something and he silenced me by pressing his lips to mine. After that we both got up and started throwing things together to leave. My parents came at about ten o’clock and came up to help me carry stuff out in case I needed them too. I really had basically nothing.
"Well, Laura. I bet your relieved you’re finally going home. I knew you’d never do that. In my heart I knew," my mom said. "C’mon it’s time to go."
"You guys go ahead. I’ll be down in a minute."
"I thought you’d be in this big rush to go," my dad said.
"Who’s the guy over there?" my mom asked. "You didn’t stay in here with him, did you?"
"Yeah. I did. What was I supposed to do? Request another room? This isn’t exactly the Hilton here."
"Don’t get smart with me. I haven’t seen you in nine whole days and you start getting smart already."
"Please go. I’ll be down in a minute."
My mom walked away and threw her hands up. I was so thankful when they both left the room. I was determined not to let myself cry. I’d done enough of that to last a lifetime since I’d been here. It would take everything in me, but I figured that I could do it.
"Kian, I have to go now," I said. He came up to me.
"Laura, why do things have to be this way? I can’t let you go without telling you something."
"I have some things to tell you too. You made my life bearable while I was here. I never would have made it without you. I would’ve been pulling my hair out and probably really would have gone nuts. Every time I was about to fall you were there for me. You never let me let go. You didn’t know me hardly at all, but you were always there to rescue me. Thank you, Kian. Thank you so much. There aren’t words to say what I feel for you. What you mean to me."
"It was my pleasure actually. I couldn’t leave you in a state like that. Honestly, I would’ve been kicking myself if I had. Laura, I only know one thing to say right now. Over the past few days, I found myself falling in love with you. I love you. There’s no other way to put it."
"I love you too, Ki," I said. With that we shared our last kiss. It was the best of all the times we’d kissed. I must’ve taken along time because my dad walked back up to the room.
"Laura, let’s go. Now."
Not a moment of privacy ever. Oh well. He’d just have to stand there and watch. Who cares? I left with a smile on my face as I waved.

I walked down the stairs with my dad.
"You didn’t give that nut your phone number did you?" he asked.
I didn’t answer. I was off in lala land thinking about Kian and when we’d be together again. And yes, if you’re wondering I did give "that nut" my phone number.

~ End ~

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