flying without wings

chapter thirty eight

'Emily!! What are you doing here?' I was walking toward the lads, holding hands with Mark. 'Hiya lads! What's the craic?' Mark was in a very cheerful mood today and it was the perfect time for us. I knew it was meant to be Mark's Christmas holiday but I didn't mind. This was Westlife's last appearance before the lads' official Christmas holiday.

Nicky, Bry, Shane and Ki gave me a hug. 'Going public are we?' Bry teased us. 'How's the baby going Em? You look HUGE!! My God, I hope G won't be that huge or else how am I suppose to get near her? Mark, how did you cope?' 'Thanx loads for saying I'm huge Nicky cos I'm supposed to be. We're having twins.' The lads were looking at me and Mark with wide eyes. Two seconds later, they were all around us, showering us with congratulations and hugs.

'Hey lads, get off Em now. It's show time!' It was Ro and Yvonne and baby Jack were walking toward us. We all laughed. 'Thanx Ro.' I said when Ro walked pass me. Ro grinned. He had been a great friend to me although I knew he was busy. Every now and then Yvonne would drop by and had a chat with me.

Westlife sang a few songs and they had time for questions. And one question went, 'Mark, you look way happier than you were, say, three weeks ago. Is there something special going on?' Mark blushed and the photographers were racing to take pics of him blushing. 'This is it Em.' Yvonne whispered to my ear.

'Well, ummm..yeah, there is something special going on. Ummm, I'm sorry for not telling the fans sooner but I'd like you all to meet the person that is able to make me fly without wings...' Before Mark continued, the press looked alarmed and went up closer to the stage. I was alarmed too cos I never thought it could be pretty intimidating. Mark waved his arms to me, signalling me to get on the stage.

'I'd like you all to meet my girlfriend, Emily Steefall, and the unborn Feehilys.' The flashes went straight on our faces. Questions for Mark was flooding like a river. Luckily Mark held my hands tight and then put his arms around me.

Mark decided not to answer anymore questions but he wanted to make a statement. 'I know that some people will search for Emily's background and I would like to point out that I love her very much and nothing could ever change that. No matter what.'

I was shaking when the lads and me walked off the stage. And because Mark was holding my hand, he could feel it too. He hugged me and whispered, 'It's gonna be alright love. It's gonna be alright. Nothing to worry about.' I could hear that he was assuring himself too although he sounded a little bit more confident than me.

chapter thirty-nine