flying without wings

chapter five

Mark was inside the cold white smelly hospital room with me. He walked towards me but his beautiful lips didn't say a word. He had his head down as if he was scared I'd push him away like I pushed Bryan away.

When he got to my bed side he said, 'Hiya, Emily right? Are you feeling better? Ummmm..You were right in front of the café when you collapsed. Shame you didn't even get to taste the nice warm coffee inside.' Then he put on a cheeky grin although he seemed nervous. 'I'm Mark.'

Those eyes of his met with mine again and somehow it clicked. It felt so right that I felt that it was wrong. I flashed him a small smile. A thought strucked me. How did Mark know auntie Cecilia's number? He must've..Ah, no. He wouldn't do that. That would be an invasion of my privacy.

Outside I could hear auntie Cecilia babbling about stuff that didn't even exist. I felt sorry for Bryan that suddenly I smiled. Poor love. 'What's so funny?' Mark interrupted my thoughts and my smile.

'Nothing.' 'Awww, come on. I'm not stupid enough y'know.' 'Nothing, seriously.' After I said that I stupidly giggled. Somehow I felt stronger than I was before.

'Hey Em! Can I call you that?' 'Yeah sure' I continued giggling because his face looked so funny and innocent but stupid at the same time. 'Alright Em, are you ticklish?' 'Why?' I replied, still giggling away. With that Mark got up and started tickling my ribs. 'Oi! Hahahahahahaha..Come on Mark! Stop it! Hahahahahahaha..'

Mark was laughing too at this point. Suddenly I realised, I haven't laughed for ages. The last time I laughed was probably with mam. That was a long time ago. It made me so sad I stopped giggling.

When I stopped, Mark's face was right in front of mine. It made me so nervous because I've never felt like this before. Happiness. That word hadn't touched my life for a long time and look at me now.

Mark's cheek suddenly turned red, like a tomato. My heart told me to touch it but my head told me that if I touch him everything would never be the same.

chapter six