harriet (1)

chapter two

Shane’s alarm clock woke him at eight the next morning. He moved his arm across to pillow to find Karen. Then he remembered. She left him. She had left him.
He spent the next hour in a daze, trying to switch off his emotions and still prepare himself for the barrage of phone calls, which he would be sure to start receiving before long.
Sure enough, just before nine his phone rang.
‘Hello, Shane speaking.’
‘Shane, this is John from the Star’s gossip column. What are you saying about those piccies?’
‘John, I can honestly tell you that I am single. I was dating the girl in the pictures, but since the pictures were taken, we’ve broken up.’
‘Can you tell us anything about her?’
‘I can, but I won’t. We may have split up, but she doesn’t deserve to have her private life spread all over the tabloids. Goodbye.’
He hung up. The rest of the day was spent doing much the same, but as the day went on, Shane realised that he didn’t want to be telling them he was single. He wanted to announce their engagement. The fact he was in love, IS in love. But Karen obviously didn’t feel the same.


The phone rang again.
‘HELLO!’ Shane’s voice sounded strained. He had been answering phone calls from journalists all day long, and really couldn’t cope with another one.
‘Shane, it’s me Nicky.’
‘Nicky, I’m sorry man, I’ve had a crap day.’
‘I can guess. What’s going on? I saw the Sun, but I’ve heard since then that you’re denying it! Why don’t you just tell them the truth?’
‘I have Nick. We split up. Last night. We had a really big row about the pictures, and I said some stuff I shouldn’t have. Then Karen left, and I haven’t heard from her since. I guess she went to a mate’s place.’
‘Shane I’m sorry. Bloody hell, what a mess you’re in.’
‘Thanks for pointing that one out. Y’know I hadn’t noticed?!’
‘Calm down. I wanna help you, but you’ve got to chill out a bit, otherwise you’re never gonna be able to have a decent conversation with Karen when you see her.’
‘She said she was going to come round today, to pick up her stuff. I’m so scared Nick. I don’t want to lose her. I know we hadn’t told you, but we were gonna get married. The photos they got were of us at the restaurant where I proposed. I love her so much. But I’ve blown it. She doesn’t love me anymore.’
‘Wow. So you guys were gonna get hitched huh? But surely if you loved each other enough to get married, you can overcome a little argument?’
‘I really don’t know. I sure as hell hope so. Look Nick, the doorbell’s just gone - it’s probably Karen. I’ve got to go.’
‘Good luck Shane. Give me a call later, yeah?’
‘Sure. Bye mate.’
The doorbell rang again.
‘I’m coming, I’m coming.’ Shane muttered to himself, half praying that it was Karen at the door, and half praying that it was anyone but.
‘Save it Shane. I’ve come to get my stuff.’
‘No, Kar, you can’t. I love you.’
‘It didn’t seem like it last night. Please will you go out for half an hour whilst I get my stuff sorted. I don’t want to see you.’
Shane left. He didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of letting her see him cry. So, he went for a walk around the park, where he knew it would be quiet. He sat down on a bench, and cried so much that all his emotions were drained out of him.
Half an hour later, he headed back for the flat, but she had already left. There was a note for him, in a bulky envelope. He didn’t have the energy for that now. Tomorrow, maybe, once he had had some sleep.

chapter three