harriet (5)

chapter four

Instead of sitting in the seats we’d booked, we were allowed to sit in the area right in front of the stage. After the opening three songs, Shane stepped forward to the front of the stage.

‘Hello Glasgow!’ The crowd yelled ‘hello’ back at him. ‘Looking beautiful tonight, I have to say! We’re going to turn back the clock a few years now, to our first album. I’d like to dedicate this song to a very special someone that I met today, even though I’ve known them for a long time. Thank you for coming to me. "We Are One" everybody.’ The crowd cheered, not seeming to care who this ‘special someone’ was. Shane glanced down at me as he made his way to the back of the stage. Karina and Nancy threw each other a look, and Nancy whispered in my ear,

‘He’s got it bad for you.’ When I turned to look at her, she nodded and said, ‘I’m a mother - I know these things!’ I tried to laugh it off, but I don’t think either of them were convinced. For the rest of the night, I concentrated on being a Westlife fan. Everything else was too complicated.

As the last song started, we did as we’d been told, and headed out back to the tour bus, so we could hitch a ride with the guys back to the hotel. Or rather, the bar in the hotel! Before I had any time to get nervous about seeing Shane again, the five of them bounded on to the bus, adrenaline still pumping.

‘You Scots are mad!’ Bryan made his way up to the fridge at the back of the bus.

‘Cheers, I think.’ Shane was still talking to someone at the front of the bus. He made his way up the gangway and sat in the seat next to me.

‘So, what did you think?’

‘What did I think? You were all amazing. Truly amazing.’ I gave Shane a quick kiss.

‘What was that for?’

‘Does there have to be a reason? I just felt like it!’ He smiled.

‘It was you, you know.’

‘It was me what?’

‘That I was talking about, before "We Are One". It was you.’

‘Really? Did you mean it?’

‘God, yeah. Every word. I dunno, it seems less scary saying it on stage, in front of 4,000 people than it does saying to your face. Stupid really.’

‘No, Shane, it’s not stupid. I know what you mean. I can hardly think straight when I’m around you, let alone talk! I still just can’t quite believe this is happening!’

‘Me neither. It scares me.’

‘Me too.’ I caught his eye and blushed.


‘Nothing. Look, we’re here now. Are you going to the bar?’

‘Of course. You gonna come along?’

‘I dunno, it might be awkward.’


‘Well, I can’t drink can I? I’m underage.’

‘If you want to you can. You can pass for 18 easily. I won’t be drinking anyway. I hardly ever do.’

‘Okay then, but not for long.’ So, we all jumped off the bus, and the eight of us, as well as some of the guys who travel with them, headed into the bar. Shane and I had our arms round each other and had our faces turned towards each other, but we leapt apart when camera flashes went off in front of us.

‘What the?!’ Shane looked around. In front of us was a photographer who had checked into the hotel, so that he could get into the bar for when we got back from the gig. He had a huge smile on his face. Who could blame him? He had shots of Westlife’s lead singer with his arms around a girl no one had ever seen before. Shane looked ready to hit him.

‘Shane, don’t.’ I grabbed his arm. ‘Just leave it. Come and have a drink.’

‘Yeah, you’re right. Scum like this aren’t worth the hassle.’ He gave the photographer a filthy look as we walked past him. ‘I’m sorry Harriet.’ He gave my hand a squeeze as we sat down. ‘I just get so pissed off when they try and get photos of anything. Everywhere I go I’m on stage.’

‘I know. Well, I don’t really know, but I can guess. What happens if the photos get out?’

‘That depends.’

‘On what?’

‘Us. Look, do you want to go somewhere a bit quieter where we can talk about this.’ Bryan and Kian were already on their second pints, but they still seemed to have time to make enough noise to cause an earthquake!

‘Yeah, sure. I’ll just tell them where we’re going.’

‘Don’t bother. They won’t even miss us.’ He took my hand, and as we walked out, the camera clicked away. We walked across to the lift.

‘Where are we going to go?’ I didn’t want him to say what I thought he was going to say.

‘My room okay?’

‘Sure.’ At least that’s what I said. He must have sensed my apprehension.

‘It’s okay, all our rooms have sitting rooms attached.’ I smiled, feeling reassured. He led me into the little room next to the bedroom. Through the door I could see his unmade bed from where he’d slept earlier.

‘So, how does this depend on us?’

‘Well, we can either do the "Just good friends" line, or we can tell the truth.’

‘What do you want to do?’

‘I don’t know. What I want to do, isn’t probably what’s the best thing to do.’

‘Why, what do you want to do?’

‘I want to tell the truth, but to be honest, I’m not sure exactly what the truth is.’ He looked at me.

‘Nor am I. I know what I feel, at least I think I do, but I don’t know what’s happening, or what’s going to happen.’

‘What do you feel?’

I swallowed, hard. ‘I know that the feelings I’ve had today are stronger than anything I’ve ever felt before.’ I paused.

‘And the feelings are...?’

‘Good. I like you, so much, but I’m scared of getting hurt if I let myself like you as much as I really do.’

‘Me too. I guess I’m scared of how strong my real feelings are. This has all happened so fast, and I’ve hardly had chance to take it in. But I know that we’ve only got until the end of this week to decide, and probably not really even that long.’

‘Decide what?’

‘If you come with me.’ Shane took a deep breath. ‘What d’you think?’

‘I dunno. God. No, actually, I do know. I’d love to come with you, but I’m only 17. I’m still living at home. I’m still at school for Christ’s sake.’

‘Then you have to figure out whether your feelings are strong enough to make you want to give that up.’

‘What do you want?’

‘I think you know what I want.’ Shane stared at me, earnestly. ‘But I don’t want to put pressure on you. It’s not fair.’

‘Give me a couple of days. Just let me be for the next day or so, and I’ll tell you on Wednesday.’

‘So I can’t see you till then?’

‘Not just us together no. If I’m around, you can come and say hi, and vice versa, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be alone, do you?’

‘No, I guess. So, since we’ve got a day off on Wednesday night, why don’t we go out again then, and you can tell me then. And I’ll just do the "Just good friends" for now, okay?’

‘It’s a date!’ I stood up and kissed him on the forehead. ‘’Night.’ I knew full well what I’d decided, but I was too scared to admit it to myself, let alone anyone else.

chapter five