harriet (1)

chapter six

Karen woke to breakfast in bed. Shane had brought her all her favourites, and a smile on his face.
‘Morning honey. How did you sleep?’
‘All the better for having you here. What about you?’
‘Okay, I guess. Today could be hard though. I hope Ro can talk Louis round. You know I’d choose you over the band, but I don’t want to have to. It’s not fair on the other guys.’
‘Shae, it’s not fair on you either. I don’t know why Louis is doing this. What are you going to do about the interview this afternoon?’ Shane had set up an interview with Smash Hits to tell them that he was no longer single.
‘I don’t know. I’ve phoned them to say that it might not go ahead. It depends what Ro says to Louis. I wanna do it though Kar. I’m fed up of saying that I’m single, when I’m not. I’m in love with you, and I want the whole world to know!’ He bent down and kissed her.


The two of them were still back in bed when the phone rang around midday. Shane leapt up.
‘I’ll get it. It might be Ro.’ He picked up the phone. ‘Hello?’
‘Shane? Where have you been? I’ve been trying your flat, your mobile. I didn’t know where to find you.’
‘Sorry. I, errr, stayed here last night. Have you spoken to Louis yet? What did he say?’
‘Sorry man. He’s not changing his mind. It’s Karen or the band.’
‘Then I stick with what I said last night. I’m leaving the group.’ He sat down on the bed and put his arm round Karen.
‘Shane, let’s think about this.’ Ronan didn’t want Westlife to lose their lead singer. But he knew how stubborn Shane could be. And he also knew how much he loved Karen. ‘What are you doing about the interview this afternoon?’
‘I don’t know. I want to go ahead, but if I do, and then it emerges that I’m leaving, all the blame will be put on Karen, and that’s something we don’t need.’
‘Why don’t you cancel the Smash Hits interview, and set up one with a paper, and tell them you’re leaving first. Then in a week or two, set up one with the magazine and tell them you’re engaged?’
‘I might do that. Who should I use? The Sun?’
‘They’re as good as anyone. Oh and Shane, I didn’t get chance to say it last night - congratulations. I’m sure the two of you will be very happy together.’
‘We already are Ro. I’ll phone you later once I’ve done the interview.’
‘Good luck Shane.’


The next morning the papers came crashing through the door of Shane’s flat. He’d arranged to have them all delivered to his door. Somehow last night, the story had leaked out and his face was all over the front pages of the tabloids. He picked up the Sun. He wanted to read what they’d made of the interview.....

Is it going to be West-dead now that lead singer has quit?
Shane Filan has quit the massively successful boy band Westlife. He chose the Sun to tell his side of the story.
Shane skimmed through all the band’s history at the start of the article. He wasn’t interested in that.
I was put in a situation by our manager Louis where I had to choose the band or something else. I chose something else. What is it? That’s for me to know and you to find out. It will almost certainly emerge over the next couple of weeks as to why I’ve left, but I think that fact that I’m leaving is a big enough shock for the fans in one day.
The other guys are totally supportive of my decision, as is Ronan. None of them wanted me to leave, but they appreciate why I’m doing it, and we are certainly all still friends. I’ve spent the best years of my life so far with these guys, and we’re definitely not going to stop being friends now.

All in all, they’d done it very well. But he was worried that maybe he should have told them about Karen at the same time. It might make things worse telling them separately. The doorbell ringing snapped him out of that though.
‘Karen! I thought you weren’t coming over 'til later. Are you okay?’
‘I want you to tell them now Shane. I’ve had people with camera’s sitting outside my flat all morning. I could only get out by using the back entrance. I think they know.’
‘Who was it? Did they see you leaving?’
‘I don’t know. I don’t think so. Please just tell them. I don’t want to hide anymore. I don’t care if they blame me for you quitting. I can’t live like this Shane.’
‘Okay, okay. It’s gonna be okay.’ He pulled her close and held her head to his chest. As he tried to calm her down, he decided she was right. ‘Karen. Look at me. I’m sorry you’ve been dragged into this. I’ll call John at Smash Hits right now, and do the interview this arvo. They go to press this evening, so once I’ve done the interview, they’ll tell the papers. It’ll break in the morning.’
‘Thank you. I’m so sorry. D’you want me to come?’
‘Yeah. We’re in this together.’

chapter seven