harriet (6)

chapter eleven

Nicky, Newcastle, Wednesday

‘Come on, Laura. Pick up, please.’ Nicky had been trying for the hour since Georgina left to get through to Laura, but she wasn’t answering. Just as he was about to hang up, she answered.


‘It’s Nicky. Look, um,’ Nicky was determined not to start crying again. ‘could you come over to the hotel? I know you’re really busy an’ all, but I really need to talk.’

‘I dunno. I could be there in a couple of hours, but not before really. What’s wrong?’

‘It’s Georgina. It’s, umm, all over between us. But don’t worry, I’ll see you later.’ Nicky blinked hard in an attempt to hold back the tears.

‘Oh God. Nick, I’m so sorry. Look, I’ll do my best. I’ll be there in about half an hour that’s the best I can do. I’ll see you soon.’

‘Okay. Thanks.’ Nicky hung up and sighed. Thank God for Laura. She’d been there for him through everything. She knew him better he did himself. But even though he knew her inside out, he had no idea of her real feelings for him.


chapter twelve

Shane, Newcastle, Thursday

Shane spotted Alec walking along the corridor with Lucy. He desperately wanted to speak to Lucy, but he didn’t have the guts to face Alec. He ducked into the canteen.

He’d told Alec it was all over the other night before dinner. She hadn’t taken it well at all. She just kept saying ‘Why now? Why now?’ and when Shane asked her why what now, she just cried even harder.

He wanted so much to speak to Lucy, to explain how he felt, but whenever he’d seen her, she’d been with Alec. Shane had totally forgotten about the conversation he’d had with Lucy the other day.

As he hid behind the door to the canteen, he heard Lucy speaking to Alec as they passed.

‘Alec, you’ve got to tell him! It doesn’t matter what’s happened between you two, he’s still this baby’s father.’

Shane gasped. Baby? Alec couldn’t be pregnant. God, no.

When he was sure they were gone, he went back out into the corridor and walked straight into Bryan.

‘Watch it Shae!’

‘What? Sorry.’

‘You okay? You don’t look it.’

‘Gee, thanks Bry. That helps.’ Shane stormed off, leaving Bryan utterly bewildered.


chapter thirteen

Mark, Newcastle, Thursday

Mark flicked through the TV channels in the dressing room and sighed. He couldn’t concentrate on anything. All he could think about was Patricia, and what she’d told him. He’d finally got up the guts to tell her how he felt, and he felt like she’d slapped him in the face. He remembered...


‘Look, Patricia, I dunno if you’ve noticed,’ He gulped, ‘but I really like you.’

‘Mark! Wow, I’m, I’m honoured. Really. But I have to be honest with you, I’m interested in someone back at home. Things are just starting to take off.’ She put her hand on her arm. ‘I’m sorry.’ And then she was gone.


Mark sighed again. He hadn’t felt like this about anyone before. And to make things worse, he had Sandra pestering him. Sandra’s great, and a good laugh, but just not his type. More like Bryan’s type...


chapter fourteen

Kian, Newcastle, Thursday

Late on Thursday night, Kian’s phone rang. He jumped up, hoping it was Karina. He still hadn’t heard from her.

‘Kian here.’

‘Kian, it’s Karina.’

‘Are you okay? Where are you? I’ve been worried sick.’

‘You sound like my mother.’ She half laughed. ‘Look, ‘Ki, I’m not going to be around for the next couple of days.’

‘Why? What’s wrong?’

‘Please don’t ask. I can’t tell you. But I just wanted you to know that I’m okay. Please let everyone know I’m okay, and that I’ll be back soon. I’ll phone you soon.’ And before Kian had chance to say anything else, she hung up.

Kian put his phone away, and sat down on the bed. What was wrong with Karina? She never kept things from him. Never.


chapter fifteen

Bryan, Newcastle, Friday

Bryan spotted Mark at the far end of the corridor. He wanted to ask him if he knew what was wrong with Shane. First Nicky and Georgina broke up, and then Shane started walking around like his entire world had caved in around him.

Bryan did a double take. Just coming around the corner, behind Mark was Sandra. He smiled. She was persistent, you could certainly say that for her. All of a sudden, Mark turned round and snapped at her just to leave him alone. She disappeared, looking like a hurt puppy.

‘What did you do that for?’

‘Bry, she’s driving me up the wall! It’s like having another shadow.’

‘So tell her you’re not interested.’

‘I’ve tried! It’s not that easy.’

‘Anyway, do you know what’s wrong with Shane? I can understand Nicky looking like a wet weekend, but Shane and Alec weren’t that serious, were they?’

‘Ah, I dunno. I have the feeling we’re not getting the whole story. The two of them had better snap out of it, though. It’s the first show tomorrow, and the fans’ll be great for Nicky, but they didn’t even know Shane was seeing anyone, so he’s got no excuse. Some show this is going to be,’ Mark muttered as he walked away.

Bryan shook his head. He looked up and saw Sandra crying at the other end of the corridor. It wouldn’t do any harm just to comfort her, would it?

chapter sixteen to twenty