if I let you go (2)

chapter ten

It was a Wednesday morning and my friend Karen was taking Steven to play because I had an important interview to do for a magazine. It was a last minute thing so I didn't know who it was and it was hard trying to prepare for it.
Anyway, I was saying goodbye to Steven. "Here put your coat on, you'll catch a cold otherwise."
"Okay Mum," he pulled it on and I did up the zip. I was kneeling at the door while I did it.
"Be good for Karen, okay?"
"Yes, Mum. Don't forget Westlife song."
"I won't. I promise to get it when I go shopping, yeah? Give me a kiss and I'll give you a present, as long as you share it with David." David was Karen's son.
"Ok, I will." He kissed my cheek and I gave him a bag of sweets. It was worth it just to see his face light up. He didn't get sweets very often as I didn't want his teeth to rot, and when he did get them, he appreciated them a lot more. He gave me another kiss and then ran down the path. "David! Mum gave me sweets! Look!"
I laughed and got up to see five guys coming towards the door. When they came nearer, I recognised them and was shocked. It couldn't be Westlife, I can't interview Westlife!

chapter eleven