if I let you go (2)

chapter sixteen

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up lying on a sofa. Every time I came under extreme sudden pressure or stress, I fell asleep. It wasn't like fainting or anything, I just fell asleep. I was never any good in a crises cos there I'd be, snoring away.......
My head was on Shane's lap. I lay there for a second until I realised where I was. I jumped up and ran through the door only for Shane to catch my arm and pull me back.
"Where are you going?"
"Steven. I need to see Steven."
"Steven's fine. I saw him five minutes ago. He's playing a computer with Bryan."
"I still need to see him!"
"Okay, just don't be angry with me." He looked hurt.
"I'm sorry, but, he's my son."
"Let's go then." We went to Steven's room and there he was, playing computer with Bryan. As soon as he saw me he said: "Look mum. I'm playing computer with Westlife!" I couldn't help laughing. I was relieved he was okay.

chapter seventeen