if I let you go (4)

chapter five

"Hi mum. Are you free? I need to talk to you." Julie popped her head through the door.

"Sure honey. Come in," Mrs Lee said. Julie sat on the chair across her mum.

"Mum you know Shane?"

"Of cause!"

"Well...I'm having...um… the same feeling I had as... last year when I met Jeremy," Julie fumbled to find the correct words.

"You mean you like him?" Mrs Lee asked. "Honey, if you like him, you should let him know. Don't keep the feeling to yourself."

"I know mum...but...never mind mum. Thanks for your time. Goodnight." Julie said and went out of the room.

"Hi Julie!" Shane greeted her.


"Um, you said you wanted to tell me something?" she looked across the restaurant table at him.
Shane looked uncomfortably at her.

"Uh yeah. Do you believe in love at first sight?" Julie stared shockingly at him.

"You mean you like me?!" she asked. Shane nodded. She was stunned dead. She just couldn't believe that a pop star would actually like her!

"I'm sorry Shane. I cannot accept this. I mean I do like you but…" she suddenly just broke down in tears. Shane hurried to her side and hugged her.

"Please don't cry. Don't cry," he pleaded, "it hurts me to see you cry."

Julie looked into his eyes. "I'm so sorry," she whispered and with that, she ran out of the restaurant crying.

chapter six