if I let you go (4)

chapter eight

Shane slowly opened his eyes. He closed it again when his head started pounding. Then he remembered Julie. He had to see her.

"Julie, Julie" he whispered weakly. He opened his eyes. Julie immediately rushed to him when she heard him calling her name. His other bandmates gathered around the hospital bed.


"Yes? I'm here." Julie said.

"Where am I?" he asked weakly and groaned when he touched his bandaged head.

"You're in the hospital," Nicky replied.

"Does it hurt?" Mark asked. Kian rolled his eyes.

"Mark? Of cause it hurts." Kian sighed.

"The doctor said you will be alright." Bryan said. Shane nodded.

"Do you mind if you guys go out for a while? I want to speak privately to Julie." Shane requested. The guys nodded and left the room. Julie held Shane's hands.

"I thought I was going to lose you," Julie said, tears dropping.

"I'm sorry for rejecting you Shane. I was so…"

"Shh. Can you let me say something first?" Shane asked. Julie nodded trying desperately to wipe away the tears. "I love you Julie." The words just made her cry more.

"I love you Shane," she whispered through her tears.

He started singing "But if I let you go, I will never know what my life would be holding you close to me. Will I ever see, you smiling back at me? How will I know If I let you go?"

"Julie, will you marry me?" Julie nodded and kissed him on the lips. He returned the kiss. After a few seconds, they started singing 'If I Let You Go' together.

~ End ~

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