I love U2

chapter two

Lin came into the living room to find Nicky and Shane chasing each other round the room, half dressed hitting each other with cushions. When they saw Lin they both sat down promptly and acted as though nothing had happened.

"Don't try to look innocent, I saw u both. Now go and finish getting ready, they'll be here any minute."

"Yes boss." They both replied at the same time. Lin threw the cushion at them and went to finish getting dressed.

"Oh my god they're here. Shay, Nix are u both ready?"

"Yep coming." Shane stepped out of room wearing black pants and a grey tight fitting shirt, where as Nicky was wearing grey pants with a grey/white tight fitting jumper.

"Woohoo, don't u both look the part." Shane and Nicky looked very pleased at this remark.

"Well Lin u don't look bad yourself, gorgeous in fact."

"Ah flattery will get u everywhere!" Lin said while laughing, she was wearing a light grey shirt and black pants.

"Well let's go welcome our guests, and Nix please smile."

"I'll try, but just for u Lin not him." And with that they went to meet the new woman in Bryan's life.

When Bryan entered the house he introduced Vicky to Shane and Nix then went off to find Lin. He finally found her in the kitchen.


"Oh hi. I'm just getting the drinks ready."

"None for u I hope, your only seventeen." Bryan said with a slight laugh. "Come on I want u to meet Vicky."

"Oh great." Said Lin under her breath, but Bryan heard and felt a slight flutter in his stomach.

"Lin hang on." Bryan stopped her in the hallway.

"Come on Bry, she'll think we've deserted her."

"I just wanted to say."

"Bry let's just go and get this over and done with ok." And with that she walked off but in a way she wished she hadn't.

In the living room they exchanged hellos and Lin knew she hated her already. After everyone had their intro's Shane decided it was time to dish out the meal.

"Hey Shay need a hand?" Asked Lin, desperate to get away from the scene in the living room.

"Yeah ok."

"Lin can I ask u a question?"

"Yeah.." Replied Lin warily.

"Is there something wrong? I mean I only ask cause u seem pretty distant recently. I'm kinda worried about ya."

"Well I guess it's just this thing between Nix and Bry, I hope they sort it out soon."

"Yeah me too, u sure there's nothing else?" Asked Shane who knew only to well that something else was bugging her.

"No nothing." Lin replied knowing that full well that there was, and in time Shane would probably get it out of her. Ever since they met at college Lin and Shane had an instant friendship and we're now just as close as her and Nicky. After a few minutes silence they went back to the group and had they're meal.

chapter three