plaisir d'amour

chapter sixteen

Shane didn't let me carry anything. He insisted on carrying my schoolbag and he put all of his stuff in it. We took the choir's bus like everybody else and they left us in the back of Notre-Dame where we met Amy. Being music fans we decided to pay tribute to the huge musicians buried at the Pere Lachaise cemetery. We especially wanted to see Jim Morrison's grave. We bought some flowers and then took the tube. We were very serious and touched by the incredible personalities that were buried there. It was a real pilgrimage sight. People from all over the world were coming there to pay respect to their idols. Tonz of flowers and candles were lying on the graves. We got to Jim Morrison's grave and placed our flowers on it.

"I can't believe he's really dead and we're actually sitting near his grave…" I said with a sad voice.

"Yeah, whenever you listen to Doors' music you don't imagine he's actually dead."

"Are you into Doors' music a lot Shane?"

"No, not really, but I like it. I like pop music mostly, but I'm not bothered by other styles and I like any kind of good music. And the Doors had some great songs. Come on baby light my fire" he began singing and he put his arms around me.

"I'm not too comfortable with this happening in here…" I said removing his hands off my waist.


"It's OK. But do it home babe or in some other place, not in a graveyard."

After that we took the tube again and we went to Clichy. Then we started walking towards Place Pigalle and the lads wanted to take as many photos as possible in front of Moulin Rouge and wanted to get inside. That wasn't possible and they were very disappointed. Celine, Amy and meself had the best laugh about that. Afterwards, we climbed to Sacre Coeur and we visited the beautiful church and we sat on the steps in front of it watching the beautiful view of Paris. I was standing in front of Shane, one step below his and he's arms were around my neck.

"Isn't this beautiful?"

"Yes, indeed…"

"I would stay like this forever…"


"Yes Lee."

"Would you take some photos of me and my guy over here?"

"Sure Lee, but you'll take some photos of me and Kian too."

"I want a photo too!"

"OK, OK, we'll take as many photos as you want Amy."

And we finished a whole film… We couldn't wait to see the photos so we went immediately to a photo shop and had it developed and then made the photos. They were wild! And I was looking great. Not a very usual thing for me to happen. It was probably because I was so happy, having the best time of my life. Time was passing fast and we remembered we had a concert to attend. So we hurried to the concert hall.


chapter seventeen

When we got there it was 7pm. The girls were all there waiting for Tibi and playing different stuffs on the piano. It was Sid's turn to play something and she began playing Bohemian Rhapsody. We sat around the piano and sang the song hardly remembering any line of it. But it was great. At the end Kian felt like impressing everybody and got very serious and asked Sid to stand up and let him play something.

"Oh, Kian, not Solfeggieto, not again!"

"Com'on Shane, I want to impress" he said through his teeth.

"You want to show off! It's the only song he can play so don't believe his a great piano player."

"Shane, let him play!"

"OK Celine, but I'm off, it would be the twenty millionth time for me. Let's go Lee."

"No way I'm missing this. Stay! You won't die from it."

"You really want me dead…"

"Oh, stop, will ya?"

Kian began to play his little song. You could've sworn he was playing the most difficult piano concert in the world by the sweat on his forehead and by the look of Celine. Shane kept on making fun of him until I got pissed off.

"Will you stop? For real now! You're being mean!"

"It's a stupid song! What the heck?"

I gave him a very angry look and turned around and started walking towards the doors.

"Com'on Lee, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting the hell out of here!" I said without looking at him.

"Hey, stop, wait for me!"

He ran after me and he caught me outside.

"I never thought you could be so mean!"

"I'm not. It's just the stupid song!"

"No it's not. It's a song like any other else and I think you're being jealous."

"On Kian?"


"Get real! He was trying to impress Celine not you."

"It isn't about that…"

"Then what's it about?"

"Let's drop it OK?"

"OK… I'm sorry…"

"I'm sorry too. I'm tired."

"Yeah, me too."

"Tonight I want a good night sleep."

"That can be arranged."

"But I also want you to be around."

"That's something we can arrange too."

We smiled and then we kissed and went back inside the hall.

"So you two lovers had your first little quarrel?"

"That can happen, but we forgave each other."

"I have a stupid question…" said Amy shyly.


"Aren't the people in love that have sex called lovers in English? Coz I know it is in French."

Everybody stopped from what they were doing to listen to the answer. I felt my cheeks burning and Shane was embarrassed by Amy's question when Celine got us out of trouble…

"My sweet little child Amy, why do you have to take everything so literally? We can call them lovers only because they are in love."

"Oh so they're not having sex then?"

The crowd was watching every one of us like a tennis ball is watched on the field.

"No they're not, are you?" asked Celine begging from her eyes for a negative answer.

I didn't wait for Shane's answer and I said:

"No, we're not. Who ever thought of that?"

"Thank God! I would have changed my opinion on you. I don't want to have sex until I marry. I'm a good catholic. And I think it's bad to have sex before marriage."

"You'll see things in a different light a year from now, I can tell you."


"You'll see…"

Thank God it was all over… I turned around to Shane and he was still watching me.

"Why did you lie?"

"What was I supposed to do? Tell everybody we made love?"

"Are you embarrassed?"

"Actually I thought you would be the embarrassed one."

"And why's that?"

"Because of me…"

"You do really have a problem, don't you?"


"Yes you do! Everybody, can I have your attention please?!"

"Shane stop. What are doing?"

"I wanted you all to know that I’m deeply in love with this girl over here, being Livia that is, and I'll love her till the day I die. Does anybody have to say something about that? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

"Nice choice mate!" said Kian.

"Yeap!" added Mark with a very happy smile on his face.

That's when everybody started to applause.

"See, they don't have a single thing against me loving you!" said Shane putting his arm around my neck and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

He was unbelievable. He wouldn't have done that without loving me for real. The girls began warming up their voices and I did the same. But I didn't get on the stage for the concert. It went well, but I wasn't feeling pretty good on the other side of the barricade. Right after the show we went back to the hotel.

"Oh my God!"

"What Shane?"

"I haven't called my mum for days, she must be thinking I got killed or something!"

"This remembers me I haven't called my mum either…"

"I did, so they know we're OK."

"It's OK Mark, thank you, but I think we should call our mums though. Let's go K!"

"I'll go into the room, OK?" I said being terrified by the fact that I made Shane forgot about his own mum.

I got into my room and I changed into a blue and white pajama with Teddy bears on it and then got into bed coz I was soooo tired. When Shane entered the room I was almost asleep, but I woke up when he started laughing.

"What happened?"

"What's with the pajama?"

"It's an ordinary pajama, what's wrong with it?"

"Who ever saw a bear wearing a pajama filled with Teddy bears?"

"Oh, that's what this is all about… What did your mum said?"

"Basically, she screamed in my ear for ten minutes for not calling her…"

"And what did you say, did she forgive you?"

"I told her…" he whispered softly whilst making his way to me through the sheets "I told her that I met this incredible girl that I just can't help think about or kiss…" and he kissed me for a long time.

"Now I know your mother will never want to meet me…" I said and kissed him back.

"I thought you said you were tired."

"I am. This is all you're getting tonight…"

"Ooooh, naughty, naughty… What ever happened to the little girl inside you?"

"She discovered she was wrapped in a huge one."

"Please, not again. Let's go to sleep."


chapter eighteen

"Guys! Wake up! Wake up you sleepy heads!" we heard Celine from the other side of the door.

"Just a sec! What's the matter?" I said getting out of bed and opening the door.

"I have a proposal for you two" she said making her way into the room followed by Kian and Mark.

"Good morning to you too guys…"

"My best friend Nicky is flying in from Liverpool today and she wants to spend a great holiday in the country."


"So, Amy's grandparents have a little farm and a vineyard 200 kilometres outside Paris and we'll go there. Wanna come?"

"Sure! Do you need to ask?"

"Great! Nicky will get here at one o'clock, we'll be waiting for her at the airport, she'll rent a car and some of us will go with her, some will go into Amy's dad's car."

"How old is Nicky?"

"She's 21."


"What's that suppose to mean Shane?"


"You sure? Coz if you're not I'm not going."

"I'm positive and if we need to go again into this kind of discussions…"

"You started it."

"Do you guys ever stop?" asked Celine. "So, we'll meet in the hall at 11:30 with our bags packed."

"OK! Shane my man, meself and Mark thought it should be better for us to check out of the hotel for these days and then check in when we get back."

"It's OK with me, how long will we be staying there?"

"Until Sunday, 6 days. But if you like it we can stay longer."

"Wow, that's great!"

We packed our bags and we went to tell Tibi and the twins about our trip. Tibi said it was OK with him and he wished us to have a great time. The twins were happy to have the room back for themselves. The rest of the lads' luggage stayed in my room and they checked out of theirs. At 11:30 we were on the corridor. When everybody was there we left for the airport. The plane landed and Celine spotted Nicky right away into the crowd. They were so happy to see each other after a very long time. Nicky was a sweet girl and we liked her immediately. She was the oldest, but she didn't was too bossy. We rented a car from Hertz and met Amy and her dad. Her dad was not supposed to know that his daughter was basically dating Mark so I went in the car with Amy, her dad and Shane, whilst Mark went together with Celine, Kian and Nicky. We got to Amy's grandparents around 16:30 and her dad went back to Paris. Her grandparents, Jean-Jacques and Christelle, were great, such a nice couple, wishing they were adolescents again. I got to share the room with Amy and Celine with Nicky and the lads stayed together in a three-bed room. After we got our luggage inside we wanted to inspect the "little" farm. They had acres of vineyard, but what made Shane feel like home was the stable where he found seven horses. He was so happy. And kept on patting them for minutes.

"Lee, have you ever been riding?"

"I thought of the poor animal and didn't want to break his spine."

"Have you ever seen how the cowboys look like? They are tall men and they are solid. If they don't break a horse's spine, why would you?"

"It would be in so much pain with me on his back!"

"No it wouldn't. They are used to much bigger weights."

"Yeah, OK! Can we go now?"

"Only if you promise to go riding with me tomorrow morning."

"I have a dislocated shoulder, I don't need a broken neck too."

"You'll be fine, I'll be next to you all the time."

"No Shane! You can ride, I can't! You're the contests winner, not me!"

"Oh, com'on Lee, you already won the contest of my soul, don't be such a silly girl."

"I said no."

"Please…" he said putting his arms around me and looking me straight in the eyes with a very sad puppy's face. "Do it for me…"

I just couldn't resist him… He was so fine…


"What? I couldn't hear you."



We got inside the house and I went to take a shower. When I got back everybody was in the living room having a cup of tea and having a laugh.

"Come here Lee. Guys, tomorrow me and Lee will go horse riding."

"Wow, great! We'll go into town and we'll see you two at lunch. After that grandpa will show us the vineyard."

We had dinner and then went to bed coz we were really tired after the long day.

"I'm gonna miss you tonight Lee."

"Me too. We'll see each other in the morning."

"And we'll go riding."


We kissed and then went to our rooms.

chapter nineteen to twenty one