Life of Bryan

chapter sixteen

Over the next few months, things changed drastically for Bryan and Sarah. Sarah asked for a transfer at the production company she worked at and started work at their Dublin co-operation. Because of this she was eventually able to move into Bryan's house.

Westlife meanwhile couldn't have got more popular. They celebrated their fourth No.1 hit and were sent around the world promoting their 5th single.

Bryan was away a lot and Sarah spent a lot of time by herself. She took care of Bryan's dog 'Chip' who kept her company. But even though Bryan called her at least 5 times a day, she missed him terribly. She missed her family and friends too, especially Sherry who had always been like a second sister to her.

One evening she was talking on the phone to Bryan who was calling from Budapest. "I need to go home" she told him. "You are home?" he replied. "Back to my family and friends" Sarah said softly "I miss them terribly and it'd only be until you come back". Bryan understood what she was going through as he missed everyone too. "Then you have to go back" he told her, though he hated saying the words.

Sarah did go back to London and she got loads of press coverage in doing so. She and Bryan had become quite a regular sight together at awards ceremonies and premieres. The fact that they were apart made everyone jump to the wrong conclusion and suspect a break up. Newspapers made up stories about Bryan dumping her over the phone and ordering her out of his house, while others claimed she'd told him to leave the band or they were through.

Sarah was sick of it all and had to walk the streets with a hat or glasses on whenever she went out. It was getting to the point where she found it ridiculous, and she was like a boiling kettle waiting to explode.

"I have to go somewhere quiet where nobody knows me!" she told Sherry who had had to push her way through a group of reporters who had set up outside Sarah's hotel in London. "I want to go to Yorkshire" she told her friend who was slightly confused at the suggestion.

"Why on earth do you want to go there?" Sherry asked. Sarah explained, "I have to do something there but Bryan doesn't want to go, this will be the perfect solution to our problem, he won't have to go!".

Sherry as usual didn't take her friend too seriously as Sarah often didn't make sense but in time she knew everything would be revealed so she went along with it.

Bryan called Sarah as she and Sherry were loading their suitcases into Sherry's car two days later. "What are you doing right now?" he asked "I'm sitting in a stuffy hotel room in Hong Kong and I can't understand the language so I can't even watch the tv!".

"Read a book then!" Sarah suggested, not really listening to a word he was saying. It was 9 o'clock at night and they had waited for the reporters to disperse so they could leave unnoticed. "You sound distracted, what are you doing?" Bryan asked again. "Ah... we're going on a trip to get away from all the press coverage. We're trying to load the car." Sarah replied.

"You've got Chip right?" Bryan asked concerned for his four-legged friend. "Yeah of course" Sarah told him reassuringly, she could never forget Chip he followed her everywhere.

"Where are you going?" Bryan asked. "Ah..." Sarah stuttered, not wanting to lie but having to so as not to upset Bryan, "we don't exactly know yet, we'll tell you when we know" she told him.

She wasn't lying completely, it was true she didn't know where they were going to stay she just held back on the truth about whereabouts in England they were going to be.

"Ok, well take care!" Bryan said with a lump in his throat, he missed her so much and hated being away from her especially as she was taking all the flack from the reporters in England all on her own. He felt guilty that he wasn't there to support her properly, he could only do so much while he was over the other side of the world.

Sarah and Sherry drove all night and sang all the way along to their favourite tapes of Steps and Abba. They felt like Thelma and Louise and occasionally put on the accents to match as a joke.

Sherry had a secret though, one she REALLY needed to tell Sarah. It had been eating her up for ages now and she couldn't hold it in anymore. She pulled over into a lay-by and turned to Sarah. "Why'd you stop?" Sarah asked.

"Shane and I... we... we're having... um" Sherry stuttered. "You're not!!" Sarah gasped knowing immediately what Sherry was trying to tell her "I know you've seen a lot of each other since we all met but... no... you can't be... pregnant?!".

Sherry placed her hands on her stomach "there's a baby in here and I know it's not Jon's because he couldn't have babies after that accident with the rugby ball, the doctors say I can do a test after the baby's born but I know whos' it is and Shane is convinced too."

Sarah grabbed Sherry into a hug "I'm so happy for you both!" she suddenly pushed her away gently, now suddenly unsure "you are happy about this right?". "Of course I am!" Sherry replied excitedly "We're thrilled to bits!" Sarah hugged her again and for the rest of the journey neither could stop grinning from ear to ear.

chapter seventeen