Life of Bryan

chapter twenty

Five years later on the 29th of November 2005 Bryan and Sarah were married. They hadn't felt the need to get married before but finally gave in to stop everyone from nagging.

Eddie was Bryan's Best man and the other Westlife lads watched proudly as their co-member finally married the true love of his life. Sherry was Sarah's Maid of Honour and Susan was her chief bridesmaid, while Sherry and Shane's son James was pageboy.

On August the 10th 2006 Bryan and Sarah celebrated the birth of Nathan Laurence Edward. And then the birth of Lily Victoria Charlotte 25 months after. Neither however was more surprised however than when Benjamin Christopher Phillip arrived in the summer of 2011.

Sherry and Shane were married in 2001 and ran some stables in Sligo, where they bred champion race horses.

Nicky and his beloved Georgina were married just months after and went on to have 7 children, 3 dogs, and a goat.

Eventually after 6 years together, the Westlife lads went their own separate ways and went on to achieve successful solo careers. None more successful than Kian who joined a 'Manband' named 'FIST'.

Anthony and Lizzie eventually split up after a stressful breast enlargement operation. Both fought for custody of the awesome pair of D cups, but in the end Lizzie won their bitter court case feud and Anthony was forced to have them removed.

Oh yes, and we musn't forget Mark. He met and fell in love with a blonde bombshell who turned out to be working undercover for MI5, but that's another story altogether...

~ End ~

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