Lost in a dream

chapter eight

We spent the next 5 weeks close to one another almost all the time. To my wonder my parents were OK and weren't objecting at me not being home all day long and sometimes nights. I figured they finally understood I wasn't a child anymore, I was 20 for God's sake. I took him everywhere as he said. To the seaside, to the mountains, we visited cities I had never visited before, we sang together, we were feeling amazing. It was like we have had been together all of our lives. It was the best time of my life. It was the first time I felt I was really alive. It was so good to feel loved by the man of my dreams and I was loving him back from the bottom of my soul. It was our world, we had eyes only for each other.

On the 21st of September he told me he would have to leave home. I always knew that day would come and I didn't say anything. He booked a ticket to Dublin for the next Monday, the 25th. We had another 4 days to spend together. Unfortunately they passed very quickly… On Sunday evening I helped him packed his bags. He had twice as many things than he had had when he came. We remembered every town we visited and from where he bought everything. He finished around 10pm. We didn't sleep that night. We spent it lying in each other's arms and not saying a damn thing.

The plane was leaving at 11:30 and we took a cab at 10:30. We got there and we weren't saying anything. He went to check in and then we walked to the terminal holding hands. He finally spoke: "Don't worry. I'll call you when I get to Sligo. OK?". That's when the tears from my eyes rolled on my cheeks. He dropped the handbag and hugged me. After a while he started singing softly in my ear: "I don't wanna feel the way that I do/ I just wanna be right here with you/ I don't wanna see, see us apart/ I just wanna say it straight from my heart/ I miss you…". "Yes, Lee, I'll miss you so much, but I'll call you everyday to check on you. OK? And when I get some time off I'll come to see you. It will be like an eternity, but when we see each other it'll be great! OK?" "OK…" I said through my tears. He was as sad as I was but he was trying to make me feel better. "Here's something for you" he said and gave me his silver bracelet. "Keep it and take care of it. It's my favourite." I said thanks and we kissed for the last time and he left. He kept on waving his hand until I wasn't able to see him anymore. He had left… But I knew I was going to see him again. I was his girlfriend now.

~ End ~

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