love never walks alone

chapter seventeen

"Remember that I made a vow, that I would never let you go. I meant it then, I mean it now and I want to tell you so." And so Rav, I’d die without you. I love you. Bry" I took a sigh, I’d just finished reading Bryan’s letter -for the third time. It was the sweetest thing that anybody could ever have sent me and I knew that every word written was straight from Bryan’s heart. I sat there on the log at Arboretum waiting for Bryan to call; all the emotions that I was previously feeling had gone. I knew it, Bryan and me would be back, just the way we were before, nothing was now going to stand in our way, and we’d make it through – No Matter What!

Just then my mobile went off, it was Keely, I picked up "Hello" I answered, "Rav is that you" she asked, "Rav where are you? I’m worried," she said concerningly, "I’m coming home in a while Keely, I’m okae – couldn’t be better in fact!" She could hear the spark in my voice and she knew that everything was going well again. "Rav, I’m sorry" she began, "I know that I owed it to you to tell you, but you have to understand that I was put in a position where I just didn’t know what to do" "Keely listen," I interrupted, "no Rav, let me finish" she quickly cut me off, "Look, I don’t think that it is something that we should break up over. We’ve shared dreams Rav, dreams that we’re living now. We can’t let go" "I know" I replied, she shrieked with delight, "come home then Rav, please" "I will" I told her, "but when Bryan calls, I need to speak to him first" "You miss him huh?" She asked, "Loads already," I replied, just as I said that the I got a tone in between the conversation, "Listen Keely, Bryan’s call is waiting so I’ll ring you in a bit, yeah?" "Okae," and I pushed the green button, and began to talk.

chapter eighteen