love never walks alone

chapter seven

On the day of the official launch I was present on a purely professional level, as was Keely. The rest of the band and their families enjoyed a bit of time out back, we felt very isolated, We was the only journalists there that actually knew about this band, and more so We were the only ones having a liaison with two of the members, it was difficult to just stand back and be so close to them, but not being able to reach out and touch. As they came out through the wide doors and sat at the end, Bryan looked my way, and it was as if his eyes did the talking, a lip synched "hi" slowly left me and he replied with his eyes, it made me feel much more less lonely in a sense. As I moved to the front of the room, I felt a hand round my shoulder, as I turned much to my relief it was Georgina, she told me that Bryan and Shane had said to meet them after the launch at Gala, a very top night-club. I told her to tell them we'd be there. During the launch I was very nervous, wondering if someone was going to ask the question about relationships, as was Keely, she slowly turned to me "Don’t worry Rav, as you said, ‘Love conquers all’" I knew she was right, but still could not help worrying. Not even people at work knew about our relationships, we wanted them to stand firm ground before we told people about us.

We finished getting our story and walked away with this huge sigh of relief. No questions about the band's relationships were posed. That night I went to Gala, I saw Bryan there, he was almost hounded by all the press, I slowly went over and shook his hand, trying to make it look purely professional and innocent, he smiled as he said hello I told him that Keely would come up to him and tell him where to meet me, just to make it look less suspicious.

Fifteen minutes later, Bryan was in my car, he told me he knew of this secluded place where we could just "talk" - how did he know London so well I thought, so I asked him, "So, do you go up there for regular 'talks' with your female companions?!" he cheekily replied, "Yeh, all the time". I gave him a quick little hit around the head, "get off" I coyly said. I was almost embarrassed at the fact that he had said that. "Nah... Keely told me about this place" he said "oh" I said, almost relieved. Bryan and me sat there, and an awkward silence seemed to be up in the air..
He broke it by saying "It was a relief that nobody asked about us today," "Yeh" I replied, He moved his hand over towards mine and said, "even if anything did come out, Rav, we'd get through it..." I moved over and put my hand through his soft hair and pulled his head towards me, I kissed his forehead and said, "Bryan, I love you" he looked at me and said "me too hun, me too".

I kept thinking of what to say to him, or kept thinking about what he was expecting that night, mentally, I kept shutting myself up, as the night progressed, so did our conversation; we just looked at each other and before I knew it, one thing had led to another....

chapter eight