open your heart

chapter fourteen

The moment we entered the room I knew directly just how serious Shane's condition was. There was a load of doctors and nurses around his bed so I couldn't actually see him but all those machines said everything. It made me wonder if he actually was alive for himself or if it was all those machines that kept it all going. I begin to feel dizzy again, the continuous bleeping was annoying but I took a deep breath, sat down in a chair and managed to make the feeling go away again.

Nicky sat down beside me and took my hand. I looked over at the bed again, "Don't worry, it's never as bad as it looks," Nicky told me. I could hear that it was just as much to convince himself as to convince me. The bleep of the machines suddenly changed tone and we all looked up. The doctors and nurses were speaking slowly and quietly, and I couldn't make out a word of what they said. I looked over at Nicky. "Don't ask," he said, "I don't know either." I smiled, he always had this annoying habit of reading my mind, just as Shane did... well, maybe not really the same way, but still.

The nurse standing in front of us moved, and we all realised that Shane had opened his eyes. I clasped Nicky's hand and felt so relived. By the look of Nicky and Kian they felt the same way. Shane said something none of us could make out, and it didn't look like the doctor beside him could either. Or else he just didn't want to. After a continuos repeat of it, the doctor sighted and turned around. He looked at me, "You're Nikki, right?" I nodded, had Shane really asked for me after all I had done to him? "Come here," I stood up and walked over to the bed. "Sit down," the doctor ordered and pointed at the chair beside the bed, I did as he said, but it wasn't enough for Shane, he wasn't able to see me and tried to turn around. I couldn't see his face and I didn't even touch him, but I could still sense the pain flowing through his body as he tried to move. "No, don't move!" the doctor said in a short tone, then he sighted and looked at me, "here, sit down on the bed instead." It was obvious that the doctor was annoyed, and I did as he said before Shane caused any more trouble. I tried to place myself on the bed as carefully as possible, afraid to hurt Shane as he looked so fragile.

The moment Shane was able to see me he reached his hand for me, I took it, carefully. I could sense that he was scared as he looked up on me with misty eyes. I used my free hand to slowly remove a piece of hair from his sweaty forehead. The doctors and nurses slowly dropped off, he was stable and there was not much more they could do. "You'll have to leave now, he'll need rest." I stood up, but Shane had other plans and wouldn't let go of my hand. "Shane, please, I have to go, I'll be back later..." "No, I-" he didn't get any further as he coughed, painfully. The doctor rushed over, "Calm now, take a deep breath, slowly... you shouldn't talk... OK, she can stay then, but just for a while." I looked at the doctor with relief, "Thanx." The doctor looked over at Kian and Nicky, "Can I talk to you two for a while." The lads nodded and looked over at me. "Will you be OK here?" Nicky asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine..."

I was left alone with Shane, and I tried to hold back my tears, I couldn't let him see how upset I was. He looked up at me, and made me wonder just how I'd ever been able to resist his puppy-eyed look. I slowly stroke his hair, "I'm so sorry for everything..." "Nikki, don't be sorry..." Shane whispered, "I'm not... at least you're here with me, that's all that matters. Kiss?" I smiled, the last word brought back so many memories and I leant down and kissed him softly, careful not to hurt him. "I'm so tired..." he declared, "Will you sit here 'till I fall asleep?" I smiled at him, "Of course, you need rest, now go to sleep darling." He sighted as he closed his eyes, and it didn't take too long until he was fast asleep.

chapter fifteen