swear it again (2)

chapter one

"Hey Lindsay, wait up!" I heard someone called. I turned around and saw my friend, Toni. "Can I borrow your bracelet? The blue beaded one? I need it for the school dance. Pleaseeeeeeee?" she begged.
"Sure, you wanna get it now since we have a club meeting later?" I asked. Me and Toni belonged to a club in school called Club Alpha and we have a meeting at least once a week. She agreed and we started towards my house. Upon reaching the house, I saw my brother, Vincent, playing basketball with his friends and as I was watching them, one of them missed the mark and it flew out. I realized it was flying towards me and before I knew what happened, I had caught the ball.
"Hey Lind, nice catch," Mark said. "Hey Toni," he continued.
I threw the ball back to him and I went inside the house first, leaving Toni to talk to Mark. She has had a major crush on Mark since the first time she saw him. After getting the bracelet, we chatted for a while and the rest of the members arrived.

One hour later, I went down to the kitchen to get a drink and met one of my brother’s friends. He was very well build with biceps and he had blonde hair. Being the shy me, I began to make my way towards the pool quietly.
"Lindsay!" I heard someone called. I turned around and saw that he was calling me.
"Oh hi, Kian," I replied, not knowing what else to say. Of all my brother’s friends, I think Kian is the most gorgeous of them all. He has the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, is funny and he belongs to a pop band called Westlife.
"So you found a boyfriend yet?" he teased. I blushed and wondered how he knew.
Vincent! That’s it! I’m gonna kill him! We were joking around the other day and I blurted out that I wanted a boyfriend.
"So?" he asked.
"Erm, not yet. I haven’t seen anyone I like," I lied. The truth was, I have a major crush on him but there’s no way I’m going to tell him that.
"So how’s your band doing?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Kian! You done? We’re waiting for you!" I heard my brother shout before he could answer.
"I gotta go. I’ll try to answer you some other time. See ya! " He grinned and waved goodbye to me.


chapter two

After he had gone, I went outside to the pool and saw Toni and the rest of the members' sun tanning. I joined them and found out that they were talking about guys, namely my brother’s friends, Shane, Bryan, Mark and Nicky.
Angel said, "Shane is sooo gorgeous! I just love that smile of his and have you noticed…"
"I think Bryan is the cutest. He makes the funniest jokes ever!" Fern interrupted.
"Hey guys, you know, I have a major crush on someone…" I joined in.
"Really?! Who? Someone we know?" they inquired.
"Yeah someone you all know…Kian," I answered.
"Hmm… nice choice. He’s gorgeous and funny. I kinda like him too," Trish said. "So when are you going to ask him out?"
"That’s the problem. I’m too shy to ask him and…. I don’t think he likes me," I sighed.
"How do you know that? And why wouldn’t he like you? You’re pretty and smart."
Ashley said, trying to comfort me. Just then, her hand phone rang. After answering it, she said her mom had asked her to do something so she left. A few minutes later, all of them left too, except for Toni, who was staying overnight.

A few hours later, the doorbell rang and I went to answer it. It was my brother, Kian and Mark. Kian grinned at me and I smiled back.
"Where’s mom?" Vincent asked.
"She’s in the kitchen," I answered.
"Mom! Can Kian and Mark stay over tonight?" he hollered.
My mom came out looking flustered. "Hi Kian, Mark. Of course they can. Just stay away from Lindsay…" she joked.
"Mom!" I complained. Sometimes my mom can be so not funny.
"I give you my promise on that, Mrs. Jones." Mark replied with a grin on his face while Kian only looked amused.
"Besides, who would want to go near her?" Vincent chipped in. If only looks could kill...

After dinner, while Mark was chatting with Toni, I went out to my favourite spot, under a big tree, and sat down there to relax. I did not want to disturb Toni and besides, I just had to get away from Kian. Whenever I look at him, my heart just keeps pounding. I closed my eyes and imagine what it would be like to kiss him. "Hey. What’re you doing?" I jumped and saw Kian behind me. "Did I
scare you?" he asked.
"Yeah you did," I answered and I gave a short laugh to calm myself down as my heart started pounding again. He sat down beside me and I asked him, "Why did you come out here?"


chapter three

"Well, I don’t exactly like Mark shooting me looks that could kill, so…" he replied.
"You mean...?"
"Yeah, he likes Toni, but you’re not supposed to know that, ok?"
"My mouth is zipped," I said.

"So what do you look for in a guy?" he asked.
"What? Oh erm, I don’t know…as long as I like him. I guess that’s what that matters," I said, putting my arms around myself as the wind blew.
"Are you cold?" he asked, seeing that I had put my arms around myself.
I was in a dilemma. I was very cold but I didn’t want to tell him that in case he asks me to go into the house so I said no. Then I started sneezing. Talk about embarrassing!
"Hey, are you OK? You sure you’re not cold?"
"Actually, I’m cold but don’t force me to go inside, I want to stay out here," I said.
"Well, in that case..."
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing," he said. After sneezing for the third time, I got a surprise, a wonderful surprise.
"You positive you don’t want to go inside?" he asked.
"Positive," I replied in a confident voice although I was freezing. I just wanted to stay out there with him. Then I suddenly felt something. Kian had put his arms around me!

"Well, since you don’t want to go inside, I won’t force you and this is the least I can do to keep you warm," he said. Suddenly, I didn’t feel cold anymore. Instead, I felt very warm although the wind was blowing directly in my face. I leaned against him and he put his arms around me tighter.
"Lindsay," he said softly.
"Yes?" I looked at him and he looked at me. We gazed into each other’s eyes deeply. Then he leaned forward.

chapter four to six