shane's story

shane’s story - chapter two

"Oh my God, look who Shane is holding hands with?" Bryan said dumbfounded. Kian, Mark and Nicky turned around and didn’t know what to say or believe. "Looks like someone is going official," Nicky said cheerfully, after a short silence. "YO! SHANE!!!" Kian shouted and Shane turned around in his direction and waved.

Shane and Nana walked in their direction. She was clasping to his hand. "Are you nervous?" he asked and loosened her grip a bit. Nana nodded. Shane chuckled. "Don't be. I'm not!"

"So, what’s the story?" Nicky asked curiously when Shane and Nana came up to them. The lads hugged between them, also Nana. "We’re finished hiding, guys. Nana and I. We love each other and from now on we want to show it." "Good on you guys. I’m happy for you!" Nicky gave them thumbs up and the rest supported them.

"I can’t see why you tried so hard to keep it a secret in the first place," Mark said. "After all, the contract says no marriage and no kids, they don’t have any clauses on girlfriends." Mark suddenly noticed the glances between Shane, Nicky and Nana, and he felt stupid. "Did I just put my foot in something?" They nodded. Shane had confided in Nicky one night when he was really down, and he had been so great and supportive. "Sorry." Mark blushed.

Kian looked struck dumb. "You mean, you guys?" He pointed at Shane, then at Nana and then back at Shane, looking like one big question mark. Shane nodded and put his arm around Nana. "In about 7 months’ time." He looked at her. "Right girl?" Nana nodded. "Yeah, seems like it." She felt so vulnerable at the moment. Nobody was supposed to know yet, but the situation had asked for it. "But guys, please be careful, okay? We don’t want Anto and Louis to know just yet. Okay?" The lads promised not to dub them in.

"Good morning guys. And Nana!" Ronan was suddenly standing amongst them; they hadn’t noticed him coming. "Good morning, Ro," it sounded from them. They noticed Ro’s wife and son leave in the direction for the crowd in front of the VIP-area. "So, are we airing the girlfriend today, Shane?" Ronan asked a bit sarcastic and looked at him with some kind of special eyes.

"Yeah, you’re airing the wife and son I see!" Shane gave back and kept eye contact with Ronan. Ronan nodded. "Our secret days are over, Ro!" Shane said. "No more hiding!" Ronan nodded. "Okay. Fair enough. You’re old enough. I’ll make Louis understand." Ro knew that Louis would have a fit, but after all, Shane was now 23, and Ronan himself had married Yvonne when he was only 21, so the clause on the boys wasn’t actually really fair on them. Not any longer. Their success was strong enough to carry official girlfriends now. "Thanks, Ro. I really appreciate it." Shane was so relieved, and he squeezed Nana a little. She smiled her sweet catching smile back. Gosh he just loved her so much!

When the boys were ready to follow Ronan to the VIP-area at the toy-store, Nana headed in the direction of Yvonne and Jack. Yvonne smiled sweet when she saw her. "Hi Nana, it’s nice to see you out here. Are you guys going official now or what?" Nana nodded. "Yeah, we are. It’s a bit scary."

Yvonne chuckled. "Yeah, it definitely is. But it’s also very nice. Don’t be scared. It’ll be okay!" She smiled encouraging. Nana squatted down to say hi to Jack. He was holding on tight to an old teddy that obviously followed him everywhere. He had such a bright and beautiful smile that boy, and that soft very blonde hair. He was definitely his dad's kid!

"Little Tin Tin," Nana called him and caressed his cheek. All of a sudden she felt overwhelmed. Jeez, in 18 months time she and Shane would have a child this age. "Da!" Jack said in his baby language and right he was; dad came up to them. Nana rose. She felt so awkward today.

"Hello girls," Ronan said when he came. "You should go and have some hot tea over there, you’re getting cold here!" He hugged Yvonne and kissed her. "Maybe we should," she replied. She looked at Nana. "Wanna come?" Nana nodded.

Ronan chuckled a bit, and then he put an arm around Nana and squeezed her teasingly for a second. "Nana, you appear like a spooked chicken today. Is it really that intimidating?" They had started walking into the VIP-area. Nana didn’t know what to say. She had begun to wish she hadn’t come. Everything was too much. Being pregnant had really shook up her emotions. "Nana, what’s wrong?" Yvonne asked. Nana couldn’t help it, she just cried. "Hey, what happens?" Both Ro and Yvonne stopped and looked worried.

"Something is wrong with Nana," Nicky whispered to Shane and nodded in her direction. Shane looked over. He saw she cried and Yvonne comforted her. Ronan was on his way over. Shane walked towards them. They were still in the VIP-area, so no fans made it difficult. "Your girlfriend is not very happy, Shane. What did you do to her?" "She’s had a hard time lately," Shane replied. "Can I go and take care of her?" Ro shrugged. "You might as well!"

"What is it, Nana?" Shane stroke his hand over her back and looked concerned at her. She looked up at him. She had stopped crying, but Yvonne had still the comforting embrace around her. "She had a hormonal attack, Shane." Yvonne looked mild and smiling at him. "That’s one of the things you’ll have to adjust to the next six months, Shane!" Shane saw the light, and he chuckled a bit. "Nana, sweetie, sorry!" He looked affectionately at her and he kissed her sweet. A smile grew on her face. "I’m alright, Shane. Go back to your business!"

Shane went back and Yvonne and Nana headed for the area up in front of the small-improvised scene in front of the toy-store. "He’s mad about you," Yvonne said dreamy. "Isn’t it wonderful?" Nana nodded. "It sure is. But I nearly gave him the flick because of this." "You’re kidding, right?" Yvonne didn’t believe her. Nana shook her head and told her what happened. "Well, you came to your senses, and that’s what matters."

They were finally up front, but on the secured inside of VIP. The fans were gathered on the opposite site. Soon they got parted, Yvonne and Nana, because other people talked to them and they got into different conversations. It didn’t last long though, then it was announced that Westlife would sing a couple of Christmas songs, and then the official ribbon cutting was to take place.

Listening to Shane singing the start of "Oh Holy Night", made Nana shiver on the inside. This was such and emotional situation for her. Especially as Shane kept seeking her eyes.

Shane sang per automatic pilot today. The only thing in his head right there was how wonderful it felt to have Nana there in the VIP-area at a thing like this. He knew that after the cutting of the ribbon, himself and Nana wouldn’t be left alone. This was the news of the day, "Westlife Shane presenting girlfriend at toy store opening." He had a good feeling about this. Of course most of the fans knew already, as there had been gossip running around ever since they had met a year ago. But now it was official, and of course some hearts would be broken. But that was just the way life was put together!

Right! After the cutting, when Shane and Nana found each other in the hoard of people and kissed and held hands, they were surrounded in no time. It went pretty easy though, but it was obvious that in the beginning, Nana felt pretty intimidated, but she adjusted pretty quickly. So what the press and teen magazines basically got to know was that Nana and himself had met in Denmark at a meet and greet meeting 13 months ago. They liked each other and when they met at a signing session in London a few weeks later, he had wanted to see her again, and they had met a lot ever since. Nana had moved from Denmark to Ireland where she had got a job and now they wanted to stay together.

Presenting her to the fans that approached him on their way to his car afterwards was no problem either. He didn’t notice any jealousy from anybody; they chatted with Nana too, like they were including a new friend in there midst.

"That went pretty smoothly," Shane said with a smile when they sat in the car. He turned towards her and smiled, looking affectionately at her. "It was so wonderful to see you there amongst the closest audience." He stroke his index finger over her cheekbone. Then he kissed her cheek. "Do you want to go anywhere?" Nana shrugged. "Wanna go to my mom’s?" Shane figured that she might need some motherly support right now. Nana nodded. "Yeah, that would be nice." Shane shook his head slowly, smiling happily. "My god, Nana." He didn’t finish his sentence, he just pulled her close and they hugged so tight. "I have missed you so much." He looked at her and kissed her passionately.

Mae was thrilled to see Nana again. She had missed that sweet young girl, and the thought of losing her had made her miss her even more. She didn’t know Nana was pregnant; Shane hadn’t told her the reason for their split last week. They didn’t tell her right away either, they wanted to find a more quiet moment, maybe while she was making coffee.

The perfect time came, as Shane had thought, while she was making coffee. She talked and talked about one of her friends’ grandson. When she finally had a break, Shane took the chance and said, "Mama, Nana and I have something to tell you." Mae turned from the kitchen table and looked expectant at the two young people. "Are you getting married?" "No, mom, not yet, but eventually yes. It's something else." Shane was a little bit nervous.

"We're having a baby, Mrs Filan." Nana said carefully. Within a second Shane’s mother went pale. "But you’re not married." She was astounded. "Mom." Shane started; this was what he had been afraid of. "You don’t need to be married to have babies." Mrs. Filan sat down on a chair. They had really taken her by surprise. Shane and Nana looked at each other, Shane’s eyebrows rose and he got this funny worried look in his eyes. "Mom." His mother looked up, she had tears in her eyes. "Oh sweet children. You’re gonna be so wonderful parents." She rose from her chair and came around the table and hugged them both. "I'm really gonna be a grandma, huh?"

The day had been so perfect. Apart from Nana’s morning sickness and the hormonal attack at the toy-store, the day had been perfect. The lads had been supportive on them making their relationship official; so had Ro, and Shane’s family was thrilled, both for them going official and for the baby - which was still an official secret though!

"How are you feeling?" Shane whispered playfully and kissed her ear. He ran a finger over her chest and down her stomach, where he put it at rest, just above her abdomen. It was an amazing feeling to know that just under his hand were growing the beginning of a new life. A part of him!

"I feel good, Shane. I’m glad you’re here." Nana also only whispered, not to break the spell of magic that was around and between them right now. She put her hand over his and their fingers just wove into each other and they began kissing again. This night felt so special and magic compared to any other night. Shane just couldn’t see how his life could ever feel more perfect than it did tonight.

chapter three