the guy in the towel

chapter one

It was the end of 1999. We were sitting in a restaurant in Stockholm. We were waiting for Mark, Bryan and Shane to come and join us for dinner. Kian and Nicky was tired so they had already sent their apologises to us that they couldn’t come. We were just deciding what to eat when the boys walked through the door.

‘Hi girls, they said. Have you been waiting long?’

‘Not really, we just arrived, I said.’

The guys sat down at our table and started arguing about what to order.

‘I want the meatloaf, said Mark.’

‘I want the meatloaf, said Bryan.’ ‘We can’t eat the same thing.’

‘Sure you can guys, Jenny said.’ ‘Don’t be so childish.’

After that the dinner went smoothly. We went to their hotel and Shane said; ‘Remember when we first met here a year ago? We had just started to record our album and you were staying in the same hotel as us. It seems like a lifetime ago….’

‘Room three-two-three, please.’

‘Certainly, miss. Here you go.’


Jenny and I were on our way up to our room. We were on holiday in Stockholm and had spent the day shopping. All we wanted was to get to bed. When we opened the door we heard someone singing.

‘Did you leave the radio on, Jenny?’

‘No, at least I don’t think so…. Neither did you I guess?’

‘There’s something wrong here…’

At that moment a guy in a towel came from the bathroom.

‘Who are you? The cleaning ladies?’

‘No, Jenny said irritated. The question is who are you and what are you doing in our room?’

‘This is MY room, the guy said. At least it was here that I slept last night.’

‘It can’t be, I would have remembered that Jenny said, even more irritated.’ ‘Please get out of our room.’

‘Are you sure you live in 323?’

‘Oh no, I’m so sorry, I said.’

‘Why are you sorry? It’s our room.’ Jenny was getting mad now.

‘Jenny, we’re in 332, NOT 323. We must have asked for the wrong key in the reception. We’re so sorry. Is there anything we can do to make it up to you walking in on you like this?’

‘You could by me a drink if you like. I’m Bryan by the way.’

‘I’m Anna and this is Jenny.’

‘Hi', Jenny said and went down to get the right key.

‘Excuse her for being so grumpy but it’s been an long day and on top of that she’s just broke up with her cheating boyfriend. She’s not that found of guys at the moment as you might imagine.’

‘Ouch, that must have hurt. I don’t blame her for distrusting guys. Do you still think you could persuade her to have that drink? I have some friends who’d probably want to meet the girls who walked in on me when I was taking my shower.’

‘Sure, we don't wan to disappoint your friends. Is nine good for you?’

‘Yeah, nine in the hotel bar then.’

chapter two