until the end of time

chapter three

The next day Kellie and her mum were busy preparing food for their guests. At around 5 o'clock Anna arrived and joined them. "So tell me about the new neighbours?!?!" asked Anna while she sliced some eggplants. "About what?" grinned Kellie. "Come on Kel, you know what I mean!" cried Anna. "Wait 'til 7 o'clock and you'll see" replied Kellie tranquilly. "Wait again? You are driving me crazy Kel. I have to wait like 45 minutes!" moaned Anna. "Just be patient" said Kellie, grabbing some food to feed her rabbit. "Yeah...like I have any other choice," replied Anna. When Kellie finished feeding her rabbit in the backyard, she went inside and mumbled "I should put some lip gloss on...." "What did you say, Kel?" asked Anna. "Nothing" denied Kellie, walking to the stairs. "No way, I heard what you said!!!! You said you should put some lip gloss on.... For what exactly?" said Anna, following Kellie. "You probably don't understand, you have to wait until 7 o'clock." said Kellie again. "If you aren't telling me now, I won't let you go upstairs!" then Anna stepped onto the stairs and blocked the whole way. Kellie decided not to tell her mate no matter what, so she walked away leaving Anna puzzled.

Around 7 o'clock the doorbell rang. Kellie went to open the door and saw 5 lads there. "Hi Kellie" said Mark. "Hi Mark and..." replied Kellie, wondering about other lads' name. "Oh here're my mates, Kian.." Mark pointed to a guy with short blonde hair who was holding a box. "And this is Bryan..." Mark pointed to a lad who with blonde hair pretty much like Nick Carter. "And this is Nicky.." to Kellie's total surprise this lad looked like Ronan Keating! "And this is Shane..." Kellie saw a guy with short dark hair with green eyes. "Nice to meet you guys," greeted Kellie. "I'm Kellie and this is Anna, my best friend. Why don't you get in the house first?" Kellie invited the lads to meet her parents. She was about to follow them to the kitchen but Anna stopped her. "Kellie, they were so gorgeous!!!!!" whispered Anna. "Oh yeah..." agreed Kellie. "So who do you like?" "Shane, I think" replied Anna. "What about you Kel?" "Mark" Kellie said, walking towards the kitchen slowly. "I hope they'll fancy us too," giggled the girls.

When they entered the kitchen Kellie's mum spoke to her. "Look Kellie, the boys bought an apple tart for us." "Oh thank you," smiled Kellie. "Apple tart is Kellie's favourite," explained her mum. Kellie sat opposite Mark at the table. When the food was served, the conversation began. Kellie wasn't paying any attention to the conversation, all she did was stare at Mark and think to herself how gorgeous he was. Mark felt that someone was staring at him . He found that it was Kellie who stared so he raised his eyebrow to her. Kellie felt so embarrassed that her face turned red and for the rest of the night she couldn't bare to look at him again. "Thank you so much for dinner," said Nicky walking to the front door. "Maybe next time you can come and have dinner at our house." "We'd love to. Good night boys," replied Kellie's dad. "Nice meeting you guys," said Anna. "Yeah nice meeting you too Anna," replied the boys.

Kellie walked outside with Mark. "It's good to know that there is someone from Sligo who lives nearby.I feel like home now." smiled Mark. "I'm sorry that I stared at you in the dining room. I know it's rude but I just think you look kinda familiar. Maybe we've met before in Sligo," explained Kellie, thinking that this is a great excuse. "Do you know a band called "IOU"?" asked Mark while holding the front door for Kellie. "Yeah ... they did the opening act for BSB. I went to that concert. Why?" doubted Kellie. "Maybe you reckon that I look like someone from that band?" answered Mark. "Ummm...Maybe," smiled Kellie. "I'd better go now." "Good night" said Mark. "Bye." replied Kellie, smiling to him.

Kellie went back inside the house and she ran straight to her room. When Kellie got in her room, she started searching for articles about "IOU" in her pile of magazines. Then she found this article with pictures and names of members of the band. "Oh my gosh...." Kellie murmured, "It's Mark who's in the band!"

chapter four