who's who in the game of love

chapter five

Cat was sitting in the sofa looking at Shane who had calmed down and was talking and laughing with Nicky and Mark. Shane was looking gorgeous tonight. He had black pants and a tight red sweater; I just couldn't take my eyes of him. 'Do you want something to drink?'

I turned around and there was Kian with a big smile on his lips and holding a beer in his hand. 'Yeah sure. Thanks.' He sat down next to me and in the same moment Shane looked at me and started giving me signals that he wanted me to come with him upstairs.

'I'm sorry but I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back.' I said.

'Yeah, OK.'

I went upstairs and saw Shane standing outside on of Mark's little brothers room. We went in and started kissing each other. We were lying in the bed when someone knocking on the door.

'Is there anyone in there?' It was Mark who was trying to open the door.

'What are we going to say?' I said.

Shane looked at me and gave me a kiss and told me to not worry.

'Is just me and Cat.' Shane shouted to Mark as he was putting on his sweater.

'What are you guy's doing in my brothers room?'

'We are just talking about something.' Shane said as he opened the door. Mark looked a little confused at me.

'What.' I said looking at Mark.

'Ehh. You haven't button your shirt very good... 'Mark said and started smiling. He looked at Shane and then on me.

'Maybe you two want some privacy?' Mark asked and looked at Shane again.

Shane and I looked at each other. Shane turned to Mark and said:

'Mark, Cat and I are a couple.' Shane said as he was tacking my hand.

'But why haven't you guy's said that you were a couple then? Sam and I was going to fix you two up, but I guess now we don't have to, right?'

'I knew that my sis should try to do something like that.'

'Mark, please don't tell the others, we want to tell them ourselves.'

'Yeah, sure.' Mark said and left the room.

When Mark was going down stairs he bumped into Sam.

'I guess we don't have to play Cupid anymore,' he said.

'What do you mean?'

'I mean that I just walked in on your sister and Shane in my brother's room and they weren't just talking if you know what I mean.'

'Wow, that's great!' Sam said. 'I have to talk to her.'

Mark grabbed her.

'You can't tell her that you know.'


'They made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone, they wanted to do it themselves.'

'You couldn't keep that promise very long could you?' Sam said. 'But OK, I won't tell them I know and I'll act real surprised when they tell me…'

'Sam? Where did you go of to?' Bryan came towards them. When he got there he put his arms around Sam. 'So this is where you've been hiding? I've been looking all over for you.' He kissed her cheek.

'I think I see some friends over there that I haven't seen for a while, I'm going over there to say hello,' Mark said and left them alone. Sam looked after him as he was walking away. Had it been pain in his eyes when Bryan came? Or was that only her imagination playing tricks with her mind? She turned to Bryan instead, why torture her self thinking about something that would never be when she had this nice and gorgeous guy beside her that would do anything for her.

Shane and I went downstairs. Shane went to talk with a friend of his and I was going to the kitchen when I met Lisa. Lisa and I were friends when we were little but we had lost contact when she moved to Dublin but now she had moved back here to Sligo. We started to talk about everything and nothing and then she started to talk about this guy that she had a met when she was in London. They had been to the pub together and then he’d followed her to her room.

‘You can imagine what happened there…’ she said meaningly.

‘Who is it then? Somebody I know?’

‘Yeah, actually you do. We’ve both known him for a long time.’ She looked at someone at the other side of the room. Cat followed her eyes and then she saw.

‘No, don’t tell me it’s Shane.’

‘The one and only,’ she sighed.

Cat went furious and got up and walked across the room. Lisa remained in her seat lost in her dream world.

‘Shane, I need to talk to you.’ Cat said between her teeth. Shane was kidding around with Nicky and Bryan.

‘What is it? I’m busy right now. Can’t we talk later?’ He said laughing without looking up.

‘No, I need to talk to you now.’ She was even angrier now.

‘I think someone’s in trouble now’, Nicky whispered to Bryan.

‘Just a minute.’ Shane was getting a little irritated. Still without looking at her. Cat couldn’t hold it in any longer.

‘Shane when you guys were in London did you meet Lisa then?’ Cat said as calmly as possible.

‘Yeah, we had a couple of drinks at the pub and then I followed her to her room.’

‘Shane you cheating son of a bitch. I thought we had something special but I guess you were just fooling around with my feelings.’ Cat screamed and ran out of the room. Shane sat shocked for a second then he got up to run after her but Sam stopped him.

‘I’ll go. I don’t think she wants to talk to you right now.’ Shane nodded and sat down again while Sam ran after her sister.

‘What was all that about?’ Bryan asked.

‘I don’t know.’ Shane said still in chock.

‘Is there something going on between you two?’

‘What do you mean?’ Shane asked and looked a little confused at Bryan.

‘I mean, are you two an item or what?’

‘Yeah, we are but I have no idea what she’s mad about.’

‘You’ll see it’s nothing really and tomorrow she’ll come running back to you.’

‘You think?’

‘No. I know,’ Bryan said comfortingly. By the way I think that it’s great that you’re together it’s about time. You make a smashing couple.’

When Sam got to their Granny’s she found Cat throwing stuff into a bag.

‘What are you doing?’ Sam said. ‘Please calm down and tell me what happened.’

Cat sat down on the bed.

‘Shane and I have been dating since we came back this summer.’ Sam hid her surprise.

‘Yeah, go on.’

‘I talked to Lisa at the party and she told me how she and Shane slept together in London.’

‘Are you sure? You know how she is, telling stories and so…’

‘I wasn’t at first but then I asked Shane and he confessed to it, without even being embarrassed about it.’

‘I’m so sorry for you Cat,’ Sam said and gave her a hug. ‘I can’t believe Shane would do something like that, ever.’

‘Well he did.’

‘Why are you packing your things?’

‘I can’t very well stay here as you can imagine. I thought I could go to Dublin for a while and stay with Aunt Mary. She’s been trying to persuade us to go and see her so why not do it now I thought.’

‘OK, how long will you be away then?’

‘I don’t know, until I can face Shane again I suspect and that may take a while.’

‘I’ll miss you.’ Sam said hugging her tight.

‘Me too.’

The next morning

‘Sammie, can you get that?’ Granny asked when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and outside was Shane.

‘What do you want?’ Sam asked a little hostile.

‘I want to talk to Cat.’

‘What makes you think she wants to speak to you?’

‘I know something’s wrong but I don’t know what. Please tell her to come.’

‘She’s not here.’

‘When will she be back?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Where is she then?’

‘I’m not going to tell you.’

‘Why not? I really need to talk to her.’

‘I bet you do but she doesn’t want to talk to you and I don’t blame her.’

‘Can you tell me what I’ve done then?’

‘Nothing much just slept with another girl. Bye Shane.’ Sam closed the door.

The doorbell rang again almost immediately. Sam opened.


‘What did you say?’

‘I said that it’s not that strange that she doesn’t want to talk to you since you slept with another girl when you were in London.’

Sam tried to shut the door again but Shane got a foot in to stop her.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t slept with someone else. Where have she got that idea from?’

‘Lisa told her and don’t play innocent with me, she asked you about it and you said that it was true without even blushing about it.’

‘I haven’t, honest.’ Shane said. ‘I would never do anything like that, please believe me Sam.’

‘I want to but why did you say that you had spent the night with her if you hadn’t?’

‘I only drank a few beers at the pub with the lads and her and then I walked her to her room, nothing else, I promise.’ Shane sounded very censer.

‘I want to believe you but…’

‘What can I do to persuade you? I’d do anything.’

‘I have to think of something, I’ll talk to you later.’

‘Can you tell Cat that I miss her and love her?’

‘Sure, but I don’t think she’ll believe you.’

chapter six