We're worlds apart

chapter one

"Please come with me", Angel begged, "I know where they are staying please" Angel said over emphasising on the please and going down on all fours. "OK OK just get up!" Sara said looking around to make sure that no one had seen. Angel and Sara had been friends for ages; they had grown up in the same neighbourhood and went to the same school. They had been through thick and thin together. They would do anything for one another but the one thing that Angel had trouble with, was getting Sara to follow pop bands around London. Sara grew tiresome of the endless conversations about Westlife and was the sexiest but she went along with it because when Angel was happy so was Sara. Half the time she would switch off so never remembered what was said anyway.

"OK so where are we going this time?" Sara asked trying her hardest to sound enthusiastic but just ended up sighing. "Well I thought that we could start off at 4am" "Excuse me what the feck was that time?" Sara said with a look of horror and disbelief on her face.
"4am and go to their hotel and then see them at CD:UK and then back to their hotel and then to the recording studio and then back to their hotel, yeah is that OK? They are also doing a photo shoot sometime today but as I don't know where it is, we can't go."
"4AM, did I really hear you right." Sara said still shocked. "Yeah why?" Angel asked innocently. "Erm, nothing except the fact that I NEED sleep! Why do you do it? It's not as if they even know who you are or anything! You're just another face in the crowd!" "Thanks", Angel said looking really upset.
"Look I'm sorry but I don't understand why you do it?" Angel fell silent not bothering to reply to her last comment. "Hang on I know what you are doing! Trying to make me feel guilty for actually having some sanity! Look I will go with you but 4am, come on be serious! There is no such time! My day begins anytime after 8am so you gonna have to stick with that."

"I am sorry but I just love them so much. It's really hard to describe. It's like oh I don't know, I ain't going to waste my breath no one understands!" Angel said feeling frustrated at having to always try and explain herself to Sara.
"Cheer up! God you are so mellow-dramatic!"
"Ohhhhhhhhh big word, makes a change", Angel said with a laugh. "Well at least you are laughing that is a good sign. Are they really worth it if you start to frown, plus it makes you look ugly." "Thanks great friend you are!" Angel shot back. "Your welcome, but who said anything about being a friend?" Sara said as usual laughing at her own jokes. "OK so I'll see you tomorrow at 5am?" Angel said hopefully.
"Yeah right, guess again!" "OK meet you at 8am" Angel said sadly. "Better, but you owe me big time!" Sara said back. "Thanks mate you're the best" "You can get your lips off me arse now! I am comin' just lose the sucking up tactics OK!" "Sorry, See ya" "Bye babe" and with that Sara hung up the phone and just sank into her chair.

"God I am too good a mate"
"Yeah yeah sis, what ever you say!"
"Get out of me room you..."
"Now now", Sara's brother replied. Sara's brother was at the moment unemployed and showed no sign of bothering to get a job. He would rather spend hours round at his mate's place, treating the their house like and bed and breakfast. Sara sometimes didn't understand why her dad put up with it, but then again, she did. He was trying to keep the family together. What was left of it anyway.
"Dad Sara's picking on me"
"You liar!"
"What do you want?"
"Nothing, just to annoy you, bye" and with that Sara picked up her pillow and threw it at him, missing by a few centimetres.
"Hahahaha". And with that Sara's brother left.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHH, God this is too much" Sara said. "Dad I am going out tomorrow, can you give me a lift" Sara's dad was really understanding, he knew that Sara had been through a lot in her life, they all had but it had taken its toll on Sara especially as she was the youngest of the family. She couldn't except that she was gone. Her mother had died a year ago but Sara was still suffering. Sara's dad drove them everywhere, TV studios, recording studios, radio stations everywhere and never once complained. Sara loved her dad for this and, for the fact that he was her dad!
"Yeah sure, where this time?"
"You don't want to know. God with the amount you drive us you should quit you job and just be are taxi driver, you'd probably earn more then you do now!" Sara said with a giggle.
"Thanks" Sara's dad said looking at the floor.
"You know what I mean"
"Yeah I do" Her dad looked up and smiled.

"Thanks dad you're the best!" She moved over to give her dad a hug and also to try and nick his wallet from his back pocket. She reached over... nearly ... nearly ... "Don't you dare!"
"Shit" Sara had been caught.
"And what is it with you and the swear words recently" her dad said looking full of authority. "Opps sorry, but dad please I am broke, need money please!" She gave him the puppy dog eyes that he has never been able to resist. It was the same puppy dogs eyes she had given him when she wanted that bike, those ballet lessons, the roller-blades and that new dress. She knew that this would work, it had before.

"Has the word 'job' ever entered your head, actually silly questions, nothing enters your head!" "Ha ha very funny, but seriously" Sara persisted. "Yeah sure but no more", quickly Sara took the money and gave her dad a kiss on his cheek. She went back to her room and sighed. Sara really didn't understand why Angel was so obsessed, she eats, drinks and sleeps Westlife. Her room is wall to wall covered in posters well that's what Angel boasted. Sara and Angel spent a lot of time at Sara's house where the wallpaper was actually visible. "Ohhhhhh tomorrow's gonna be fun, excitement all the way!" With that Sara went to bed to get at least some sleep before the full-scale meet Westlife day that was a head!

chapter two