We're worlds apart

chapter four

"Sara, hang on wait a minute" Angel said running to catch up with Sara. As she caught up with her Sara quickly turned away from her but not before Angel saw that she was crying. "Sara, don't cry please. I hate to see you like this" Angel said trying to comfort her without success. Sara just flinched from her every when Angel tried to offer a supporting arm. "And who's fault was it that I was there in the first place" Sara shoot back for the first time looking Angel straight in the eye. It was only then that Angel saw that Sara was really crying and as she looked deeper she saw something that she had never seen before. Nothing, no hurt, no pain, just nothing. Everything that Sara had been through had stolen her soul. They both just stood there, not needing to say a word. Sara looked at Angel then sat on one of the many benches that were dotted along the riverside.

"God why do I do this to myself" Sara said running her fingers through her shoulder length brown hair. "Like he even cares. Can we just go home? I just wanna go home OK?" Sara said looking at Angel hoping that for once today she would get her way. "But he does care! He said..."
"I really don't want to know what he said, and all he cares about is the fact that I could go to the newspapers with how mean he was. Actually that is rubbish, there ain't nothing to tell. Shit I can't even get any money from this! Can my life get any crapper?" Sara said with her head in her hands. "Would you really do that?" Angel asked. "No of course not I respect people more then that" Sara said still with her face buried in her hands. "Come on we'll go home, I am so sorry". Sara and Angel said starting off in the direction of home. Sara suddenly stopped and said "Actually can we just stay here for a while, I sort of don't want to go home, no ones gonna be there. Dad's at work, Todd is at his mates most likely and my mum is..." Sara looked at the floor.

"Sure, whatever you want". Angel said now heading for the nearest seat that wasn't covered in graffiti about Westlife. They ended up passing several benches saying 'Shane is 100% fit' or 'We love Westlife'. Sara knew what Angel was trying to do but said "I can sit on these seats, you know it's OK honest?"
"I just thought ... oh don't matter" Angel said collapsing into the nearest bench in relief. Sara and Angel just sat in silence staring at the many fans waiting outside to catch a glimpse of their pop idols. Sara just laughed and said, "if only they knew", Angel looked in the direction Sara had been looking in and smiled. Silence struck them again.

"You really miss your mum don't you?" Angel asked. Sara was shocked by this question because in the time that her mother had been dead Angel had never asked about her. Angel had always been there for Sara but never did she purposely bring up the subject because she knew the pain that it would bring on Sara. Sara just looked at the floor and Angel realised that this was not the time to talk about this. Angel apologised but said that if Sara needed to talk then she was always there for her. Sara looked up at Angel, smiled and thanked her.

Then all of a sudden the constant screaming in the background grew louder and louder. They both knew what that meant but neither wanted to confirm it out loud. To Angel surprise, Sara stood up and moved slowing towards the gate that separated the fans from their idols. She got close enough to see the one guy that had made her heart skip a beat this morning but now, she felt nothing, she just stared. Angel had followed. Angel looked at Sara and she said "I'm gonna go chat to them OK?"
"Ang no..." but all Sara could do was watch Angel rush off in their direction. She moved forward some more to get a better view on the situation. Shane moved to talk to Angel. Sara just turned round, how could she face him, did see really want to face him that was more the question. She looked back and saw that Angel was arguing with Shane. He looked past Angel and saw Sara; she looked away and started walking to the bench that she had once been sitting on. There was no way that Shane could get to her; she was safe from any more harm. Shane couldn't hurt her any more today. She sighed with relief at finally escaping. She continued to watch Angel who was still talking to Shane, Angel turned round, smiling and gestured to her to come over but Sara looked at Shane and didn't care that there was hurt in his eyes, shook her head and turned for home.

chapter five